Sometimes I like to play the 'what if' game...

What if 3.4 comes and goes & things are exactly the same as they are now?

What if things don't happen the way they are being talked about now?

What if things unfold in a way that is completely different from how you envision it?

Will you be good?

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Twitter Shut Down RICHARDNORMANHY @normanhy @hyshaveit Finally got on Anonup 01/22/2021 #MAGA #KAGA #WWG1WGA #QANON #TRUMP2020

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Worst case scenario ; I may pull the plug.
If we get 'The EMS' and things are exposed, people jailed etc..... I will stick around and see how it plays out.
If military takes over, xfer power to trump and Gesara is begun, no worries.
If Jeaus doesn't return I will be extremely disappointed!
I remain cautiosly optimistic.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I think this is where "Jesus take the wheel" applies!

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

The focus has to be on Gods timeline - Patriots holding the line in mass numbers is what is needed.

HOLD THE LINE Neanderthal,s! organicfarming,Beaglemom. Veteran

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

This was started, for a reason.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I feel like there is a fine line here. So many dates have come and gone where people are expecting things to happen. Yes things have happened but so many need some solid proof to awaken. I fear if March 4 comes and goes and then we wait on the 1rst of april too many people will be discouraged. I do understand we cant focus on dates life is just such a mess right now.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Nothing wrong with the original constituation... why doubt that... it is about restoring it and the celebrating 4/4 right

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Yes! God has me so I'm good ❤️

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Timelines Change
Watch the Budget

USA Patriot🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🐸 Be Still & Know God🙏 Ascension 5D 💫 #SaveTheChildren 💙

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Well I, for one, am NOT going back to sleep! I see the much, MUCH bigger picture. Events over dates. We all signed up for this Mission and I will hold my Truths until my last breath. Earth is changing. Our Solar System is changing. Humanity's consciousness is changing. ALL vibrating at a higher resonance for a reason. Nothing can stop what is coming!

Many volunteered, few were chosen. We are the strongest of the strong. Hold the Line. I am the Light, I am the Truth, I am the Love, I AM

In response Margie 64504317 to her Publication

in·flec·tion point
a point of a curve at which a change in the direction of curvature occurs.
(in business) a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point.

I've heard this term several times now in the metaphysical world.
We've reached the inflection point.

Light has WON. Even if it doesn't look like it. Because this is 3D, where manifestations have a lag time. And we're still clearing out the muck...

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Why even go that

God, Country and Family. I love President Trump. 💞 Stand for the flag and kneel to pray to God. Jesus is King 🙏

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

What will YOU do? I'm curious on YOUR stance

In response Nothing IsRandom to her Publication

Honestly, I try not to focus on dates. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens on 3.4. I'm ok with it! I trust the plan, so I am here for as long as it takes!

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

following up from yesterday, i still think the next president will be Grassley...once we are done with faux biden.

biden admin gets totally thrown out due to election corruption.

u rewind to trump admin but potus and pence were not certified by congress. nancy has been arrested.

the last legitamately elected person in the presidential line of succession from trump admin is senate pro tempore - grassley.


God-fearing Oklahoman that loves USA. Proud of Donald Trump. Praying Christians are powerful. God +1= a majority. Here, now, for a reason.

In response The Deflationist to his Publication

Fraud vitiates all. Election of Biden void. Trump for the WIN!

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Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

If April 1 goes by and we are still
under Bidan I'm not ok withthe plan any longer. Innocent people are suffering and dying and Patriots will start taking matters into their own hands escalating troubles. I've seen enough. Time to drag the rrest from their slumber kicking and screaming.

Do you see Happy People in the image above? Before there was fake news there was fake history. Question Everything!

In response Kly Fdt to her Publication

The cost for a room at the Trump hotel in DC is through the roof for the week of March 4, 2021.
Everything may not be final by March 4, 2021, but we should be satisfied.

Christian, America first, husband, father, Army Veteran, Truth seeking patriot

In response Kly Fdt to her Publication

that would be stupid i understand where you are coming from but acting on emotional response during any conflict only ends one way

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Jesus Saves, WWG1WGA, God Wins, 9/11 Truth, Trump Supporter, JFKjr lives, Truth Will Prevail, #SaveTheChildren

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

this has been a long long haul towards truth and justice. its getting harder for patriots to "trust the plan". we were led to believe arrests of traitors would have happened a long time ago. our friends and family think we are fools. we need the hammer to fall. it needs to happen proto.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

that is the line in the sand - i am done waiting for something to happen at that point it will be time to make something happen

GenXr, Cold War soldier, Germany 86-89. Spent 20 yrs selling my soul to White collar. Now live in the far reaches of the N. Maine woods.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

The shear nature of the enemy is parasitic. This cabal of evil has at least twice in human history incorporated itself in it's enemy to stave off defeat.
1) The Catholic Church born out of the Roman Empire incorporating itself into Christianity.
2) The Nazi's incorporated themselves into America through Paper Clip etc..
My fear is that at some point, past, present or future, is that Insurgency is their oh shit handle.

I'm here for a reason #FamilyIsEverything

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

God's ways are unfathomable, so I trust the plan. 😇

Denver, CO digital soldier #wwg1wga #Maga #QArmy #3dto5d #thestormisuponus. The above pic is Castle Rock, CO - close to where I live.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

3.4 can pass and I will be OK. My deadline is April 1. If that passes, then there is a problem. I am not waiting another 4 years. We are not going to put up with it.

The never thought she would lose.

yes! ive been telling mu friends that april 1st is my deadline. but idk what to do? 1776 again?

Female Patriot, here to learn, here to find pieces to the puzzle, I've always known WE didn't have the whole story. Love & peace for a

the country will not be able to hold off the attacks for 4 years, we will be wearing lovely orange and doing the goose step. Trump won't allow that to happen.. He has too much love for this country and for us..Hold the line.. just keep on keeping on.

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I am fully expecting 3.4 to come and go and things be exactly the same. Every time there has been a deadline that masses expect; nothing has happened. Leaks and announcements...mmmm....nope.

"Freedom Loving American Patriot" Jesus is King,Husband,Dad,Gun Owner, Trump is my President WWG1WGA. Q.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

yes as long as the evil is gone from this planet and Trump is my president

Writer/ Artist/ Musician/ Website Developer/ Homesteader #GreatAwakening #TheWarning #BeStill

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Excellent exercise. We should plan for the worst. Hope for the best.


In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I wont be good because we have been keeping up with these drops for forever and "buyden will never be president" but im saved and my family is saved so we wait for the Lord to call us home. All the things i have told people about how Trump will be president dont worry, EBS, big tech going down, pedos going down, trust the plan etc yea they can say whatever now. The what if game we cant say we aint never played.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I don't think things will change on 3/4. No mass arrests. But, the next 4 years will see the gradual self destruction of the democrat party. A steady flow of arrests and Lincoln Projectesque downfalls. It's gonna be a long show.

Gifted Empathic Healer and Truth Seeker

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I've come to the realization that "you have to show the people" may take time, Biden will do everything that we feared and I mean everything before the hammer drops..

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

So much has happened already. I expect more will happen just not made public, so I'm good. I think trusting a date to change your world view is dangerous and sets you up for disappointment. Every day is another step in the right direction!
I do feel, however, the first day of Spring is a day of REBIRTH! If only some info could become public by then so the masses can begin their awakening, that would be Glorious!

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Only followers of this user (@Nevergiveuploveandfaith) can see their posts

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Nothing is what it seems Kim. God is in the miracle business and of that day and hour no man know but him. To me, they have surrounded the city that God loves ,so that moment is not not far. Scripture is also livig word, and as Lawrence of Arabia proved, it does not matter what is written, and what order we think it plays out. God has his plans, man has his his. Let's see what happens and do it in faith/“Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Father, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

embrace the moment WE in right now. and now and so on. enjoy the journey and know that the destination is coming amd NOTHING can stop it.#wwg1wga

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

wrong thing to focus on. nobody knows exact future, even super computer.

focus on now. increase your consviousness and vibration. get the message of justice stronger in world energy sphere.

focus on resistance. no masks, vaccines, covid tests. refuse lockdowns. openly deny the authority of illegal regime and refuse to follow laws or orders they create.

stop paying federal taxes. maybe state if you are in CA or NY.

do not hide or fear others opinion, cancel culture.

if we show strength, use the resonance of higher consciousness and dont acquiesce to even minor points, we will win