Matt Mitchell
3 years ago

Matt Mitchell

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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

We see you Joey. you are not alone. i cannot imagine what you have seen but more than this, you cannot fathom how many here are praying for you this night. you are not alone. what is infinitely more is that the Lord is with you. In the darkest hours of my life when I thought that it could not get better, the son came and his light shone again in the darkness of my circumstance. You are courageous, this we know. you showed this during your years of service. But you never fought alone. we are here and we are praying that the comforting voice of the Lord carry you through this moment. God Speed Joey. a whole community is behind you, praying for you, and fighting for you!

We need Europeans bahahahahahahaha! That’s funny right there. Thank God we don’t have your history or else there would have been no one to bail you out from Hitler, build up your garbage economy from your inability to defend yourself or, bail you out again in the future for not standing up against these tyrants... AGAIN! If you want to come with that attitude here then you can go and pound sand. We are busy trying to clean up the mess people like you created! Go sell crazy somewhere else!

Its hilarious just imagining a grown ass human feeling the need to writing in all caps. and to use the term retard. I bet if you dropped one more F bomb you may have me convinced. That and the all caps of course. the future is bleak for you ma friend... quite bleak.

Gotcha tool! go shill elsewhere. Soooo excited to come back and see how you feel when all of this boomarangs against you. Trustworthy people say otherwise while we dont know who the hell you are and even you mom prolly couldnt care less what you think.

In response Freedom Truth JJ to her Publication

I am guessing you had to make 12 posts within a matter of minutes cus its just festering under your skin? I have a doctorate in PH and a masters in the Philosophy of religion. my career is to use science and philosophy to defend Christianity. Pump your breaks when it comes to logic and science. you assume I am a non compos mentis because I disagree with you. You criticize only because you assume an unlearned person must be the only reason they dont think like you. thats the same ignorance the progressive left plays. They always say “You must be uneducated to believe as you do... if you only studied or went to school.” How was your response not the same appeal to emotion and an attack of ones intelligence?

I am not questioning either your intelligence or your capacity for research but never assume research necessarily leads to truth. Your Bias is strong. Check your “everything is a conspiracy” card at the door and know that not everything is a lie in which case you would never know!

In response Freedom Truth JJ to her Publication

what an excllent response. Memes are not truths. You can go about your day. i dont understand why conspiracy theory crowds go full retard when it comes to truth. You queation one thing and the entire thing cones crashing down. Simply because we have been lied to about some things does not mean everything is a lie. i can give you no less than 20 experiments showing curvature. that rate if curvature is what Eratosthenes used as his calculation.

but I wont argue... i woukd rather chew broken glass than have it out with a flat earther. I will leave you with a quote from plato who said a wise man can entertain an idea without adopting... I will add that a foolish man cannot will do the opposite. im sure you will cone back and say... you havent studied it. I have and Simple Jack woulld come say hell no. But your unrelwnting bias to conspiracies tellsnyou everything is a lie. curious, if everything is a lie, how do you find the truth?

In response Freedom Truth JJ to her Publication

I seriously just can’t. Believe what you want and I am not ever going to try and change your mind. But at least be bold enough to ask the secondary and tertiary question. This video proves absolutely nothing but that ice walls exist. Do you have locations on each of these photos. They could have all been taken in Greenland for all you know. Pushing this as evidence is foolish and irresponsible. It proves nothing because it means nothing.

The earth was predicted to be round from experiments done in 240bc. Eratosthenes did several experiments and was able to predict the earths circumference to an alarmingly accurate degree. But because CGI is used to render a picture of the globe from deep space, it’s a lie!?! Not everything is a conspiracy. You are free to believe what you want but this is not ebidencw- its the same garbage propoganda MSM uses against us. Be better than them and bring actual evidence- not photo mantages with music.

In response Freedom Truth JJ to her Publication

They aren’t. only the north Star for the northern hemisohere. Also the Southern Hemisphere cannot see the North Starwhich is aomewhat problematic for people who hold different models of the shape of the earth.

In response GOD IS REAL to his Publication

I hope this is all true but I am done with the “my best friends sisters, beothers boyfriend, talked with a guy who is dating a girl who’s dad went to high school with a guy whos neighbor is in special forces. I still trust the plan but I dont believe any of these stories unfil something definitive comes out.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

Yup... no other reason. clearly it must be some level of conciousness only known to people whose etherial worldview is as vacuous as their ability to give reasona as to how they came to those conclusions. With that said, Ive reached 6d consciousness so y'all should prolly come follow me cus this 5d thing is for those Sling Blade mofo's drooling on their yoga mats and power crystals. Poor bastards!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Amen to that. we have gone full Simple Jack and its embarrassing. We place connections and comms from our alphabet cereal and say it the arrangements in our milf prove a Q drop to be true. Blows my ever loving mind. without Q posting, people have lost their minds.

Man... this makes no sense. Google Earth and Maps are at least 12 months behind if not more so there is no live feed so that is all BS. perhaps there are kids being rescued and I pray this is true but this is garbage. there is no sauce here but a person saying that they got thisnintel from a guy who heard from an insider... Are we not tired yet if these ridiculous sources? is this not the same sort of source that was used to destroy Trump and we wouldnt believe then because it was a garbage source and knew it was a lie... but now its good because this is our narrative. If this is how you want to participate then you are no better than the deep state!

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

No matter what, there would be a number of people who voted for Trump. No matter what, the number of people who voted would somehow correspond to a Q post... what in all of God's green earth does that have to do with Q? 74 million voted for Trump... are you saying there is a correlation to Q drop 74? Are you saying the white hats manipulated the voting numbers to lead us to Q post 74? What exectly are you trying to say?

My mind is blown that anyone... and I mean anyone, would even think this is legitimate. We have what we need... we dont need more datefagging and false comms to support us. What we need is to quit this idiotic BS because these unimaginably stupid correlation posts make us look stupid because this IS stupid. If that is your intent, then you are utterly crushing it! If you have evidence that they are somehow connected, then bring it and we should listen. otherwise, stop attention seeking and making normies believe things that simply do not exist.

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

I am just trying to understand how an RFK Jr. tweet or post has anything to do with a time stamp of a Q post. Is RFK Jr. involved with Q. Probably not. Have there been any in fixations from previous Q drops that we are to look to RFK Jr. for comms, confirmations, or anything else? No. So why are we all of a sudden looking to what he has to say other than the fact that genus very knowledgeable about what is going on right now. That does not mean he has anything to do with Q. I do think it is awesome that he seemed to have confirmed that JFK Jr is alive but we have got to stick to the lanes we know are right and stop making up correlations that simply Don’t exist.

In response MonaLisa GoneRogue to her Publication

What about food or plants for your garden? You may want to think anout your position first. You cant tax plants... you cant tax the sale and fistribution of plants. I hope you see the difference.

In response Pepe _T_ to his Publication

If thatbia the same Carlos from Twitter than fhis guy is a classic case of a LARP. i called him out after the death of the gentleman in Seattle and said it was an Iranian hit team using military tactics. he blocked me for questioning his assessment. Funny you would block someone for questioning you. if you are right... have the stones to defend it. if this is the same guy, i would trust his opinion as much as I would an Antifa member's opinion on economics- with a 30lbs chunk of Himalayan salt!

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

Another fun fact... that was built recently. it isnon Google Earth but not on Apple Maps. Apple maps tends to be a few years behind google which means this was built within the timeframe of Trumps oresidency! But why woukd you want an exact replica of the white housenin GA!?! I think the anons know the question to that answer.

In response John Tiger to his Publication

Aruckus must have been so brave he felt the need to block me. quite hilarious when you think about it. Either he is a child or, even worse, a man child. If you cant take criticism then pick up your deflated ball and go home so your momma can make you a hot pockets. We are playing big boy games here so I guess that was just too much foe the little buckaroo! Dude needs to shill soneolace else.

Im so glad you so eloquently told us something we couldnt care less to know. I wonder if the boys storming Omaha beach who were getting mowed down by M42 machine guns were "having a ball". I wasnt at all aware of the fact that everything worth while is both easy and enjoyable. I also did not enjoy reading your post or in responding to it but sometimes you have to do unpleasent things to get the bulge out of sycophants and put people in their place. Good day ignoble sir!.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

So incomplete. the reason a child learns in this way is most often the mirroring of a child who loves his/her parent. The inherent level of trust we have for a parent as a child causes us to have a motivating desire to mimic or emulate. To this guys point, no doubt we curate. But to say it is for survival cannot be the answer due to the degree to which we emulate. if it was merely to mimic activities which promote survival or reproductive fitness, then sure. But our mimicry goes so far beyond the lowest level of Maslows Heirarchy. Children mimic their parents to form an associative identity. people follow online influencers and chew Tide Pods also do so for an associative identity. the question is what you value. what you value, you will pursue and what you pursue you will worship. here, we embody the thing we worship. The question, what should we curate should always follow the explicit question, what do we worship?

In response Chris Cunningham to his Publication

i absutely agree it was a white hat op where we out "false flagged" these bastards. no argument from me there. However, I have grown skeptical of anyone talking about ongoing operations or inside knowledge as when Q absolutely said no outside comms and for infosec, they are not going to discuss operations. in all transparency, i didnt make it past 3-4 minutes. could handle listening to the guy. however, I dare say I may not have given it a fair shake. i will listen later tonight. Ask my wife, Im wrong all the time! This could be one of those instances.

In response Chris Cunningham to his Publication

Soooo, thats not what I am saying. i could make a video talking about the same topics and claim I am from the Navy. We have enough from Q that anyone can LARP. I have enough friends in Special Forces to get good at faking it. i get you want to defend him... you believe him. that is a natural effect of belief. what I am saying is that the basis of your belief, though perhaps partially correct (gathered from evidence and intelligence already provided) is not coming from Captain Kappa Sigma.

In response Danette Olson to her Publication

absolutely agree. People say they are "losing faith" because it hasnt happened yet. This is going to happen and the deep state will be destroyed. These ass-hats have been working to destroy this earth for hundreds if not thousands of years. Are some of you saying you cant wait for this to be done correctly!?! Sack up, load up and steady on.

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

Well thats hilariously crazy. there are 2, 747-200b's so the fact that both are "not available" is so interesting. The plane Biden flew before the Super Bowl looked loke the JFK AF1 whoch I also thought was interesting. not saying it was but I thinknit was a DC-10 or something thereabout.

In response Henry Specter to his Publication

When the 2019 Q post on Feb 8th said "justice"... I was praying something would happen. Deltas are big in this community ans I think that is very possible. I hope it is sooner but we shall see. I got out of the prediction game on 1/20!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Thats a great story! Thanks for sharing. I also have gone through tough times and atill am but God is faithful. we miss the simple truth that circumstances we face are easy for God to change but character and faithfulness is a process. If anyone is going through a hard time, maybe God will use this as a chance to transform you into someone impossible for you to become otherwise. C..S Lewis said that God "Whispers to us in our happiness but shouts in our suffering." I pray everyone will accept the gentle voice of God and not require, like me, to endure auffering for God to get our attention.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

How true. I keep coming back to Q stating that "the end wont be for everyone" and that "sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to get to the light." the fact that it has been so calm from Trump is somehwat spooky and tells me things are happening. we just have no idea what. excited how this "movie" ends.

sorry... i have to add... "sitting president", "tremendous" and "ever before" are examples!?! are you freaking kidding me...I simply cannot believe anyone believes this. i saw the first post on 4Chan 10/28/2017! I was auper skeptical at first. i was convinced I needed to pay attention after Q predicted "our father who art in heaven..." and then the Pope altered the Lords prayer 3 weeks later. I was amazemd when no name McCain died 30 days to the minute after Q predicted that "no name" would be back in the news in 30 days!!! The probability of these proofs are incalculable. This is ridoculous.

How is this a comm? Every day phrases used in two seperate communications that are common phrases or usages of terms is now a comm!?! If Trump quoted the passage on the Q post Feb.16, 2019 then yes, that is statistically relavent since it standa outside the standard mean. But for crying out loud, it isnt a comm when he used the term America First when Teump has been using that phrase since 2015. Whould we reference hisnuse of the word "The"? Not everything is a comm and when it is, the probability of coincedence is incredibly low and there is always meaning! this is neither!

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

I was always brought up to be kind. A saying I often heard was "Its nice to be kind and it doesnt cost you a penny." I held this my entire life but the older I get, the more I have learned that Kindness costs a great deal. The investment of kindness is the forfeiture of thinking only about yourself. Its is the act of social mindfulness where you actively pursue opportunities to provide acts of kindness to others. the investment is steep and the cost high but without risk there is no reward and this is the most rewarding way to live.