I seriously just can’t. Believe what you want and I am not ever going to try and change your mind. But at least be bold enough to ask the secondary and tertiary question. This video proves absolutely nothing but that ice walls exist. Do you have locations on each of these photos. They could have all been taken in Greenland for all you know. Pushing this as evidence is foolish and irresponsible. It proves nothing because it means nothing.
The earth was predicted to be round from experiments done in 240bc. Eratosthenes did several experiments and was able to predict the earths circumference to an alarmingly accurate degree. But because CGI is used to render a picture of the globe from deep space, it’s a lie!?! Not everything is a conspiracy. You are free to believe what you want but this is not ebidencw- its the same garbage propoganda MSM uses against us. Be better than them and bring actual evidence- not photo mantages with music.
Do not insult logic and science. They are not garbage! Please educate yourself ...
The end of the world is not an edge where you fall down, but there is the Antarctic ice wall, which also holds the oceans.The earth IS a stationary plane. It's NOT moving. However, what we do see moving above the stationary earth is in fact the sun, moon, and stars, and these all travel at different speeds, similar to that of a big clock in the sky.
I am guessing you had to make 12 posts within a matter of minutes cus its just festering under your skin? I have a doctorate in PH and a masters in the Philosophy of religion. my career is to use science and philosophy to defend Christianity. Pump your breaks when it comes to logic and science. you assume I am a non compos mentis because I disagree with you. You criticize only because you assume an unlearned person must be the only reason they dont think like you. thats the same ignorance the progressive left plays. They always say “You must be uneducated to believe as you do... if you only studied or went to school.” How was your response not the same appeal to emotion and an attack of ones intelligence?
I am not questioning either your intelligence or your capacity for research but never assume research necessarily leads to truth. Your Bias is strong. Check your “everything is a conspiracy” card at the door and know that not everything is a lie in which case you would never know!
what an excllent response. Memes are not truths. You can go about your day. i dont understand why conspiracy theory crowds go full retard when it comes to truth. You queation one thing and the entire thing cones crashing down. Simply because we have been lied to about some things does not mean everything is a lie. i can give you no less than 20 experiments showing curvature. that rate if curvature is what Eratosthenes used as his calculation.
but I wont argue... i woukd rather chew broken glass than have it out with a flat earther. I will leave you with a quote from plato who said a wise man can entertain an idea without adopting... I will add that a foolish man cannot will do the opposite. im sure you will cone back and say... you havent studied it. I have and Simple Jack woulld come say hell no. But your unrelwnting bias to conspiracies tellsnyou everything is a lie. curious, if everything is a lie, how do you find the truth?