I keep hearing everyone say... so many people are dying from the vaccine.
I'm not sure you're thinking logically.
At any given moment in time, many people in the United States are dying no matter what. Some that took the vax and some that didn't.
It's always been this way. It's the law of numbers/averages.
Either show massive proof that people are dying as a direct reaction to the vaccine or shut up.
I am anti-vax through and through but a lot of anons lost their ability to think logically after 1.20.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
On a positive, Only God knows when our last breath is. So many family and friends have taken the jab. I wish them well.

Agree! Phase 3 Pfizer covid-19 clinical trial data showed NO additional immunologic benefit in those who recovered from covid-19 (natural immunity) compared to non- covid cohort. So why is Fauci/CDC reommending Wuhan vax in covid recovered individuals?!

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
But they will never tell us who did die of the vaccine. it will always be Covid even if they did not die covid and they will push and pump more "vaccine." There needs to be records and exposure of those who did take the "vacvine." Its important to know since they keep pushing "vacvines" and new "strains"

Remember that the real mortality danger of the vaccine is when the natural pathogen is reencountered so the initial deaths/reactions could be just a drop in the bucket

Hello Frens! Here I am. Glad to have found you A little battle worn but STILL IN IT! Keeping love in my heart and "Peace as the Prize"
Thank you!

agreed. People may die coincidentally after a vax. Same applies to dying of Covid coincientally after a postive test.....



Hospitals are calling every death, covid it seems. Severe vitamin D deficiency in the winter is an annual cause of sickness and can cause death. Often times its the treatment of antibiotics that results in killing the bodies ability to defend itself.

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren
DOQ get on telegram and look through all these people and all their ages!

Just a Texas Gal who LOVES God, My Family, Our Beloved Republic, The Constitution, and Our Military. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🇺🇸🇺🇸 #GodWins #TBIYTC
Jab = W
No J = E

Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
IMO, adverse reactions occur with every pharmaceutical.
I've read up to 30% of those who get the mRNA covid shots are expected to have one. How severe is another issue.
How many people are now paying attention to the fact adverse reactions are part of every pharmaceutical study? Or that it is estimated that only 1% are reported in the system?

The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸

Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
Pharmaceutical Companies threatened to stop making treatments if they continued to be sued. So, they were given immunity during Reagan's admin. I believe the Fed Gov is responsible for the payouts for vaccine related adverse reactions in the US.
NCVIA: The Legislation that Changed Everything—Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health: Part II • Children's Health Defense
In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed into law a piece of legislation called the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), crafted by then-Representative Henry Waxman (now a health industry lobbyist). According to the New York Times, President Reagan “said he had approved the bill ‘with mixed..
You are the salt of the earth + the light of the world. Guided by God. Ready for Eden.

Hello Frens! Here I am. Glad to have found you A little battle worn but STILL IN IT! Keeping love in my heart and "Peace as the Prize"
Listen to him!! He has been involved with this for years!!

Trying to be the best version of me.... I will be charitable and I will always be truthful. Woke up in 1997...it's been a long fight.
Who made you king? Let people express what they wish...!! It's a fundamental right. I don't believe in Vril, Annunaki, Flat Earth or a lot of nonsense on here but I won't tell people to pipe down.......

𓂀 Lift The Veil; Open Your Eyes 🔍 Coach, Consult & Counsel 📱 Connect 🔄 Share My Over 🎯 Censored Articles 💊 Support The Mission 🙏🏽 :
Hopefully the immeasurable amount of evidence in the following can help you overcome your cognitive dissonance:
🔍"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites
🔍"The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-earth-is-flat-stationary-destroying-the-freemasonic-luciferian-globalist-globe-lie
🔍"Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions"
💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/mid-2020-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions
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The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites
It's being reported that many public figures have been replaced by stand in clones/doubles these days, and thankfully the great team at ZetaTalk has been keeping track for us. According to ZetaTalk these Military Tribunals have been running in the US since the start of 2019, authorized by President ..
Amen to that. we have gone full Simple Jack and its embarrassing. We place connections and comms from our alphabet cereal and say it the arrangements in our milf prove a Q drop to be true. Blows my ever loving mind. without Q posting, people have lost their minds.

Got to look at Medical Record- how does one go into an ER for Renal Failure CKD, while there he is tested + for Covid & is given Resevdmir on 12/20 n dies 1/02 Death Cerft reads 1. Respiratory Failure 2. Covid-19 🤔? and then was cremated? “Nursing Facility Resident”~

I think I am thinking very logically. 3 people associated with people I know who have died from the vaccine. Also, many people have posted their experiences on social media with videos of paralysis, seizures, blood clots, "I can't feel my arms", etc. I have seen enough to tell me that the shot is dangerous.

The Understanding that we are ALL ONE energy, having a physical experience together empowers USAll to UNITE and SEE the truth in all things.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨
OMG!! Thank you so much for saying this. Both of my elderly patents took this shot. My mom has many chronic health issues and my dad has a heart issue. They are both just fine. My sister works in Healthcare and she knows many people that have taken it and they are all just fine.
People die from vaccines daily. Not just this one.
Did I vaccinate my childeen? Yes.
Would i do it again? HELL NO
I told them not to take this one.
I will not be taking it. I have never once even worn a mask.

The Understanding that we are ALL ONE energy, having a physical experience together empowers USAll to UNITE and SEE the truth in all things.
This has led me to believe that it is a false vax. Or at worst a sterilization drug. My dad took it and he is fine. If Trump okays the drugs and ppl started dying that would be political suicide!

This was stupid when it was posted -
it is still stupid reposting it.It is a contradiction to all that we now know that is put into vaccines by Big Pharma.
Big money is in selling vaccines!
This is BS from Big Accounts!
Playing on people is not a cool game!

Just litto o me tryin to make a difference. I love all God’s amazing critters. Nature is my playground.
once biten twice shy baby
8 Things You May Not Know About Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine - HISTORY
Explore eight surprising facts about the groundbreaking polio vaccine that Dr. Salk developed.
you're defeating your own argument by saying massive amounts of anons lost their ability to think logically after 1.20 - and you're not able to provide any proof of that. you've done no research and have no data to support that statement it's just what you "feel" in this moment. tomorrow you may "feel" something completely different and I'm fine with that but don't pick and choose the "use logic" line unless you're consistent with it and hope you pull it off without getting called out. it's like you "feel" now trump may have switched out the vax for liquid hcq. there's zero logic involved with that statement and even less research - you read between the lines and made a leap. i hope you're right i do but the methodology is flawed especially coming from someone that enjoys calling everyone else out on a regular basis.

I don't have proof! It's an experimental vaccine. The DS plan was to vaccinate us to depopulate. I don't care of Trump were to tell us to get a vaccine. I will NOT! He hasn't said that we should all be vaccinated, unlike the Biden administration! It's ridiculous to get a vaccine for something that has a 99% chance survival rate. IDC who gets mad at me for saying this! My son has autism I KNOW what I am talking about. IDC if I sound crazy!

some old folks that trust trump ,but don't have all the info on vaxxs ,will do it just because he recommends it.
the argument do tou rown research...my ass

Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.
You obviously don't understand Trump or his supporters.

i also know personally of people with lasting effects from the vax. such as, very swelled up lymph nodes, brain leasions, ect.

i realize people just die but I’m in a very rural area and know of 2 locals who have died on the same day as the 2nd shot. that points directly to the vax if you ask me!