Merryland Man
3 years ago

Merryland Man

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I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Every Time to her Publication


I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

any more out there? abso-fucking-lutely!

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Deplorable Paratrooper to his Publication

not too many surprises on this list. . .that said, count me in!

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

well stated, stand tall and speak your mind, patriots

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response LoveMy Cats to her Publication

awesome store policy

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

you stated earlier "healing the earth involves unity, higher consciousness and universal awareness" yet you failed to address that you can't have universal awareness when a certain percent of the populace will never awaken, indeed they will reject it intentionally. . .and if you claim they will awaken eventually, how long do others have to wait? how many businesses fold. how many get layed-off and are plunged into poverty or depression? A man I know had a stroke March 2020 and is on machines, his wife has been denied access to him to this day - not one visit in a year. Their situation is not unique. Given this, I feel certain societal corrections can be made by authorities to stop some of the pain and devestation. Additionally, if its about "universal awareness" then why not make a few "public announcements"? Why the secrets? Why are the people, yet again, last to know?

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

candidness is fine, speak your mind, stand your ground - first, arrests aren't the only thing that can happen to move this forward. But as for arrests (or other positive developments) I just feel that 1) most that still sleep do so intentionally, there has been significant time and messaging (awakening started well before Trump) for folks to take personal responsibility for their lives and dedicate the time and energy to awaken, and 2) never will all awaken - so what is the cutoff point before action? 50% of the populace? 75%? is it the world populace or just americans? how do you measure that? who makes that decision?

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

She's a german New World Order stooge, presenting another variation of the individual chip initiative. Same playbook, same plays - y a w n. They can announce all they want but to implement. . . I think MAGA americans will have something to say about that

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Cheryl Jaser to his Publication

but you lost your sovereignty (personal liberty) by deception, not by your authorized consent. lack of full disclosure voids a contract

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I heard the vax negative consequences are designed for a longer term, not a week, month, 90 day thing but a 2, 3, 5 year thing. . .provides for cover of less obvious poisoning. anybody else hear that?

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

at present, if election fraud is not corrected, there is no chance to win 2024 as all will be predetermined

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

how does a "law and order" movement, not enforce law and order? "optics are important" my ass! people are losing jobs, losing businesses, children are being hurt and we see no arrests because sheeple are still sleeping. excuse me? those that have the resources and authority to act do not have any backbone to initiate action. the oath is to potect the constitution as the law of the land, not orchstrate positive optics

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

what? like this hasn't happened before. . .stop with the fake concern and drama Kev. . .Trump gave you and the GOP the opportunity to change and reform. . .you all chose a different path. . .that's your cross to bear. . .I just wonder if you can carry the weight?

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

how utterly phony, falke and ridiculus. . .a staged play not even requiring an admission ticket. . .embarressed I fell for that shit at one point in my life

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Lucas Warren to his Publication

can it be anymore obvious. . .

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response ONE MAD MOTHER to her Publication

as stated on another post,must return to community/neighborhood reliance. . . home school, neighborhood watch, block parties, etc. the state and federal government is not, and will never be, your friend or partner

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Jlight 1111 to her Publication

keep depending on the government for preparing your children for adult life and this and worse will continue to occur - home school with friends, neighbors and family - time to return to local community

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

There's an old saying - birds of a feather, flock together. . .I say applicable here. How say you?

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

agreed CP, typical madison avenue globalist double-talk.

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Mihai Creanga to his Publication

agreed, corrupt government is the danger. . .speak your mind and stand your ground, patriots

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

constitutional rights and human rights!

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Anasha Anasha to her Publication

not to nit-pick but. . .the "right to choose" is not "given" to us - a basic human right is self-determination. Tyrants and big pharma possess no authority to invade our person and stick us with needles without consent, otherwise it is a human rights violation if not a criminal act.

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

grab some crayons or toys or teach them a song but TURN THE TV OFF

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

not even worth the time considering

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Dovetail 1221 to her Publication

sad for DJT but the reality is they have been using the "law" as a weapon against us common folk for many many decades while government workers and the elite were slapped on the wrist or protected - still occurs

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Outlaw Legion to his Publication

throw her on the trash pile with the rest of them

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response EPJones Author to her Publication

dam straight - that's how they do it, inch by inch, a little bit here and a little bit there, a little more here and a little more there - the tyrannical creep

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Atta girl!

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response Bernadette Ducasse to her Publication

Spot on!

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.

In response LoveMy Cats to her Publication

a virus is microscopic so paper or cloth weave masks will not filter it. . .real viroligists wear special suits with air hoses when working with a virus - why no significant change in national death rates? why no homeless victims lining the big city streets? covid is possibly the biggest fake-news con of my lifetime and yet,many american sheeple still consent and comply. . .sad really