QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
There is suppose to be under 20 agencies, departments, systems for GOVERNMENT SERVANTS TO SERVE.
The rest are unlawful and not to be there.
Do you realize how big this is?
nothing can help us we own nothing in america. fee simple. the land is no longer ours we are already communisum I dint think there is any law yhat can help us. only sovereign people can give orher Sovereign people their rights back and there are no sovereign people left in America

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.
but you lost your sovereignty (personal liberty) by deception, not by your authorized consent. lack of full disclosure voids a contract

So would we still need to correct our status? Or or something to be done on a global scale that will correct all of our status? I'm thinking of correcting my status now.