Do you know anyone personally that has suffered from taking the vaccine?
I'm against vaxxing.
But maybe, just maybe... there's something else going on here.

Wife, MOM, patriot... Nurse! #wwg1wga RIP-Sgt. CST USMC (operation Iraqi Freedom) ❤️
i have witnessed it so many times! Nurse here. so sick and disgusting. So many uneducated medical professionals.

Nurse! Grammy! Patriot! :) Spreader of information #WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldier :)
My father is 71, he had his first vaccine and 2 days later his blood sugar (very controlled diabetic) was 1100 and he was unconscious, went to the hospital and was on life support for 3 days.. recovered, went to rehab, was home a week, got the 2nd one and his blood sugar shot up over 800 and he just got out of the hospital yesterday.. Its definitely doing something to the autoimmune system!!
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An RN, call PNW home, love of family above all, God, country, a CONSTITUTIONAL patriot, love my TRUMPSTER,, . A WELL ARMED WOMANii
vaccines are endictments,, this vaccine is an mrna genetic experiment,, i believe we will see horrible results in about 4 or 5 months DONT DO IT

hmmm The Cure will spread around the world.
My husband mocked me today because of all Trump said yesterday he caught on to his push for the Vaccine. Asked me point blank if I am listening to the Boss now and take the vaccine, as he said to do so? I told him NO, it won't matter who says it, I won't take it. But damn why in this speech did Trump have to push this? That is one subject I cannot make sense of. I mean yes Wark Speed is Military Operation. But WHY would POTUS say so go get all your shots. So many MAGA people without knowledge will run now...

Ive been asking intel too and they dodge the reality as an excuse to go after criminals. but the fact is that Trump gave the money to Gavi 2x ANd has been pushing the very vax he knows is killing people. no excuse accepted. noone has immunity to inject anthing in our body without our consent

Patriot from Canada waiting for Trudeau to be arrested.
When Trump talks about the vaccines, he's talking about indictments delivered by military tribunals. Operation Warp Speed is a military operation like you say.

Pastor. Educator. Mama. I breathe sarcasm. Wondering why Lin Wood is single... I follow back, esp. if your name starts w/Lin & ends w/Wood.
My friend from TX gave updates for a few days on FB every few hours after his second dose. At one point he had written a letter to his son ("just in case"), as he really didn't seem to know if he'd make it. He and his wife both work in the medical community, so I expected him to take it, but I didn't expect him to admit to the side effects.

'Do you know anyone personally'> I am telling everybody NOT to take the vaxx, because bad for your health >RNA pigs stuff = bad> I don't put that mask on. Almost never did, unlees somebody was walking behind me (security) who was urging me. But I heard a rumor (serious) that they are spraying in supermarkets some stuvv to desinfect: can make you dizzy for half an hour? Now guys please dig in this: can this be true? What kind of stuvv could that be. And yes we know it: they *DS) are so affraid to get infekted with the stuvv they are vaxxin us with. And you saw it already at the airports> spraying like crazy with it?> sick people! According to C.G. jUng> and please read the book 'Analytical psychology' > this thing is typical for extrememites.

Lover of freedom and truth. Will never give up, never give in...this is for the children who are the future!
A young doctor I know lost feeling in her legs and became very forgetful. She is now in rehab relearning how to walk again and I doubt if she will be able to practice medicine due to her inability to remember. This is proof enough for me that under no circumstances will I take it.

Just people getting flu like symptoms afterward, especially the second dose. My husband does volunteer work for some greek orthodox nuns, and they all said they would not get the Fauci ouchi.🤣

I dont think Trump would allow them to hurt people intentionally under his watch. I think Vaccine is a placebo. But scare event via fake news to show people being hurt/dying (actually fake - does anyone personally know someone hurt or killed by this vaccine?) All this is to wake people up.

literally had a hour long convo with my friend about this exact subject this morning. i believe the bad one was on another time line. i think this one is prob HCQ that cures a number of other diseases, but the masses wouldnt take it if they knew that was what was in bc.. well.. media.

Will never stop fighting for truth, justice and Trump. #FightlikeFlynn WWG1WGA Family is EVERYTHING
good friend got shingles after gettint first dose. in alot of pain and bedridden

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
No but you would not have asked the question if you did not already know the correct answer!
What you got up that sleeve besides the pair of aces?

God is Love and we are the light of the world. Witnessing the greatest movement in history and supporting the best I can.🙏❤️💫
Most people are not going to read into it. He attaches his name to it like he's proud of it. So many will not question and just go get it based on him telling them to. This confuses me so much.

This is one of the biggest things that perplexes me and my husband. I'm not an anti-vaxxer however I just can't get behind the covid vax even though Trump assures us it's ok.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
My neighbor took two injections. She said, her side effect afterwards was chills. She was really freezing cold. If I knew vaccines was 100% Trump protected ,I might take it because TRUMP heals a not harm. My last vaccine was swine flu back in the 70's. It cured me for life. Once I Stopped eating animals, drinking sodas, consuming items I couldnt pronounce on the lables, and vaccines ,I have NOT had the Flu. Like almost 50 yrs almost ago. No mamograms, No paps, no to anything the AMA claims is good for me. Been there, worked with AMA, CDC, WHO Insurance companies, THEY PROVED TO BE , NOT ON THE SIDE OF HUMANITY!

Patriot. WWG1WGA #GodWins I FOLLOW back and welcome DM's but not from bots.
You also had no MSM energy infiltrating your home.
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40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.
I'm going to give an opinion since I am retired and don't have to worry about my job. Ask yourselve WHY all of a sudden...medical and science has been silenced when they spoke out about repurposed meds...CHEAP meds...that have long been reported to be useful in previous SARS infections. EVEN FAUCI knew that Hydroxychloroquine would likely be HELPFUL per prior studies. But he LIED about it. ON TV...he lied about it. Lancet LIED as well as other publications. ALL of them with conflicts of interests. I read medical studies more than I do anything else. I started watching MSM in Jan 2020 due to the upcoming pandemic I knew was coming...I had already reviewed a lot of the data from China and in western sources. And I was shocked to see these DR's testifying in such a misleading way and to see "studies" set up to FAIL for Hydroxychloroquine.
I knew realitively fast...they push vaccine for $$$$$$$ reasons. NOT public health reasons. WHY silence DR's otherwise?? LIED to Trump to

Book reviewer, proud Patriot, and happily married Christian from Pennsylvania. No DMs please. BergersBookRev on TS and Twitter. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
DH's sister had an allergice reaction to the first shot. It made her face swell up. She had no reaction to the second.

tracking vaccine injuries. follow the link. these shots are not to " improve our health"

40 yr surgical cardiac RN & Social Work with microbiology science background. I just want to know WTF happened to my world.
I am retired 40+ yrs RN. I have NOT heard of any issues PERSONALLY with my community...However I remember what happened in the 70's when I had a very bad reaction to the Swine Flu vaccine...and another nurse developed Guianne Barre syndrome. I was close to dying myself. As a result...I refused vaccinations for years till it became MANDATORY when I took a surgical residency on the west coast. And had to take a lot of immunizations over and over due to my work. I no longer am required to take immunizations for I choose not for this virus. There is a reason they never got a vaccine for SARS1 and MERS before 2020. I am not convinced they have solved that problem with this newer version of the virus. 20% of people MAY have adverse reactions post vaccination per some scientists that have been silenced.
Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies | Nature Microbiology
Antibody-based drugs and vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are being expedited through preclinical and clinical development. Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 thr..
Been digging since 9/11. Suspended by Osama Dorsey in the great purge. Here for the finale... NCSWIC
In the UK. Yes. One person has been ill for 3 weeks now. Had to have it for her work. Others also had some bad reactions but don't know of any deaths...

My cousin had severe migraines after each dose.

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖
Doq you got my head spinning post john'son&john'son you say maybe there is something else going on here...I cant help but thinking that maybe white hats have a counter vax or something? Something that can reverse the vax damage? Too much? Too optimist? Maybe...
In my heart I hope it's a possibility...

A colleague of mine got the flu shot two months ago and he was "flu-like" sick for 2-3 days, really tough on him.

Military, arrests and executions is the vaccine. Q Team is in total control, don't worry. Frequency healing will restore our DNA.

My fathers freind went into respiratory distress after getting the vax and had to be rushed to the ER. I do not know how it turned out for him as of today. I was hoping it was a pacebo, not looking that way.

The question I always make to myself is why POTUS rolled out the vaccine. Any theories?
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Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
in war, disinformation is sometimes necessary. I have stopped worrying that all my relatives are committing suicide. Their delusions do not respond to my logical arguments or evidence. Perhaps what they need is some fake news reporting thousands of permanent disabilities and deaths. Why should only the enemy use the disinformation weapon? It is justified if it saves lives.

My mom almost died from first shot. i warned her. She had an allergic reaction and had to call 911 to take her to ER. They told her had she gone through the drive thru she would have died without Epipen and immediate assistance. She was fine the next day. She hasnt had COVID.

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
I realise you are probably being honest. She might have had a genuine reaction to a fake vaccine, even if it has been replaced with something relatively innocuous. You might be lying to us. You might be fake news. You might be part of the wake up call. I can't tell. I sincerely hope that the vaccine is safe, but the fact that there is no evidence it is safe leads me to hope it has been replaced by placebo. Genuine reactions to being injected will help to expose the scam. If the white hats can get the press to run them, it all helps to stop this apparent gamble with the health of all humanity.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
You mean like...sorting out the wheat from the chaf?