its hard watching the gullible and misinformed coworkers, numbers growing - lining up to get that covid shot at the hospital I work at. Its scary that they are so willing to get it, and not all of them are liberals. such a waste of talent- but these ones are too left extreme to convince otherwise.
then one by one they are becoming sick- and I feel helpless. If you speak the opposite of what this liberal michigan hospital expects- you are shunned. Have to nod and only listen and offer some words of comfort in hopes nothing horrible occurs due to their choices.
We will have a rough go in the medical fiemd once this finally passes. This entire covid BS made me question my career choice- my employee mishandled it entirely.
Praying Trump gets back into office soon- exhausted here.

It IS hard to watch...I understand everything you said!
Not all liberals yet still took Jab...baffled me. So many friends, so many from church!
Maybe the medbeds will help!
Have you seen this?
I am with the Police Dept...they offered the Jab early, others ran for it.
My boss called to make sure I got the text when I didn't sign up for Jab.
I had 2 surgeries during COVID...praying when final surgery is scheduled to remove pins and plates God will protect me.
Jab required no surgery!

It IS hard to watch...I understand everything you said!
Not all liberals yet still took Jab...baffled me. So many friends, so many from church!
Maybe the medbeds will help!
Have you seen this?
I am with the Police Dept...they offered the Jab early, others ran for it.
My boss called to make sure I got the text when I didn't sign up for Jab.
I had 2 surgeries during COVID...praying when final surgery is scheduled to remove pins and plates God will protect me.
Jab required no surgery!

Born and raised in the Eastern Bloc. 🇷🇴Romanian by birth, American by choice.🇺🇸 Always do the right thing. MAGA.
I had that conversation with a coworker, and he said the virus will only go away when every single person get vaxxed... 🤦🏻♀️

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
aye caramba. 🙄
Only followers of this user (@TozNSnd) can see their posts

Truth seeker, good or bad. Blocking me only reiterates you knowingly tell lies and are afraid of the truth I'll correct you with.
The 'covid' pandemic was only a distraction from the voter fraud that was about to take place. Way to many sheep fell for it, and here we are.

It's also not a vaccine they only used the name to bypass the testing but it's medical experiment to alter you.

The covid test swab has nano dust on it. One swab up the nose and you are infected with it. Now all you need is the vaccine to program in.

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
i just saw this the other day. those fibers are alive in that swab.

Proud Deplorable, I love my country, love my President, love the great state of Texas! 🇺🇲🇺🇲
Seriously there's a similar Q&A for Biden voters. End result they didn't do their homework. Either scenario, they're FOOKED.

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
My family thinks the info about how the vaccine is designed to modify your RNA is a crazy conspiracy. They think I am brainwashed. It is so upsetting that I can't get through to them. They are convinced they need the vaccine to help protect others.

I believe in small government. I just can’t decide if it should be small or infinitesimal. Speak your mind and stand your ground.
not to nit-pick but. . .the "right to choose" is not "given" to us - a basic human right is self-determination. Tyrants and big pharma possess no authority to invade our person and stick us with needles without consent, otherwise it is a human rights violation if not a criminal act.