September Pro
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Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Who remains of the bad guys? Let's get 'em all please no matter how long it takes! Who remains of the good guys? I pray every last patriot remains. Who remains of the gray hats? Choose wisely, friends or please refer to answer#1. THANK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU 🤗

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
It's not the actor that scares me; it's us citizens, yikes. I hope we wake up and shape up so we can be of service.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
That's no "give up"'re extra beautiful today!😍

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
💓I love you, Veronica...all of you. God Bless

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I want to inform the adults without terrifying the kids (as they are of all ages from kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade I believe) so I like the idea of a "stay close/aware" message as that is proactive and age-appropriate for all. Thank you for the idea! I'm terribly sorry to hear about your experience - you must have been so frightened. I'm relieved your instincts kicked in and you got away. That behavior needs to be so reprehensible and justly punished to our society that no one feels safe trying it anywhere anytime - period.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I live on a fairly busy road 6 houses down from an elementary school. I want to replace the Trump/Pence 2020 Yard signs (as I have Trump flags w/o Pence name) and it occurred to me I should replace them with a message about the children. I would love to hear some suggestions from everyone - is there a particular awareness hashtag or message that I could put on the signs that's kid friendly yet adult call to action? Thanks for any input!

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
The very idea of people removing them briefly for anything and popping them back on as "protecting" anyone from a virus is absolute insanity. One of my favorite videos was a doctor vaping through every kind of mask available. It's a massive lie.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
💓This is truly my favorite platform...handsdown.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Seems like an asleep conservative? Some people I know are against the leftists but are resigned to 4 more years of Biden because they believe nothing can or will be a way they make me sadder than the asleep can they not have at least hope? All I can do is pray for everyone and keep saying my "crazy" version of the truth to anyone who will listen which is admittedly not many and mostly strangers at this point...but I'm trying.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
people lost their damn minds smh

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
not with the thieves but we should try to rescue those they fooled and reunite with them if possible...the ones we can anyway

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Amazing photography art capturing this patriot pilot in action 😍🇺🇸❤️

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
holy typos i sound impaired lol typing on tiny phone without my glasses ...ugh

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
just got booted off while trying tomupdate my info - error said servers were down

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
i wish i had a word thst accurateky exptessed my gratitude fir you@ghostezra - it can't be easy what you do but it us certainly awesome and important to so many, like me. Big Thanks friend 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
this is amazing - i hope there will be one that could work on dogs and pets?

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Someone should send this to Bette Midler...actually someone should flood her with all of the videos from Texas.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Video is friggin' awesome...some creative geniuses at work here. Thank YOU!

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
This got me thinking about my last plane trip over Thanksgiving. When CDC recommended no one travel and my flight was jam packed shoulder to shoulder (made no sense whatsover). Anyway, I was thinking what if every person on my flight all ripped off their masks at the same time. What would be the result/reaction of the flight crew? Would they threaten everyone or would they be like "yeah we know it's bs you win let's freedom fly?" Just a happy thought - what if planes everywhere experienced this on March 1st?

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Yes, so true, and actually number 1 I should have said All Children (meaning the ones being abused AND all of God's lost children saved and returning to him) what a wonderful day that will be

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
So beautiful...its gray and mild here in central FL but hubby and I have been dreaming of TN mountains...would be so awesome. I have a big bird following in my yard of Egrets, Woodstorks, and even a occasional visit from an enormous Bald Eagle...animals and nature are like vitamins for my soul.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I think my personal ranking of the best days will be:
1. Children Saved
2. Freedom Restored
3. Corruption Justice
4. Family reconcillation - I don't want an "I told you so" moment, I want them to realize how much I cared about them and all of this all along and that it was all out of love.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I think my personal ranking of the best days will be:
1. Children Saved
2. Freedom Restored
3. Corruption Justice
4. Family reconcillation - I don't want an "I told you so" moment, I want them to realize how much I cared about them and all of this all along and that it was all out of love.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I'm grateful to Parler for bringing me to so many and ideas but I'm skeptical about returning, espeically because I had a "verified" account that took my id and said they destroyed it afterwards, now that I am less naive about a lot of things, I feel like bezos has it on AWS, not that I am anyone of any significance but there still is so much clouding who owns it who is in charge, etc., etc, my comfort level isn't there like it is with Gab and anonup...I have tgram but I'm still really struggling with how it works in terms of communicating with other individuals outside chat?

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
Question is would the MSM even cover it? They would be doomed either way: if they do cover the story (pretty hard to spin that one favorably) they give legitamcy to Q conspiracy; if they do not and they get called on it by other media, it would reveal their true identity as an enemy of the people (well for most still reasonably sane people anyway, rabid diehards may still cling to I'm not sure what straw would be available to insert here but they will be grasping for it...still - I'm sadly related to some of these people that seem unreachable by any means, and they are not dumb, it's just unr

Love Christ, Family/Babies, Dogs/Animals, USA & Every Soldier & Patriot (Past, Present & Future) who make my Liberty possible every day.
I watched White Squall first and liked it quite a bit (husband was working out of town). Today he is home sick (captive ... hehehe) so im looking for. third movie - i think ive heard sum of all fears? we have seen all the godfathers (i was captive for those haha) but i couldnt recall any other titles suggested