LGBT_ deplorable
@LGBT_deplorableNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

He know's what I know and that's LtC@AllenWest is getting my vote.

HOWDY!! stranger
Naaaa on cv19; his feelings are hurt because he is losing his re-election.

So, is he only taking Propecia to stop hair loss?

So, is he only taking Propecia to stop hair loss?

What happened to President Trump?
"Live@5 Special Report with Kimberly Ann Goguen 6-16-2021Kim describes the Covenant and how they controlled us.\n \nNow available with subtitles in the following languages:\nArabic\nChinese\nEnglish\nFrench\nGerman\nGreek\nHindi\nItalian\nPolish\nRussian\nSwedish\nSpanish"
🤣🤣Morning, sorry for laughing but that has me ROF
I hope things have been great for you.

I was told to research Trumps bloodline and it didn't lead to white hats. America wants Trump back because we still believe in him. But he will never come back if he doesn't stand up to the black hats that are controlling him. How many times did President Trump state "The Best is yet to come"? @DonaldJTrump needs to personally pick up the phone and get this resolved. CALL KAG


Check out all the links from Paul.
cont. in n

I'll see if I can find some. I know that Trumps flags had none at CPAC

Then why does the Flag still have fringes?

NESARA is coming but unfortunately it won't be from Trump unless he removes the bad actors that are still with him. Silverton, CO is Americas NESARA.

Thanks for the heads up.
I thought it was strange that he follows over 9 thousand people.
Him and Brady just hit me up and now I'll block them.

I'm dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to Government jibber jabber.
Sen. Johnson, Ron [R-WI] (Introduced 02/07/2019) a bill that turned into law last week on 3-3-21.
For the Dems to pass a Republican bill makes it smell fishy.

Oh, they know. Ninety % of lgbt are Demoncrats and sick mf'ers.
Evil people will always exist because we sit back allow it.
Political correctness is a cancer that is destroying our World.

We all choose love. That's why we stay in the fight. All of these forces are working together to help free us, however, it is up to humanity to take their freedom.

Very interesting.
We have compassion and evidence but we still sit and wait for somebody else to fix or stop the problems.
We need to come together and form our local assemblies to take back our sovereignty.
Or things will never change.#lifeforce

For months I've been researching the Esther prophecy from Kim Clement.
#QuestionEverything has led me to believe that this is Esther.
People constantly attack her because they are uncapable of asking questions.

Plasma & Tachyon Energy Holographic Med Beds / Secret Space Programs
Miracle machines that raise the dead, cure cancer and disease, restores the body to perfect health in minutes with no side-effects. Suppressed technology exposed! Available in 100 languages.
This gentleman walked over to the Capital Bldg.

Space Force autobot turned on Trump. Provided by Life Force

@SantaSurfing I'm not familiar with opreating Telegram but#HappyFreedomDay and Our President loves our Country with all his heart. 💞
It's written all over Trumps face while saluting.
Freedom Day is coming
Freedom for all people will soon be here
If any of those assets involve money. They will never get any as long as Kimberly Ann Goguen is at the wheel