I love you Patriots & Anons.
About a month ago I had been noticing an uptick in negativity and bad vibes.
I felt your pain.
I tweeted out a call to action and in my opinion General Flynn and Lin Wood just answered in a big, big way over the past 48 hours.
They have both validated everything we have all been fighting for and have both confirmed that Trump is still our POTUS.
Many of us have known this within our hearts and many have known this with verified first person proof. But it’s great to hear these Patriots call out satanists and child abusers on a world stage.
Now it’s our time to support them!

Needed this. Thanks Doq! ❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻

Patriotic Digital Soldier/ Moorish American who believes in Peace, Love, Truth, Freedom and Justice TRUMP WON !!!! AUDIT THE FUCKING VOTE
Never letting up DOQ even after the world finds out we already won. My favorite character in Military History is the WW2 Japanese officer who fought in the Phillipines until 1974 before finally laying down arms when his original Commanding Officer (who had long since retired of course) had to be flown to the island to convince the guy to surrender. This is the kind of resiliency and resolve we must all have. Hiroo Onoda lived off the land for 3 decades. Im not letting up from the comfort of my home.

❤️🇺🇸Thanking God for good people and True Patriots. Trump is still my President. 🇺🇸❤️
Our older vets are struggling big time. The confusion is fooking with their minds. It’s so heartbreaking. DJT needs to take his rightful place back in the light as the President amd soon. They have it all right? Then what the hell is the problem. We are sick of the lies! Enough!

Christian, Truth Seeker, Patriot, Married, 72, Texan, #WWG1WGA
I was so excited when I heard them talking! Flynn confirmed Q long ago, but to have Lin Wood do it, too! Wow! I was over the moon!

We share very few sentiments with our government.
It's a rollercoaster ride, Doq. I've been up and down and up and down. It's natural, no matter what your reasons. I was actually in an up cycle already, but when I saw Lin Wood's speech in Tulsa, it jacked me WAY UP. It was nice to finally get that validation from someone - especially someone I admire like Lin.
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Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP
We want our fearless & courageous leader back
And the most beautiful, gracious, & versatile Flotus ever!!! We the people have spoken

Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

Here's a step in the right direction - free speech - first amendment - https://www.frankspeech.com/
Brand new Social media & Broadcasting sight from Mike Lindell. Sign up starts Mon 20 Apr at 8 am CT.

LOVED TRUMP since day one and followed CUE since the start. All I can say Is THANK YOU GOD FOR YOUR MIRACLE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
😉Monday is the 19th. Tuesday is the 20th. Sorry correction needed

True believer in God. Protect our children. Corruption will fall! MEGA Trump fan. All in God's time! There's a "reason" about

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Positive HZ’s Coming In Warm & Cool DOQ!

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

movie has dragged on for way too long
I have seen many things that really show different truth than showed
QFS pushed by chinese dragon families elders( white guys who rule dragon families) , Global Repository ( funds that belongs to all of us,globally) attempted to hack from Patterson base, operation base in USA by chinese elders, the same generals from pentagon that wanted contract extended for deep state corporations to mine( steal resources) Silverton super site not for people of USA, they welcomed these chinese elders to Langley, to Cheyene mountain, Pentagon asking for funding.
trump's aides ,government members and generals during negotiations for extensions of different contracts and for signing up different agreements, being ok with humans sacrifice for equinox and seeing nothing wrong with that...and they wonder why contracts were not extended

oh,forgot to mention new US notes printed in Hong Kong

We need to declare sovereignty
the heavens are waiting for this
Without declaring sovereignty, the end of the movie will not come
What is the precipice?
The precipice is when you are willing to risk death to make something end.
Since most are waiting to be saved, we are not even close to precipice

i was crying tears of joy...

Discernment is critical.
DoQ - thanks for all your reason.
I also believe we each have a lot of work to do to learn the truth ... "NOT" be spoon fed by someone else, but really invest your energy in learning how to cope with what we are dealt.
Health is a biggy. Learn to DETOX these nasty nano-particles. Be aware of the symbols of the Illuminati, and the meanings, what about magnetic poles, the physics ??? time travel, Area 51 ... ???
There is so much we can do as a group to support those we trust, Gen Flynn, Mike Lindell, SidneyPowell.com - she asks that we get her newsletter and share / share / share / share.
Others want to groom candidates for office ... we've been told 80% of Congress will need to be replaced ... There is much work ahead for each of us, for our leaders and for this nation to survive.
We Must Save Ourselves.

English UK patriot. America is the last stand. The great awakening is worldwide. Nothing can stop what is coming 🙏#FamilyIsEverything
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It's not enough Doc.

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
TY Doq. We stand with General Flynn and Lin Wood. God bless the Patriots and our brave warriors.

AMEN! God bless these men! I thank God everyday for them and for their protection. I am still excited and in disbelief that Lin said all that he did last night!❤️

I'm all for God and country. Took the oath and will defend our freedom.together not divided.was imdaclutz on twit
DOQ you have the knowledge of the truth uplift and unite those who need help. dont be negative and down grade other pariots like santa. you we called out a year ago for being gray.so are you a patriot or not

been there since 1/20..........had enough about dead people, time stamps, decodes and gematria

I'm all for God and country. Took the oath and will defend our freedom.together not divided.was imdaclutz on twit
its a marathon not a sprint

Retired Engineer- Anti-terrorism & blast consultant DoD & DOS. Survivor SRA, Mk-Ultra,child trafficking. Wife USMC combat veteran #Godwins
exactly where I am right now just yesterday I thought I have not had any popcorn in some time, do I want some popcorn? NO I don't f*** the damn popcorn. this is not fun it's serious and it's not a movie - even if some have been manipulated into playing parts or doing so for other reasons and yes some are - if you need to live in that playland fine but a lot of us realize that there is a battle going on a real war between good and evil. Satan is fighting to take over the world and that part is not a movie it's very real. By our faith, we KNOW God wins - but we still suffer. When Jesus was nailed to the cross it was "just a movie" it had to play out, God won but it was not fun for the 1st century Christians. it was something mankind had to survive and we did. Removing Satan from access to the earth and vicinity is another process we must endure. It may happen now or not this may be a beginning or an end, we don't know but we do know it is serious.

Jude 1:23, Save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
attacks will intensify in the coming days. heads on a swivel, when out in public. stay away from large crowds and shopping malls.

I appreciate you Doq! I am very thankful to be a part of such a beautiful movement!

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
My theme
There's no place I'd rather be than right here right now.
Ain't no woes here.....
It is my Honor to fight for God's Kingdom and most of all
the innocent children.
I'm with God's TEAM all the way !!!

Jude 1:23, Save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh
Amen! Amen! Amen! Hallelujah!🙏❤🙏🌎🙌

We are here. WorldWide!

I do Support them and I Love My President Trump.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕