Night Rider
22 days ago

Night Rider

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Lifelong Patriot, Firefighter, fed the f@*# up! FAFO, WWG1WGA

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

VK on Twitter, “All green. Good 2 go.”

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

The fake news media has to be taken out...hopefully soon...

5w sober today

who is wit me

We have two AU family members who need our prayers and good vibes right now. Jessica Marie@Faith11286 and Mary Beth Miskell@Miskell2024. Both are mothers. One just lost her precious daughter in a car accident. The other is in the ICU with her daughter. I have a small account so I hope people will see these needs and fill in the gap for these ladies. Thank you all for all of your love and support to those in need on this platform. You are all blessings.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

TFR watch

10 Days. Darkness. Finally a light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know what to make of this journey but thankful for my family and my wife. No one will read this but I don’t care. I finally get to take my boy home.

Lifelong Patriot, Firefighter, fed the f@*# up! FAFO, WWG1WGA

@vincentkennedy how is your dog?

I need your prayers family. I’m very sick and no matter what I take doesnt seem to kick this. I’m getting desperate.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 8.17/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Father, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.

so is today 11.3

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.

VK us Anon's are losing our shit. I posted this on TS early this morning.
Well then maybe it's time the BIG boys looked at how we the people are thinking.... This shit show has gone on far to long it's 12.8.22 over two years since the 2020 election which we all thought was secure. Same fucking story two years later Kari Lake +++++ Fix this shit... I hope every God fearing American sees this message and asks for accountability including Trump, Kash and Devin.

Keep your vibes high

Twit contact ELM 23 @inittogether23 In a happy relationship with my handsome #save the children #freejulianassange #Trump2023

In other news coming out of Arizona...

VK on TRUTH Social - 12:51pm Eastern...

WWG1WGA! Donald J Trump IS My President! Proud Supporter and BELIEVER! God, Family, Country and my Dogs!

11/17 today is my birthday. Ive decided im going to try and quit smoking. I’d like to use VKs suggestion and ask everyone to help me manifest this into happening for good. ive quit a couple other times and fell back, so i really wanna try this. so if you could send some prayers, positive vibes my way i would greatly appreciate it! 🙏☺️

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 8.17/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Good Morning Patriots.

Lifelong Patriot, Firefighter, fed the f@*# up! FAFO, WWG1WGA

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I pray your right and soon! After a year of taking hundreds of sick people to the hospital followed by a year of suffering from long covid- after getting covid- Im totally wasted! Yes- I have tried Ivermectin, and everything known to help. I just want life to be a positive thing again- I was such a happy person before. So much death, so much negativity! Ive lost at least 6 GOOD people (vaccine and covid) here recently. God help us- please fix us and this once great nation! Looking at my son and nieces/nephews, I fear for them- I fear they will never know what life was like pre-cell phone, social media! Will we ever talk to one another again in person! Will we ever have kids striving for excellence, to want to impress their parents/teachers and do a good job. My conversations with God each day usually include these topics. I just pray the biblical part of this plan fixes some or all of this mess we have created.

Anons locate their interpretation of newly released information in their own context and at their current level of understanding. It is like spread spectrum radio, but for ideas. We are the receivers and repeaters. The military cannot humanise the narrative into every niche and vernacular. We immediately capture all the cultural niches that the monolithic MSM cannot reach. Bypasses their jammers.

Do you think the Military is in control right now?

*bc I can't tell how many people take the poll, please like this post, too. Thanks!



#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 8.17/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Thinking an ambassador should be skilled at keep his/her emotions in check. Andrij Melnyk = diplomatic fail.

I am Sylvia Diane 🔥1221🔥 GOD WON ... HE HAS NEVER LOST A BATTLE He isn't about to start now It's time to talk to Jesus

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

How do I respond to ASK???? No words, I trust VK but he is only an anon like me and you nothing more. I been so quite here just watching and waiting, My patience is past tense.

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.

My question to all-> What can I/we do to get to Justice???? I got fired for not taking the Jab at the end of January 2022. Been Following Q since around January 2018. I may be alone but please make something public.
- Weiner Laptop
- Benghazi
- Election Fraud 2022
- Hunter Laptop
- Seal Team 6 - Extortion 17
- CF - Child trafficking - Haiti
- Admiralty Law
- Huber report
- Durham investigation
- Russia Gate.
- Seth Rich
- Podesta Art
- Vanderbilt Family - Anderson cooper.
- COVID - snake

Please something. The Anon's did all the research again my question in when!!!!!! My wife and I are growing very tried of all the BS.

“You shall know the truth and the TRUTH will set you free.” - John 8:32 ❤️🌎☮️

EXPLOSIVE: “Watch The Water” Covid Bombshell EXCLUSIVE!
In a Stew Peters Network exclusive, Dr. Bryan Ardis, D.C has a shocking discovery to share about the great lie of the pandemic, involving the drinking water, the evil snake connection, and a tie to the first enemy of the Body of Christ.
The Great Lie Revealed Dr. Brian Ardis - Covid19

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.

In response P.J. 777 to his Publication

All of them are playing games. He still supports Vernon…😂😂

I'm here for a reason #FamilyIsEverything

We are in it together.

#wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #godwins im a patriot from the land chosen by the true order of templars

truth all the way

Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.

It truly can't be shared enough!

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

🔴posted at a drs office