@mostcommonsenseangelJESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farme...

Kym Kixs
@Kim16KIf you don't like the way I'm livin' You just leave this short haired country gal alone!

mars 1776
@mars_1776Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in...

Biden Exposed
@Biden_ExposedBREAKING!!! 🚨🚨‼️‼️ This was an attempt on President Trumps life… JOIN CHANNEL AND WATCH THE LIVESTREAM. +11.000

Glyn Howard
@GlynHowardFndIt2US Army Honor Guard Veteran🇺🇸 Q🐸 Teacher/Scientist/Meteoriticist ☄️ Messianic Judaism ✡️ Yeshua HaMashiach

Scat ling
@scatlingGod, Family, Country avid reader, lover of red pandas, cats and dachshunds, veteran

Lion Hart
@Lion_HartMemes, Sigma Empath, stoic, whisky, beer God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; so what does God lack ... limi...

The Real Me
@TheRealMeQuestioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange...

I am Keri
@LionessheartA healer with many hats. Nature Mom is my fav Do from your heart and you will never be wrong Happily married to my sou...

Brizby Finley
@BrizbyFinleyTERM LIMITS NOW!!!! They thought they buried us, but they didn’t realize that we were seeds!!

Kerry Carlson
@FramersIntentsIn the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.

George Linds
@PatriotGeorgeSomething you've prayed for is about to happen. Q will reveal everything.

Melania Trump
@MelaniaTrumpBREAKING: Trump is going LIVE With JFK Jr. For Special Announcement - Private Link Open Only In The Next https://t.me/+...

The Q Brief
@TheQBriefSimple view of the Plan Part 1-7. In order to see the future we must first go back to the future.

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more