War Turkey
@CCrowley81Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

hey Lefty Dude... TRUMP WON. Biden is dead. get over iit and buz off!

If he isn't late. lol Serious note, I haven't seen a time when he would speak except once a few days ago saying 5pm. I hope this is real.

Thank it for opening our eyes and showing us the way?

OR ONE person is playing both roles? There have been some saying that Trump looks heavier some days and 30lbs lighter other days. Meaning, Trump has a double walking around. So the idea of one person playing both rolls could happen.

guess Im missing it. dont have cable or signal.

I'm with you. My husband has laughed at me and mocked me whenever I try to wake him up. He just blows it off and says a few "whcky consipracy people believe one thing while the rest of the world believes another" So I so feel you on this.

Who ever that keeps reporting his stuff needs to be scared shitless. He is putting UNDINIABLE TRUTH OUT THERE FOR ALL TO SEE. He said "IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE WHAT HE IS POSTING THEN THIS ISN'T THE PLACE FOR YOU"....GROW A PAIR and pay attention to what the hell is going on around you. Stop reporting him and learn something!


Different time zone. Another part of the world😉

Can you help me out. According to the 1-99 week plan. a few months ago was just week six. When I figured that out, the 99th week isnt til Mid- March 2022. Can anyone confirm or knows what week we are in?

I agree, the fake cries and public display of such tragic to the daughter never wanting to come to the capital. May his son rest in peace but damn don't use that as a buffer.
On to National days... Today is national Pizza day. Tomorrow had a few to go off of as well. but one stood out to me was Umbrella day. (Multi meanings)...Umbrella in a political stance is interesting. Especially with this Trial going on and the Antifas dressing as Trump Supporters. On Feb 11, is "Don't cry over spilt milk" I found this interesting as well. There were others to choose from but that stood out. Opinion?

have you niticed the ball? Do the Bucks just have their own ball?


im noticing they started with a darker color ball and now its normal. any idea on this?

12 is also the Street name Trump Tower is on. Which I read somehwere leads to the 12th Knight.

You are very welcome❤️

I see Dog comms....We going to ignore the BLACK and WHITE part? Anyone remember a song by Michael Jackson? The pillow is pretty spot on. Any other clues?

Does it work for people that dont have cable?

Looks to me like a modern day hanging chamber for multiples.

Mmmmmhmmm Sure he did. Sicko!

A link thats working at the moment

Here I thought I was "WOKE." This is freaking WILD. What the heck is real and what isn't anymore? I am completely mind blown over this.

I felt that way about two months ago. Even went through the restless nights, sleep all day and night without problems, went days without being hungry, went a few days with a headache, I feel like Ive come out the other side and waiting for everything to collapse. Which is what's happening now.😁 It was one hellava year and the best is yet to come.#SaveOurChildren#GodBless

can someone help me understand what was said in the video. im heard of hearing and my hearing aids cant pick up clearly when theres an echo. im sorry for thw incovience. i just want to understand. doesnt have to be details just summary. please and thank you in advance.😆

Wish I could buy some but my husband doesn't believe anything is really going on so I'm stuck with not being able to buy anything with him being the sole income at the moment.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh no.... Oh no....Oh no no no no no

Its the 9th day of darkness. 31st is Freedom day, Feb 1st greatness. thats about all i know.

Welcome to the club. I was suspended on Jan 8th. :)

I didn't like the fact that he kept on saying "SOUL" through out his speech. Either his whole soul is all in or we need to give our souls an all in... or however he spole it. Either way, putting our soul on the line is NOT what I voted for.