I've been thinking a lot about this lately too, it makes no sense to me that DJT would promote something that was bad for you, even for the greater good. If it really is safe for most people to take then maybe there's a catch we are missing? Such as the vaccine doesn't work well on people that have certain genetic makeup, like cabal bloodlines, and eliminates them or makes them infertile? Sort of what they had planned for the general population mirrored back on them? I'm certainly not going to test this theory and I wouldn't suggest that anyone else do so either, this was just something that seemed to make a bit of sense to me in this messed up universe.

problem this goes against the your watching a movie crowd with military in control..this would mean we are living through actual information war..some would say think for yourself

Art of War. 5D chess
One ALWAYS must sacrifice pieces!

FIRST AND BIGGEST THING NONE OF YOU have REAL PROOF that any of this shit is real

and what do you know about HIM studying black magic. he admits it in a book.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
President Trump mentioned therapeutics and we watched the Frontline doctors as well as most doctors who were confident about HCQ get silenced and their commitment to help people get well compromised.
Having a non-mandated vaccine available to circumvent a plan for a mandated dangerous one is the path of less damage. Our role in this war in information is to help lessen the casualties by not complying and proving that fortifying our immune systems and using therapeutics work.
It is a sad position to KNOW that censorship and misleading the public is being played out. We can only pray and stay connected to encourage each other.
The repercussions of the grand scheme will expose the lie. Many will die. Fortunately, a lot less will die because we have CHOICE and TRUTH.
Only followers of this user (@QTRUMPZPUTIN) can see their posts

Makes sense but I am always watching...decades later, hope so.

Exposing lies in the media. Justice for the children. Former TV producer 23 years: Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, You Tube Channel
Thank you so much. This makes a lot of sense.

Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within.
Good analysis. Thank you for this!

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America
it does explain why he is so gung ho for the damn vax-it really pisses me off to hear him brag about it
some of us will NEVER be vaccinated for any reason
the good thing is people will see just how evil vaccinations and big pharma have been for decades and will stop poisoning their children
I hate to see people suffer, but just like salvation it is a choice and you are either educated about it or ignorant (again a choice)

Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
I urge everyone go to this site. These are the frontline doctors who spoke in Washington about covid and HCQ. They are in Texas but, they will put you in touch with doctors in your state that will treat & prescribe you HCQ also prescribing it as a preventative all telemedicine.
Sending love & light to all my Patriot family.

Patriot, Conservative, WWG1WGA, Q Follower, Qanon, Constant Alumni of the Twitter Jail Club.
Fauci's research from several years ago backs the fact that HCQ and Ivermectin are the vaccines that cure COVID (flu). They will prescribe to those that are sick right now with COVID first but you can get in line (so to speak) where they will get you your prescription after the sick ones are handled. I think it is $50 to have the doctor prescribe it.
As for those that had the vaccine and are sick from it, there is nothing that can help you. The med beds will heal once they are available but the rescued children and military aiding in their rescue will be healed first and there are many. They expect the first round of beds to be ready for regular public use at the end of this year.
Casualties of war will be many. Keep trying to convince those that haven't taken it and are still thinking about it not to do so. Show them the evidence.

PI Pro bono for the children. Following our missing children since 2015.Anonymous no more Kelly Patton Wichita KS Gkids seized by Idaho CPS
Ive taken hyroxychloroquine twice a day for over ten years...less toxic than the other poison they prescribe me. I never got Covid and Im immune compromised.

Mean Time it is OK because PEOPLE are Dying from these vaccines. That seems to be ok with you right????

Well, there's other options out there that have been proven to cure covid and the damn vaccines AREN'T NEEDED.... These deaths are on Biden's and Fauci's hands.

I think he can simply advise people to speak with their Doctors about it and fulfill his Leadership role on the subject. We need to stop giving the power of medical advise away to people without medical degrees or Licenses, and to people who have no experience treating covid patients. Because we support that, people like Bill Gates are running amuck playing doctor. Its not the Presidents job. Trump could have stepped up better to stop Social media from blocking the real doctors speaking out about it and put a stop to persons without medical degrees and licenses giving advice such as Zuckerberg. He could have and still could be calling this to the attention of America. How can he be faulted for directing people to real doctors curing Covid and away from fake ones like Gates and Zuckerberg? His pushing the vax and ignoring the above concern me a bit, though I do so applaud and thank him for pushing the natural remedies first. He was right about all of them!!!! Complicated warfare indeed

Wife, mother and grandmother, Christian, truth fighter/promoter , love gardening, and good music, lace designer, maker and instructor.

PI Pro bono for the children. Following our missing children since 2015.Anonymous no more Kelly Patton Wichita KS Gkids seized by Idaho CPS
Interesting perspective.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Many people are taking the vaccine because they believe, and are fearful they will not able to travel, go to concerts, go to restaurants, go to sports events etc. The MSM hypes this. Now you see some states writing legislation that rejects vaccine passports. This may be an attempt to slow this fear tactic, so people will stop rushing to get the vax. Also there is more coverage regarding adverse reactions, again to awaken the public. I am praying these vaccines are not real. As an RN I tell people to WAIT, see how this plays out. I am shocked by the numbers of people who are getting it. Also governors like ours in Colorado are using the vax to control cities and towns, saying in order for restrictions to be lifted a certain percentage of the population need to be vaccinated. So people want to "get back to normal" so they are getting the vax.

Learn from dogs. They’re loving, loyal, and selfless. God Bless President Trump and our brave military! ~ WWG1WGA ~
I am also shocked how many people are blindly getting it. I am so upset because I found out my husband got his first shot today after I begged him not too. Polis has destroyed Colorado. Hate him.

there will be no passport. we are watching a movie scripted to wake up kibs and normies. pats in control.

Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
I pray that you’re intuition is right as my wife and both adult children got them. I’m sick with worry,in prayerhoping God has an answer

Happily married Mama of 2. Loyal to our President and a fighter for the children! Trump Won! God Won! #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN 🇺🇸💖🐸💫
Thoughts to ponder.
1. why are the docs and nurses pushing hard on a daily to vax people?
2. Are they forced to by their hospital administration or lose their license?
3. Are they getting paid per vax patient by Big Pharma or Insurance companies (BCBS)?
4. Why are so many docs & nurses publicaly getting the jab on social media?
5. Does Potus have them by the balls and already served them indictments?
6. Are the docs pushing the vax the ones that have taken 💵💵 from big pharma to push medications to make us sicker?
This movie is so good! 🍿🍿🍿

All you need to know about COVID-19 treatment and the vaccines: https://anonup.com/thread/3832649
I work in medical field. You'd be surprised how many medical professionals read from the script and do not do their own research. Docs die from COVID, unable to help themselves (HCQ or Ivermectin). They're unable to save themselves. You think they can save you?


Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
i feel that is a very good theory/perspective! i have thought so much about this - as many of us have. WHY did he push it? but yes - the art of war strategy is front and center with him. i have also felt part of the reason was to give the "normies" what they wanted - a vax - to feel safer - to move BEYOND this b.s. god knows everyone i know outside of this house around my area have been waiting to receive their injections.

I have been reading that they require the holographic blueprint of the original DNA to work with. These mRNA vaccines will synthesize the DNA in such a way, the tech won't work on them. It would literally take some quantum methods to go find the records of their original in the akash. If any of you remember the QXCI Quantum Xxeroid Conscious Interface tech, created by Bill Nelson for the Apollo Missions, it used subspace and can maybe do this. The FDA confiscated them all and called him a quack it was so good and they later allowed for very stripped and watered down versions. I got to play with one for a while and WOWZA!!!! Anyway, perhaps with the sub space tech they may be able to do such things. If you read there is no hope for those with synthetic DNA, don't give up. I think devices still exists in a few other countries and the tech is there I believe even if these med beds are just fancy laser surgery beds which many are also saying.https://quackwatch.org/related/Tests/xrroid/
Some Notes on the Quantum Xrroid (QXCI) and William C. Nelson | Quackwatch
The Quantum Xrroid Interface System (QXCI) —also called EPFX, or SCIO—is claimed to balance "bio-energetic" forces that the scientific community does not recognize as real. The device has also been claimed to be " the most advanced medical assessment and therapy device in the worl ...

Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .
Your on target The compassion alone he has shown. But free will of the people is the end game!

Defender of Truth. Exposer of Lies. Patriot till Death.
The Public is not at risk. This was stated many times by Q.
This could have been stopped years ago, but they made it play out.
#WeHaveItAll could have ended this early, so I think something else is going on that is so BIG and HUGE, we have no clue until it is revealed.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTUS❤️ WWG1WGA
I agree. We would not be able to ascend if we watch all our loved ones perish to a vaccine. Before I was awake, I was up to date on all of my vaccinations so the majority of us have been vaccination damaged. I do believe there is more to it also. I think all the hype is to wake people up to what's in vaccinations and what we have been putting in our bodies.

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
Very accurate I believe, and I KNOW Trump/we are winning
and there are other forces of good in other countries backing
Trump and USA. This is not done without God, ask Trump

Optimist, Mommy, Civil Engineer #WWG1WGA # FIghtback It's all Good! God wins!
We are in WW3 and there will be casualities. I watched friends & relatives take the Vac. In many cases i sent videos and articles.
But ultimately everyone has a choice to make. Many Friends cannot believe how an intelligent person as myself will not take the Vac.
Well Fook them ... Actually this is an excellent exercise in discernment of real friends and family. I maintain non judgmental relationships. They will wake up in their own time.
Yup.. I Pray for them. I hope in the back of my mind that at least 50% of the doses are saline.
Hugs and thank you for your thoughts

Fascinating take, but I have to disagree. When we brag about the largest Army in the world being We, The Mother Fucking People, then keep said people in the dark on EVERYTHING, I guarantee the casualties are much worse going with your version of the plan.
Let's face it, if 10% of Trump voters decided to band together, march to DC and pull Congress out by their hair, this scam would be over quicker than you can say Adam Bennett Schiff Jr.
But, no, the American Patriot has become so soft they have simply agreed to Trust the Plan, Enjoy the Show and somehow pretend this is a REAL and TRUE "Great Awakening", when anyone with a functioning brain can clearly see it is ANYTHING but that.
Not trying to be confrontational, but we have been lied to by Trump and the Q movement since Day 1. He has not drained the swamp. We are getting skull fucked daily, some to their ultimate demise. It's pure, plain and simple reality.
It's time to wake up, folks! LET'S FUCKING GO!

That is not a plan.

I'm hoping the vaccinated sheep are informed of the damage they have done to themselves before they get a chance to use the med beds. They need a good Wake Up.

Defender of Truth. Exposer of Lies. Patriot till Death.
I don't think LUCIFERASE can be removed from the DNA using a med bed.

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
I have to admit that when pressed to endorse the vaccines, I could tell in his voice it wasn't a strong endorsement, saying people should choose for themselves to take it. I'm terrified for some family members who have taken the shots. I too am praying hard that this will all be over in time for them to get to the med beds.

Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
I’m in the same boat. couldn’t tell those in medical field not to.

Are the ones from the Pharmaceuticals really "vaccines"? HCQ and Regeneron work as Vaccines. President Trump said the last 2 worked.

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
Very Probable, mixed in with the huge s#=t show of
does he go with minimal short term damage/pain
upon America or permanent wholsale death of USA