I think he can simply advise people to speak with their Doctors about it and fulfill his Leadership role on the subject. We need to stop giving the power of medical advise away to people without medical degrees or Licenses, and to people who have no experience treating covid patients. Because we support that, people like Bill Gates are running amuck playing doctor. Its not the Presidents job. Trump could have stepped up better to stop Social media from blocking the real doctors speaking out about it and put a stop to persons without medical degrees and licenses giving advice such as Zuckerberg. He could have and still could be calling this to the attention of America. How can he be faulted for directing people to real doctors curing Covid and away from fake ones like Gates and Zuckerberg? His pushing the vax and ignoring the above concern me a bit, though I do so applaud and thank him for pushing the natural remedies first. He was right about all of them!!!! Complicated warfare indeed