Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Many people are taking the vaccine because they believe, and are fearful they will not able to travel, go to concerts, go to restaurants, go to sports events etc. The MSM hypes this. Now you see some states writing legislation that rejects vaccine passports. This may be an attempt to slow this fear tactic, so people will stop rushing to get the vax. Also there is more coverage regarding adverse reactions, again to awaken the public. I am praying these vaccines are not real. As an RN I tell people to WAIT, see how this plays out. I am shocked by the numbers of people who are getting it. Also governors like ours in Colorado are using the vax to control cities and towns, saying in order for restrictions to be lifted a certain percentage of the population need to be vaccinated. So people want to "get back to normal" so they are getting the vax.
I am also shocked how many people are blindly getting it. I am so upset because I found out my husband got his first shot today after I begged him not too. Polis has destroyed Colorado. Hate him.