Fascinating take, but I have to disagree. When we brag about the largest Army in the world being We, The Mother Fucking People, then keep said people in the dark on EVERYTHING, I guarantee the casualties are much worse going with your version of the plan.
Let's face it, if 10% of Trump voters decided to band together, march to DC and pull Congress out by their hair, this scam would be over quicker than you can say Adam Bennett Schiff Jr.
But, no, the American Patriot has become so soft they have simply agreed to Trust the Plan, Enjoy the Show and somehow pretend this is a REAL and TRUE "Great Awakening", when anyone with a functioning brain can clearly see it is ANYTHING but that.
Not trying to be confrontational, but we have been lied to by Trump and the Q movement since Day 1. He has not drained the swamp. We are getting skull fucked daily, some to their ultimate demise. It's pure, plain and simple reality.
It's time to wake up, folks! LET'S FUCKING GO!
That is not a plan.