Renate Trial
18 hours ago

Renate Trial

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Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Nana is ready for this to turn to creating rather than seeing destruction.

I can see how every part of this journey has had a purpose, including enduring “patience poisoning”. I can also see how anons are starting to degrade from fatigue and stress. Eventually the damage cost exceeds the learning value. Something big has to shift pretty soon.

This is definitely an “it takes all sorts” kind of war. It’s a fact that the enemy propaganda and academic papers rate me as one of the most troublesome “QAnon promoters”, of which I can be appropriately pleased. Yet I have partied hard, and misbehaved thoroughly… so would be totally unsuitable for any senior office or public servant role.

If I had to confess all my sins for a security clearance, I would ask to bring a sleeping bag, as it might take a while. I wouldn’t last long in the formal military, and can’t hold down any regular job. Never any victims, just ordinary Wildean vices, so no meaningful scandals to uncover.

I suppose the task of breaking the matrix needs wayward misfits who have no value for respectability. Some of the untold stories are pretty wild. I have seen more angles on our society than my academic contemporaries with conventional lives. Has softened my judgemental desire, given me more compassion and appreciation for true diversity and dignity of all.

This is my reality… another 6 months of HIV meds collected today. Refused their kind offers of flu and monkeypox jabs. Seems like I am trending towards osteoporosis as side effect of pharma after a few years. Have no idea what I have inside me, if anything, or what good these pills might do.

I have lived hard and fast over a long period, so possibly dying young is not a surprise to me. In a way, not giving a **** about my own welfare has been liberating, because I could do the rather extreme Q analyst job without concern about consequences or my safety.

I look forward to the truth coming out about Fauci and the HIV bioweapon. There seem to be cures at the ready. I kind of live healthily, except when I don’t, if you get my oblique message. Am not sure if I ever will find my way to tamed domesticity… has eluded me. Longevity sounds like a bit of a curse, given all I have endured.

I would rather people see the messy fuller picture than idolise some polished avatar.

Twitter gave us a sense of normalcy to be sane in a mad world, and a strong purpose to capture enemy terrain in the information battlefield. We made friends and linked arms.

Whoever saw the need for AnonUp was wise, caring, and had foresight. The last two years have seen enormous growth by overcoming adversity, but have also been lonely and cruel at times. We needed a high vibe refuge.

This is a place where the underlying tone is that victory has already happened, just is unevenly visible. At some level we are all assets in play being used, but I feel safe from being abused. It’s a place to listen, learn, encourage; not try to win pointless to and fro debates.

The nature of leadership in a reformed society is less about positional power, and more about “absence of participation in the old power fuckery game”. AnonUp is a very low key distributed and embedded leadership development platform.

Any kind of interaction with any authority that has maimed or stolen is feeling very heavy and draining. The old system keeps making its bureaucratic demands, but I find myself having a trauma freeze response to trivial things. It’s getting like shellshock but without any shrapnel.

I am supposed to write and make beauty in order to justify getting paid by those who subscribed, but I am not in that place right now. Over and over I fall, for years, and each time there is a fight inside to stand up again. Maybe that’s all I can document, so it isn’t hidden away.

Part of me says my problems are all of my own making. Another part excuses my failings because of the persecutory context, and my weariness of carrying a very public and personal burden of dissent. The spiritual war is to keep the desire to live to see another day stronger than the one to self-destruct.

Last week was really bad. I guess all that matters is avoiding more damage so I can fight on another day.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication

Good to know hun glad you are in a good place.
When I see things about Cali I think of you first.

I dont really remember seeing storms coming in on Cali like this before, but then I probably didn't pay attention before either.

The last Juan with Tom Numbers was a good one. Many of the family here on AU will understand exactly what he is speaking of.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Nana has been kicking around doing some zoom calls just for AU family?

Patriot Pup🐶helping my Patriot Peeps 👩🏼👨🏼fight for our Constitutional Republic 🇺🇸WWG1WGA🐸 Trump Patriots ❤️🇺🇸💙

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Love you so much, Nana. 💛 Thank you for always keeping our vibe, morale, and AU family together. I truly think of you as our Mama Anon here. 💛🙏🏻🙏🏻💛🥂
God Bless,

Before ascension: Annoyed.
After ascension: Annoyed in 5D.
OK, 2022 nearly done. Was a year like scabies crossed with bed bugs. Less than 24 hours left to be rid of it. 2023 is when things get properly weird.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Please explain this to me like I wear a mask alone in the car 🤷🏼

They knew.
We didn’t know.
They knew we didn’t know.
We didn’t know we didn’t know.
Then we saw things we knew were new to know.
Now we know we didn’t know what we thought we knew.
They know we know they knew we didn’t know, and do know now.
We know they didn’t know that we would know that they knew when we didn’t.
Knowing what we now now scares them.
We know they are scared of our knowing.
They know we know they are scared.
That’s even scarier, you know.
And you know what’s good to know?
The best is yet to come.
And we all know it.
Even them.
I know.

—The Great Awakening

Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

I miss Field, and his pink shorts.


I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication


During the 22 Years I Spent Working at the Jail, I Supplemented My Income by Doing Landscaping. I Informally Referred to My Part-time Business as SACRED SPACES Plant and Stonescaping.

I Installed Stone Steps and did Flagstone and Paver Walkways and Patios, Along with the Appropriate Plantings; but My Favorite Projects were when I could Create Circular Flagstone Firepits so that Family and Friends could Gather Together in a Circle and Share Time with One Another.
During the Course of the Past 15 Years I have Installed Firepits Similar to the One Below--Ranging in Size from 10 Feet to 17 Feet
in Diameter. My Work is More Precisely Fitted and I Vary the Siza and Shape of the Stones to Create a Visual "Swirling" Effect
I Always Used Multi-Colored Flagstone from Fond du Lac Wisconsin that Complimented any Field Rock Features that May or May Not have Accompanied a Given Project.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Awwh, Charlie, thank you for sharing that. It must have been hard growing up.
I know what my grandgirl has gone thr lossing her Dad at 3 and I can plainly see that it will affect her the rest of her life. Also not in a good way, but I pray everyday that like you she will, with God's help, make it thro.

So glad you are still here with us, and making a difference in others lives too. Such a good soul you are helping others as well.
The anger that comes thro childhood is hard to overcome.
"You're a good man Charlie Brown"
Bet you have heard that more than a time or two!
Younger ppl wont have a clue where that saying comes from!😂
You have to be old like me to appreciate "Charlie Brown" cartoons.

Love you hun, hope you and wifey are having a great holiday weekend.

Does AU have some kind of magical AI numpty filter, or are there really this many people in one place who act with respect and honour?

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Wasn't with any family this year. My hubby was out of town working so by myself. Invited to neighbors house. Met 2 new other neighbors, one is a sheriff in town here(good to know). Met a young man going to a Jesuit college in Seattle, a freshman. Polite, well spoken, lots of goals, good conversation with him, he could carry a conversation, studying to be an Civil engineer. I asked him if he is now "civil" LOL. Drank a bottle of wine. Politics didn't even come up which I'm glad it didn't. It was a reprieve for me. Had a lot in common with places we've lived at. All in all a good night. I enjoyed it. No red pilling, just a nice time with neighbors. I will say I was a bit hesitant to shake hands for fear of ppl "shedding" especially with the young man from Seattle in college, knowing full well he had to probably get the jab, but I'm good, can't live in total fear. What will be will be. Que sera sera. I just wanted to meet new neighbors & not be alone on thanksgiving. So thankful 💖

In response Renate Trial to her Publication

Because disease accurs in acidic environment (as diabetes, cancer)....just eat fruits and vegetables and your pH will be basic/alkaline.

In response Renate Trial to her Publication

Helps keep the body ph balanced, disease can not live in a ph balanced environment👍🏼

These people work for the WEF. Good to know.

In response MrE Kuff to his Publication

Interesting. Or Kari Lake 🤩

I don't believe President Trump is going to announce
that he's "running" for POTUS.
He WON 2020.
He didn't concede.
the legally unanimously elected Commander-in-Chief
by the Armed Forces of America, including Space Force.

If we're going to do something NESARA-like
then after the "official" announcement of NESARA
there are 120 days to a new Election
& that's across the board in America.

We can be sure this current Traitorous government
will mostly be (are already) in prison.

I've always believed the POTUS after Trump is JFK.
That HE is either our 46th POTUS
or the 19th President of the Republic.

I still believe it 💞⚔️🛡️🇺🇸


🇺🇸 Kash Patel on 45’s big announcement Tuesday Nov 15th:
“I'm traveling to Palm Beach on Sunday..
I think you’ll see a pretty resounding announcement on Tuesday that will probably set the MSM ablaze
& the political universe ablaze,
in only the fashion that Donald Trump can do.”

🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
You got to be in ultra-rarified air to get invited
to what’s going to happen at Mar-a-Lago next week.
[David N Rodriguez
You’re gonna be there, right?]
Is that going to be the announcement he’s running for 2024?
What he’s really doing is he’s daring them to charge him..
related to any of a half a dozen things.
Whether the Southern District of New York
where he has a Trump card that he’s ready to play with Giuliani.
Whether it’s the J6 stuff..
Whatever they want to do, he’s daring them
because he’s about to announce.
But he hasn’t SAID that specifically
that’s just what everybody’s understood.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Freemasons thought they were powerful until the collective vibe of AnonUp was established.

All are welcome to decode, pray and vibe high with us!

Small town girl from Alabama that bleeds Red, White and Blue! #WWG1WGA #America1st #FightBack #FightLikeAFlynn

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

i wish i understood all these repeating numbers but I don't. i see 111, 1111, 222, 333, ALOT. 444 and 555 occasionally. What does it mean? Is it angel numbers? Can I look it up?

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🙌🇺🇸❤️ Juan said this would happen, for any Juan Doubters out there! 🤪. Just sayin! 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I am learning that winning the outer war cannot be done without also fighting the inner war. To be "all in" on the public fight for what is righteous cannot be done without being "all in" on the private one, too. We cannot serve two masters, once you head down the narrow path you have to keep going, and if you try to go both ways you will end up going nowhere.

This period of waiting has been agony, but it has also brought a spiritual clarity that I previously lacked. It allows for reflection, repentance, and healing. I can look across at others to observe their parallel personal struggle without having to judge or compare. Fixing my own life and lifestyle is much harder than fighting for truth and justice.

What has made the most difference is to surround myself with others who are seeking the higher and harder way, so that I no longer normalise that which I previously embraced, accepted, or tolerated. Knowingly rebelling against what is divine makes you an enemy asset.

PNW Patriot 😎 AU is Home 💖🐸