The Intercessor
@Justice4AllCQHello Patriots! I am the same Intercessor from Twitter. Was united with 26000+ Patriots there! #BendedKnee #SOPT17 #WWG1...

Former [Corn Po..
@CorstructionChiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a ...

1776 Again
@BludGeonTOur Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Susie __Q
@Susie_Q💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music: revissounds.com

Quantumly Free
@n2LightLowly messenger in this war of GOOD vs. evil. Exiled (& freed) from 3 twitr accts. Trump is OUR President! Thank you...

Nikki TrumpTrai..
@WeRTheNewsGrateful for Trump and his wonderful family! Thanking God for all our blessings! Not sure if I'm Rep. or Patriot? J...

Dawn Williams
@dawnwilliams873WWG1, WGA Kicked off of Twitter. So Glad to reconnect with fellow Patriots! Love My President Trump!

Warrior Annie
@WarriorAnnieI am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA

Trump Train
@trumptrainofficialTrumpTrain Official Dedicated to the 45th President of the United States and the People of his Movement 🇺🇸

Grandma Jenn
@jennifer_cloud9Christian..#GodWins #Q #WWG1WGA #KAG committed to the Love of my life.. here for fellowship with other God fearing Freed...

Christopher Smi..
@blessedpatriotUnapologetic Conservative from Cedar Rapids, IA who loves GOD, country, President Trump, & Patriots.

Enchanted Merma..
@CyberfriendPatriot, Anon, Writer, Empath, Starseed, digital soldier, love all things "Q". WWG1WGA-GOD WINS

We Support Dona..
@wesupportdonaldtrumpProud Patriot's of the best President in American history, Donald J. Trump I love my President as much as I love A...

Cord Archangel
@CordlesssssMany here are bots. I'm as real as it gets as seen here. https://anonup.com/thread/1669217

Kathleen Carr
@OceanblueHi family.. #SaveTheChildren, WWG1WGA, Honored to be apart of history, One crazy trip we are on. Ready to clean up after...

Sound Of Freedo..
@SoundOfFreedomMovie⭐ ‘In Theater’ ⭐ Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIE (2021) ☄ STREAMING ONLINE ☄ Free GoogleDrive! How to watch Sound of Freedom...
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more