Chr Str
3 years ago

Chr Str

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In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

Faith without works is dead.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

Sorry, that was in response to OP who mentioned jesuits. I don't actually think that is true. The point is that man has no power over God's will.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

As for the pagan religions having similar beliefs - the Bible says that all men are created in the image of God and that His law is written on our hearts. This is why it is almost universally believed that it is wrong to murder. However, in instances of great evil and continuous rebellion the Lord does give people over to a debased mind. We see this in our culture everywhere. We are in a time of great rebellion against God. When you read His Word it opens your eyes to the truth of what is going on around you. The Bible was my first red pill. Particularly Romans 1:18-32.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

The Bible wasn't altered and we know this because we have tens of thousands of manuscripts. We worship on Sunday's which is the day after sabbath because
that is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. This is established in the new testament. The Bible does not say on which day Christ was born so that is a misnomer. I know this is true because God determines what is Truth. He is sovereign over all things on Earth and a couple of Jesuits don't have the power to overthrow our Holy God who is omnipotent. The Bible is without error and without contradiction and is sharper than any two edged sword and is actually "God breathed." This means it is the very Word of God. I implore you to read His Word for yourself. Pray that the Lord open your eyes to Truth and He will listen.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

The maniscripts exist despite what you've read on the internet. 🤷‍♀️

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

That is a myth.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

The Bible hasnt been altered. We have tens of thousands of manuscripts in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.

This is false.

In response Julie Walker to his Publication

Yes, only those who profess Jesus and are washed in His blood will be saved. God isn't just all love. He is also justice. It would not be loving to victims of evil to just forgive all evil. Sometimes justice IS love.

No, the Holy Bible IS true history and IS the Word of God.

You can read about the real Jesus Christ in the Bible, which is the true Word of God.

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

There is only one God and He is our Father.

In response Samantha Greenwood to her Publication

Anything for attention 🙄

In response Peacock LoveBling to her Publication

ummm what?

In response Happy 2Bhere to her Publication

So which one is acceptable to post? The movie kind or the pedo kind? I'm confused.

In response Happy 2Bhere to her Publication

Why don't you go back to pornhub?

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

THANK YOU!!! Porn is DAMAGING to the brain, to marriages, to the SOUL, and countless other things. Most take porn way too lightly as it has been normalized in our culture. 80% of men have porn addictions. Thank you for standing strong on this issue despite the criticism!! ❤️

In response Rut Row its Kevin™ to his Publication

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

In response Mama Aeywat to her Publication

Agreed. This is a silly post.

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

Could not agree more! I've seen some bad bad bad theology on here. Read your Bible's and test all things against the Word of God!

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

I find gab to be so BORING and annoying to use without access to an app. Anonup is 👍!

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

please let this be real 🙏😂🤣

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

Thank you!!! 👏👏👏

In response Patriot Girl17 to her Publication

will do! thanks for the info!

In response Patriot Girl17 to her Publication

my next rabbit hole 🤢

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

Purple always makes me reeeeaaal sleepy. 😂😂😂😴😴😴

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication

My dad is a big Who fan and I grew up hearing this song over and over again. I always thought it was a great song but I never had an appreciation or understanding of the lyrics until now. Thanks for sharing! Too bad Pete Townsend is into CP. 🙁

In response Elaine Shtein to her Publication

I will be praying for this man. 🙏

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

Thank you for bringing clarity to this. It honestly freaked me out a bit.

In response Nah Maan to his Publication

I have to agree with you on this. I've seen a lot of really bad theology here and some people seem to think that all evil will be eradicated and we'll live in some kind of utopia. I trust Trump as a fallible man, I don't think he is perfect, I think there is a plan and I follow the Q drops, but ultimately Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and evil will continue to exist until the day of His return and no one knows when that will be. I just ask all anon's to turn to the actual word of God. Read your Bibles. Learn the character of God and live in obedience and faith to Him. 🙏🙏🙏