Posting porn will get you suspended.

TrueQ Red White & Blue Patriot ! Love God, family & Patriots ! Support our Vets/Military Children lives matter Just love my America
Thank You Kobayashi ADMIN ! Thank you soooo much !
💪 👍

In the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.
Thank You! 'Twas ('tis) aberrent of The Twiddle Place to do so, then happen upon it by accident. A Lessening of Mankind.

A True Patriot. God, Family & Country. Mother, Wife, Daughter. We stand for the American Flag.
Thank You!!!!!!!!

Spreader of truth, love & light. Sprinkle that shit everywhere.
Thank you. Aware of the heinous crimes that have been committed. I personally DO NOT want to see these images because they are then seared into your brain.
CLICK bait to a PORN pop up. I doin't know how to report it. I don't see an opetion to report this user.
Olivia Jackson
Trump to Impeach John Roberts Using Judicial Subsection 22-A {#id:36#} {#id:2#} {#id:14#} {#id:34#} {#id:37#} {#id:35#} {#id:245#} {#id:130#} {#id:1151#} {#id:9#} {#id:5#} {#id:2
keeper of the shop. based anon. retailer of luxury cardboard. salty army. light worker. red pill dealer. question everything. love wins. Q
i stand behind this 1000% 17 times.

Wife/Mother/24-7 Patriot/Lover of coffee, Shinedown & FFDP/Addict of written words/Chihuahua wrangler/Finder of Missing Things/Truth Seeker
Thank you!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Thank you, if i notice anything i will report it. If you notice on my account or any account with my name and porn, I am NOT engaged in porn and want nothing to do with it! 🙏

You're watching a movie. The Best is Yet to Come! God Bless America! Trump 2Q2Q. #SaveOurChildren #GodWins
Thank you for all you do for us! God Bless.

I am just a small account but one that loves our Country and our President, Donald J Trump! God bless America and God bless all the Patriots
Thank you! And I hope you all helped Doq Holliday....He was havong a time with a sick O

Wife. Mom of 5. Believer. Love freedom. Homeschooling mom. #MAGA #KAG #fightback
Thank you!

Patriot who loves her family. California girl. Nuked 6 times by Jack! 🙄 Harper the Ragdoll Would Be a Better President than Joe. 😹❤️🇺🇸
If only we had the technology to physically punch one of these sickos through the phone. 😡👊

una ragazza e' nessuno I stand for the Flag and kneel for God! #WWG1WGA
Thank you! Let's keep it classy, this isn't Twitter.

I heard it was going to be💥💥💥BIBLICAL💥💥💥 so here I am!
yes thank you !

Refugee of Twit and Parl. Christian patriot who weeps for her country.
Thank you! We don't have time for that shite

Thanks so much . Again! 🤗

🇨🇦 patriot. I ❤️ President Trump & all he stands for: Freedom Truth Love Peace #WWG1WGA #GESARA, #5D IFBAP Not a dating app! Will block!
Quite disturbing to wake up to that icky picture, but I'm not sure of any suggestions as to how to make sure it doesn't keep happening. You're doing an excellent job here...

Thank you.

The word or visuals? 😀
Good thing. It's great to have a pltfrom like anonup. Let's keep it sane!

My bloody profile pic is not me and In my mind depicts me winning a battle with a cig. God is my truth.

Gritty critical thinker, soft-hearted & tough-minded, persevering Mom & Nana. May we all move into the fullness of who we truly are.
thank you - so obviously a ploy to hijack minds. very much appreciated!

Sassy Patriot Bitch. Not here to mop up your snowflake tears. WWG1WGA. MAGA! BIDEN IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!!

finally! someone that GETS it!!

Thanks! How do we keep pervs from sending us messages with porn... Like from Engligh Patriot... don't open their messages.

#WWG1WGA I don't even rank as a private but I consider myself a digital fighter cuz fook evil asshats. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins

Digital Creator ✯ Memes ✯ OG Content ✯ #Based ✟ ✯ #MAGA ✯ #OnlyFrensMemes ✯ #Dilley300 ✯ #SaltyArmy
Thank You for this wonderful place. I want it to stay that way 🙏🏻🐸👀

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R