I feel his pain, confusion and outrage. Now that we see [their] agenda in action and how close we're coming to losing it all, we can never ever let this happen again. From CJ Truth's Telegram: https://t.me/cjtruth316
Patriotic, Pure Blooded Trump Supporting American citizen. Hungry for the TRUTH. God Bless America!
I feel his pain too, brings tears to my eyes.
People WANT jobs!
Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder!!!!!!!!!!
Christian, Wife, Mother, Nana, Friend to many, Patriot to 4-10-20.....new/followed santasurfing & drcharlieward
God Bless this man & ALL the others that lost their jobs b/c of B1d3n....will never call him my president as PRESIDENT Donald J Trump is STILL my president...Forever!!!!
I will be praying for this man. 🙏
Conservative, Love President Trump! The Best is Yet to Come!!!! WWG1WGA Suspended from Twatter! #BeBest
Oh my heart hurts for this man. God bless him. How much more can we all take.
sir i am so sorry
Hard Rock Constitutional Conservative Freedom Fighter #WWG1WGA #SavetheChildren #2A #MoanLabe No coins sold or bought
They don't care.
God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs
this is heartbreaking. a man works his entire life to care for his family and to live in peace and right in the middle of meeting his goals he is brought down by a narcissistic, America hating government.
Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Reiki Master, BQH certified, Lightworker, Wife, Mother, Friend! God Bless Patriots and Q!!!
So sad, This guy speaks for so many.
Christian Mom Patriot 🙏 Trump Supporter Love My Country USA 🇺🇸 ❤️ God Family Truth Love Compassion Freedom Justice Great Awakening
This broke my heart 💔😢 How can anything that LARPer-in-chief signed actually have any effect?? I know President Trump has a plan & I know our great military will stand by their oath & defend our country! We will take America back! 🙏🇺🇸
Heart breaking truth. Who you vote for, matters!
Welcome to the low (slave) class, with a master's degree and no jobs (me). Been here a long time. This is the only benefit of being poor most of your life, you see a lot of this coming. You wake up quickly. I pray for the middle class, but you all are next. They want us all to be the low (slave) class. Great Awakening incoming as a forced suppository.
Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
I certainly feel this. My son works on the pipeline and was put on notice.
When are we going to say enough is enough and take our country back? We can't continue to sit back and be complacent. Thats what [they] want. [They] are using scare tactics to keep us under control. We have more power than you realize, all we have to do is say enough is enough!
Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
🤬😥I feel this man's pain. My fiance is a pipeliner and is just waiting for the call. It's complete billshit to put it nicely.
True Patriot and Follow all Anons, I love my God and Country. IFBAP, President Donald J Trump will Always be My President! Military Brat
My heart aches for this man and others that are going through the same thing, God foretold of these things in His Word, I have tried for years to alert and tell people, My Sunday School teacher 24 years ago had the class do a research in the Bible of who we thought was the Mystery Babalon, My husband and I have known for years, but when we would share our findings people dedided the truth, they did not want to believe that America could be a part of such things, but yet Here We Are! God Bless you All and may He be with each and everyone! 🙏💖
Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Exactly! Just like the Romanian people did in 1989.
God Bless John F Kennedy, POTUS 45 DJTrump, General Flynn, our Military and Patriots worldwide. ❤🙏🇺🇸 GOD IS ALWAYS ON HIS THROWN!
💔😭#HoldTheLine Patriot just a bit longer!
💙🤍💚Blessed Wife, Mountain Mama, Gypsy Soul and Patriot❤️🤍💙 🚫NO DM’s PLEASE🚫
My heart aches for them all. I have faith that something great lies ahead for not only these workers but for us all. I cannot fathom that President Trump would know this would happen and not make it worth the sacrifice. I carry hope and faith for all those who are currently suffering as part of The Great Awakening.
Holistic Nutritionist. WWG1WGA. A Canadian who LOVES President Trump!!
I know things are looking bad right now but President Trump has not given up! He will not let the evil cabal destroy America or the world! keep the faith, everything is going to work out!
Just a blue collar millwright determined to never allow my children to grow up in a communist state. Q loud and Q proud. #WWGOWGA
This is the reaction for all of us in the tradesman fields. The keystone is just the start. Eventually their policies will cripple the manufacturing industry and send all our jobs back overseas. I hope we see action from the military before these realities cause irreparable damage. As tradesman we shave years, sometimes decades, off our lives to give our families the life they deserve. And as this man states, the fact that this pathetic excuse for a president can crush hard working Americans with the stroke of a pen is unconscionable and reprehensible. I pray the madness ends soon.