My state Alabama ❤️🐸#RollTideRoll

#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
Person = Corporation.
Must go back to common law.

A "Person" is one thing. A human is another. A corporation is lawfully a "Person". Humans have God given rights, Persons have only Government granted privileges. Privileges can be taken away, Rights can not.
I guess this ruling is still better than nothing.

just for giggles whats differance between human and man?:)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

USAF 1966 - 1989. This my final decision is not necessarily the last one I'm going to make!
@stunninglyboring ~ combined your post with @kevinjbuttner 's ... thought it fit perfectly with his. #itsAlwaysBeenAboutTheKids

Married to my best friend, Mom of Men, Dog Mom, #Pro-Life, #1A, #2A, God 🙏 Family 👨👩👦 Country 🇺🇸 Freedom 🟥 WWG1WGA WW 🐸😎🍿
thank you Jesus

Old but awesome anyways
Alabama Supreme Court rules that unborn children are “human beings”
Brandon Moseley
ByBRANDON MOSELEYPublishedJanuary 5, 2017
Alabama rules that an unborn baby is a person - News
Precious Life
MARCH 6, 2019 5:48PM ET
Alabama Court Awards Aborted Fetus the Right to Sue Abortion Clinic
The decision has had a chilling effect on the abortion-rights activist community.
Aborted Fetus Gets Legal Representation In Alabama Case - Rolling Stone
Ryan Magers has won the right to have his ex-girlfriend's aborted fetus represented by a lawyer in an Alabama probate court.
Christian Patriot, Wife and Sales Analyst - #MAGA #ItsGoingToBeBiblical #GODWins #TheGreatAwakening #DarkToLight #TwatterFBCasualty
Glory to GOD! One step closer to making America GODLY again!!

Christian Patriot, Wife and Sales Analyst - #MAGA #ItsGoingToBeBiblical #GODWins #TheGreatAwakening #DarkToLight #TwatterFBCasualty
Glory to GOD! One step closer to making America GODLY again!!

Thank you Lord Jesus! We need to start standing up and giving a voice to those that have no voice!

Here to support Trump and his movement. Happy husband, proud father, Q, MAGA, love America or leave America.
It shouldn't take a supreme court to figure this out!! Any sane person knows this!!