alan candt
@candtalanNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
I have believed exactly that for a long time! The events might include a reduction or ceasing of traditional benefits... There might be something of a rush.

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
fake tweet windup

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Not with the current publicly 'available' technology. Other technology exists and easily got to the moon, and beyond.

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
(contd) 'Sub captain Vitali Savitsky was convinced World War III had begun and
that the Americans were trying to destroy /B-59/. He wanted to launch
a nuclear torpedo to wipe out the aggressors. Thankfully, a nuclear
launch required the authorization of three officers. Another agreed
with Savitsky, but Arkhipov refused to co-sign the launch. He talked
the other two down,'

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
The jabs contain hydrogels polymers (plastics)

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
During an eclipse or a nearing eclipse, the sun is necessarily shining on the far side of the moon. For us to see the moon illuminated, the sun has to be sideways on, or nearly behind the earth

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
consider cds chlorine dioxide solution?

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
In UK baking soda is not the same thing as sodium bicarbonate

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
If all of the actual referred links at the time, followed with care, it would have been seen that another answer was 'yes'

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
yes, but in addition he knew that an industrial process would inevitably manifest clogging etc from unhomogenised milk, so we were told homogenisation was a benefit. However it causes more damage than pasteurisation, but ensures likely higher arterial etc and cholesterol problems. Easy long term money. Double whammy.

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
What is the price of bulk steel nowadays..?

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
How is#229 'deleted'? It still seems to exist?

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
I dont know, my phone just ,happened, to be off. :-)

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Sending prayers 🙏 Please be aware Dr Lee Merritt 'Parasite Paradigm'
Parasites--a New Paradigm
This is probably the key to everything. For the Vaxxed, for the Unvaxxed. Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to
Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Thanks, but not for me

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
who believes the Government any more?

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
same here

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Borax purchased from UK retail is not borax. It is a different substance. it is on the pack, but the pack is labelled in big type 'borax. if you want some, go to a chemical supply company.

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
chlorine dioxide as CDS is easier and not at all so nasty taste. But if taste is that problem is he really wanting to improve(?)
God bless you

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Looking inward, giving consciousness a bit of time to settle, forms of meditation etc invaluable. meditation of no special format, almost daydreaming. 'If a thought comes in... just let it carry on, and OUT...' Love, thanks, and keep going

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Lovely , so colourful and joyful

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
Insufficient. A PC is also required 🧐

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
I am in UK I can use TS. It does not like a vpn which I prefer to routinely use, but it can be used ok

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
🙏🏻❤️ It sounds like you very much did the right thing. Many prayers being sent to you. Be at peace with yourself.

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
I am seeing 'Flight cancelled' at this link just now

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
(UK) Existing locations of 'Stand in the Park'

Retired from paid work. Busy. Enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux software. Expanded thinking , a journey
blackmailed with population held to ransom via still available wmd. T knows well that *I* would not take a jab regardless of what he said. AND in the same breath he said - & you do have a choice... Where is a lesson in sovereignty if people start to do what they are told to do - even by T??