Alcyone 777
9 months ago

Alcyone 777

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All Will Be Revealed

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

This level of fun with destruction/death went
unchecked in Cali for at least 25+ yrs, almost
a dozen towns with 1,000 to 14,000 homes for
each incinerated town and also was done to native Americans in various ways--no matter how much winning there seems to be--a 'red line'
may have to come into play

Why is Naval missile defense ship slowly cruising closely along the north shore of Kauai just now? 10-4-23 4:14 P.M.

In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication

What just happened in Maui, in the towns of Lahaina and Kula, was not staged on a movie set. They really burned over 1,00 people, families children, their pets, alive, destroyed their homes and reworked zoning just prior and after so the people can not recover any homeowners insurance. They are not letting relief donations in, and the Gov said they will be taking over the land to put in a 15-minute work housing city. I am reporting from real life in Hawaii.

I repeat this isn't a movie. It's happening in real life to real people. Make proper arrangements with yourselves, your families, and God. We are in AIs remastering of Operation Trust.

The people can and must wake up to it and prevail for HUman kind's sake. Humans have good hearts. The people who do these things are not Human and have weaknesses. Love is their kryptonite, it makes them physically il.

Love people. 🙏💛

The absence of overt professional historians, journalists, and academics in general on AU tells us a lot. They only care about their 3 Ps: publications, promotions, pension. AU is 3 Ds: data, discernment, divinity. Paradigms of selfish vs selfless.

If the barbaric attacks on people’s psyches could be visualised as physical war wounds, what would we see? How mutilated would people look? Psychological war is extremely violent, yet leaves no obvious trace, so its seriousness is easily dismissed.

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!" 🕊

In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication

Hop in we're leveling up! 🕊

Hello Anons,

I am surprised Kappy ran with it. A few of you noted the Lebron in Barbie Pink was shopped so I looked and it is being said the two different images were AI-generated. I am going to keep it up for 3 reasons. 1 its funny. 2. More people are learning about the Illuminati's humiliation ritual of making men wear drag in public. 3. When images and videos come out of them doing terrible things to children, they will be able to say they were AI-generated and the sleeping public will not believe it. Be prepared for that. I think the Deep State is leaking these deep fakes for that reason. How about you?

For those still suspended from the platform formerly known as Twitter, just know AU does a great job at keeping up on the Top news. What you may be missing is Xeets like this.

I have to wonder who is putting him through the humiliation ritual at this point, BHs or WHs?

Either way, make it stop.

For those still suspended from the platform formerly known as Twitter, just know AU does a great job at keeping up on the Top news. What you may be missing is Xeets like this.

I have to wonder who is putting him through the humiliation ritual at this point, BHs or WHs?

Either way, make it stop.

Twitter is gone

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

& the most popular technique for laundering $
is through “HIGH VALUE ART.”
This is because at the High End of the Art World
anonymous buying is accommodated
& THEY DON’T CARE how you pay for it..
You can get the “ART” transferred to a FREEPORT,
a highly secure free trade zone of an airport or shipping port.
“Goods” in this area can be imported or exported
WITHOUT CUSTOMS or import taxes..
You can sell the “ART” to a legitimate buyer
without ever seeing the piece. Your dirty money is now clean 💥

🇺🇸 7-6-23 Juan O Savin
One of my associates in the Election Fraud stuff
who was doing work for the FBI discovered that
[Trafficking children & adrenochrome 💔]

👇 @ disclosurehub
Selling & buying artwork as one of the main ways
the elites buy children & human trafficking…

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

So encouraged to see other anons here see his dark side. To me, it's all dark from him.

Don't you have to provide real ID to get the checkmark?

Isn't this a way to encourage people moving on to digital ID "convenience and access to more" if you just submit to the machine?

Isn't his X to make everything the property of the internet? Consider Starlink to be like skynet with the ability to remotely control the "internet of things" people included, and there is no way we can shut down starlink from the ground.

I get ID for voting and background checks if one will be working with children. After that, our privacy is one of our highest values right now.

Someone said Elon was using Twit to better develop his AI tech. True and it will be used against us if we allow for it.

They are uploading personality profiles to be downloaded into synthetic clones off world and virtual realities. preparing for a matrix reload. In essence, we are being copied into other simulations

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

This was all planned by the cabal yrs ago, imo.
They plan decades out.
They decided one day that their evils plans to control the world could profit tremendously in many many ways by destroying the family unit.

Nana has said for many years that if women had just kept their bras on in the 60's, kept the family unit together, and realized the powerful opportunity they really had at shaping the world by STAYING HOME, by strengthening the family unit our world would be so much better now.

Women could have committed first to shaping the communities around the them during their children's under roof years by volunteer work keeping those communities stronger as a local family unit.
Women could have put all that energy into shaping our future during those yrs.

Part of the problem tho was the males. Too many women were being left with no source of income when wondering husbands left the family for younger or just other women I think.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Women need to stand up against this SATANIC AGENDA. Men participating in women's sports, beauty pagents and such can only be stopped when women stand up and say NO! Women also need to understand that God created men and women differently for many reasons. Women's " liberation" movements have actually enslaved women in the corporate world and removed women from their most important " job" in the world. That is nurturing and bringing forth emotionally and physically healthy children. There is no corporate job more worthy or influential than securing future generations of sound minded, loving and caring people.😇

In response Carole Davis-Z to her Publication

That was the designated one world religion. Because it is the strictest.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

So, a woman cannot be a gay man then...🤔

We are being slow walked into their next phase - islam. Women as livestock, to be bought and sold into slavery.

Muslims are easily controlled, a tight knit community, brainwashed from birth, through repetition by all those around them, violence, and threat of excommunication... same tactics that were once used in the Medieval church.

They will be the mafia parasites, street goons, their enforcers... believing they are creating their world wide caliphate... they are being used too.

Look at Paris, NYC, they are releasing their hordes onto the streets.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Way to go John Hopkins!
How many humans have you altered
Time to remove this demonic building

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

I Am not here on AU because it's a conservative sight.

I Am here because it FELT like the most integrous platform.

There are many AMAZING Souls here.

A great deal of support and uplifiting sharing.

Very little hate, scammers, etc.



👀TIFFANY'S flagship store in NYC is on fire.

What's the message being sent? VK is also out on mission. 👀


Man tells you what you must do using Common Law to beat the court system.

a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

1. youngest was homeschooled. he will begin his 3rd year in college a month after he turns 19
2. he has never been to disneyworld
3. iam a committeewoman for 2 years now
4. he has not been whackzeened ever
5. i tell pregant women to not give their kids whackzeens and for her not to get them either
6. i boycotted starbucks and target years and years ago
7. i avoid all major brands of anything
8. i left my church 14 years ago.
9. i quit watching sports 15 years ago.
10. i quit easter/christmas 15 years ago.
11. my wakeup call? the vaccine injuries my older sons endured over 25 years ago.
PAIN is a strong teacher.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5

I think I officially have my first ever man crush, and I ain’t ashamed to say it 😍

Love this Patriot from The Great White North! ❤️🇨🇦🪓

God if you are listening, would you please send us about 17 million more just like him? Thank you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"

🔥The Government’s Biggest Fear🔥

The government doesn’t fear you knowing their plans or attempting to start a “revolution”. What they actually fear is you withdrawing your attention from them and creating your own reality. That’s it. That’s the secret. As long as you still feed them with your attention, energy, and fear they win. This doesn’t mean ignore what they’re doing, it simply means not being emotionally manipulated and focusing on your OWN agenda more than theirs.

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

Planted in rain gutters.
~ from Des Moines Backyard Gardners

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

Texas Launches Lawsuit Against Biden’s Unlawful Title IX Guidance Forcing “Transgender” Policies in Schools by Threatening Education Funds

In response Mystic Knight to his Publication

That's jumping a gun. Perhaps we were on that path in the 1960s to women feeling safe enough and supported to express her deeper nature.

Enter the push for radical feminism. Just as men were warming up to experiencing women in a new way, appreciating and respecting her beyond the exploited servant to men's needs, they got women to resent men or to want to compete against them in the workplace.

Both genders have been manipulated. You are exploited for their wars and gains and profits which brings you esteem, valor and respect. Women to this day are exploited for their youth, subservience and sexuality.

I still put it on alphas to turn it around. THEY need to shut down participating in strip clubs, watching and producing porn, for the love of all things sacred, those women are someone's daughter, sister, maybe mother.

Pull her out, put some clothes on her, and help her find her real inner beauty and strength. Then we all can face the demon together and slay it.

In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication

and, what the Alphas have not realized yet, yet...I know they will, is that gay/trans men, beta males that run the word have power over them, the Alphas. Riddle me that batman.

What is the saying, look at who you are not allowed to criticize publically, that is who rules you. Many words including trannies are flagged on twitter, can't come for them.

I wanted to make it big in fashion in my school years and something spooked me. I went to soul search in the islands to find it. I felt as if I went any further, I would lose my soul to the industry one day.

I later learned gay men control WOMENS fashion. Riddle me that, why do we let them decide what we wear? They gave vera wang bridal, pffft she is an adreno junkie now.

Gay men rule even the alphas, all the BlackRock/Vanguard honchos, and royalty are gay/inverts/trans. How did gay/trans get alpha males to support their evil reign over all of us?

✨They got them to hate and fear the creative power of women. ✨