Light and LOVE
13 hours ago

Light and LOVE

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We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!


Most people must be shown to SEE


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Why don't the "holy" books tell us, remind us that we are
Divine Beings
having an earthly experience
in a physical body,
having decided on a Soul level to have this experience,
that at anytime we can REMEMBER,
change any or All of our Soul contracts and,
either remain in this physical earth body to assist and/ or experience this amazing planet,
or move into a new adventure???


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Another great article by Mike King,
with photos


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

This is why Mike King is one of a handful of researchers I trust:


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

I am most grateful for the White Hat Plan.

I am grateful for the man whose Soul contract brings him to be the primary Face for global freedom
as this planet moves towards the great shift and,
split of the energies of Love and Fear.

Having said this, CIC Trump, speaks to those fully engaged in the 3rd Dimensional reality created by highly advanced Beings,
ruled by a soulless few and their armies of lost souls.

Anyone who listens or reads CIC Trumps speeches and can't See the continuation of division and matrix mass psychosis,
is definitely,
DEFINITELY not even in the lower 4th dimensional level of consciousness.

Waking up (not to be confused with exoplolitical AWARENESS) means CONSCIOUSLY moving thru the levels of the 4th Dimension, which includes seeing ALL the layers of fear and recognizing (becoming conscious) that
FEAR is created and perpetuated within the 3D matrix.

There will never be peace on earth when there is ANY form of division.


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!



We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

An open, full healthy spinning throat chakra is rare.

Kudos to those who have worked thru their wounds, their fears and social conditioning,
now able to speak and Be authentic!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!


This is how "logic" looks, sounds and reads.

Simple for those with the desire and ability.
An honest "truther" here!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!


Washington D.C., a ten square mile foreign entity,
is and has been a ghost town since CIC Trump stepped back from the position of president of the U.S. corporation in January, 2021.

Kelly Brady, aka Nancy Drew, has been diligent in sharing onsite videos of the area.


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Just an Important Reminder:

The "U.S." Debt Clock is PRIVATELY owned and run.

And, while it may post many things we Know and / or Believe is the past, current and future happenings,

there is No way to Know if the White Hats are feeding info to the creators and updaters of the Debt Clock,

or if it's being 100% done by the creators alone or with the assistance of hopeful truthers.

My point:
Use DISCERNMENT of the big picture and,
like with every other podcaster and creator,
don't let this singular presenter be your primary compass!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Oh Ya Baby!


We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

Anyone who doesn't get this is NOT in the Ascention process!

This is Huge part of waking up in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions!
