Insidious removal of women from society, from positions of authority, from motherhood and wifehood. This has been going on for years, slowly, gradually replacing women with trans women either identified as such or pretending to be women, like wives of congressmen, mostly also men posing as women, heads of agencies like cdc, a man posing as a woman, Victoria’s Secret models are all men posing as women, entertainment industry women replaced by men posing as women, educators, librarians, military officers, etc. Every occupation has participated in the replacement of women. This is a satanic agenda. Women are hated by satanists and luciferians because they are loving, caring, nurturing, creators of life, warm, inspiring and wonderful, helpful people. The Cremation of Care is the ritual they perform to destroy women and they believe it is working. Now they intend to ban reproduction and create babies in pods with stem cells, no female eggs needed. No families, women erased from earth.

You shared truth and it's important everyone is aware of this and corrects it when they see it. We need the help of men to protect the existence of biological women. The alpha males need to put the Luciferian betas that hate XX women, in check before the only thing alpha XY males will have to cozy up to is other men.
Even through the Vatican, they made the Divine Mother into a whore, Babylon-Rome and the twin compliment to Yashua, Mary Magdeline a prostitute, always degrading women.
You are right. Men will solve this when they finally realize what is happening. I’ve been posting about this for several years. You’re a rare person who sees this too. As a kid the church told us women make men sin, so this hatred is implanted very early. Thank you for being present Alcyone. 🙏

and, what the Alphas have not realized yet, yet...I know they will, is that gay/trans men, beta males that run the word have power over them, the Alphas. Riddle me that batman.
What is the saying, look at who you are not allowed to criticize publically, that is who rules you. Many words including trannies are flagged on twitter, can't come for them.
I wanted to make it big in fashion in my school years and something spooked me. I went to soul search in the islands to find it. I felt as if I went any further, I would lose my soul to the industry one day.
I later learned gay men control WOMENS fashion. Riddle me that, why do we let them decide what we wear? They gave vera wang bridal, pffft she is an adreno junkie now.
Gay men rule even the alphas, all the BlackRock/Vanguard honchos, and royalty are gay/inverts/trans. How did gay/trans get alpha males to support their evil reign over all of us?
✨They got them to hate and fear the creative power of women. ✨

Good 🌄 Morning ladies, Male Y chroma Alpha in the discussion. Let's talk about babylonian secret society history, the Zohar, Talmud, and shape-shifting interdimensional beings. Shall we? Or are you afraid of my "power". That would be zero, except for my ideas, words and presence in this thread. 🤔 I am not in your area, nor do I pose a threat, or am assaulting you in any way other to engage a discussion. Those faggot transexuals threaten you. To every child on earth also. 🌎 Human trafficking is a huge business on earth. Do I have proof? Nope, not yet. I just dreamed about it. Also I do consider the divine feminine idea 💡 🤔 very carefully, All the time, in fact, as we step from beyond a Yuga of manipilulateion and deception. The cycles of this event are very strange indeed! 🤔

that is why this will not be going on much longer...everything will be back to divine law!