Maribelle Yrdnal
@YrdnalNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

🚨Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Virologist & Vaccine Researcher says Vaccines are causing the variants and can never bring herd immunity... [They] will try to make this pandemic last forever.We the People have had enough!!! We must RISE!! We R The News Now!!! Spread this message far & wide 🕊Where We Go One, We Go All . 🙌🏼🇺🇸 5:5

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."

“We are living in BIBLICAL times.” — Q
COVFEFE is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.
The Dead Sea War Scroll describes the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness (Army of Belial & those who assist them from among the wicked) with inscriptions TRUMPETS, banners and liturgies for the priests during the conflict.
In the War against the Evil ones each side will fight alongside angelic hosts and other supernatural beings and final victory is achieved for the Sons of Light directly by the hand of God. In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity.

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

XVIII Airborne = Hang in there. We’re almost there. Long weekend coming up. = 10:00 AM
Q1000 = Epstein/PHONES/‘H’ (H=Hang)
CIA secretly own world’s top encryption supplier
= encryption for electronic devices = PHONES
‘H’ = Hang = Phones = ET phone home (DS com)
Multiple meanings exist = long weekend = G7 (WATER theme - Watch the WATER)
We are at the beginning of the end - Seals are being broken 1 by 1 - Truths are being exposed - Dark to Light - Morning sun brings HEAT - TGA
Q-TEAM has eyes on everyone (EVERYONE) including ALL 3 letter acronym agencies.
Wizard’s & Warlocks have access to ALL intel, baited black-hats into thinking they were safe by letting them commit crimes and evade justice for years so they’d expose themselves from A to Z. Now we have them ALL. No one gets a free pass.

#trumpcard #JFKJRLIVES #VKVibes #wwg1wga ❤️

Dan Scavino = Serious WATCH the WATER COMS.
Last tweet = Literal vid of WATER being WATCHED.
5:14 tweet time stamp = 5:1+4=5 = 5:5
5:5 = Clock Activated = It’s time for the STORM.
DS following count = 847 = Q847
= WATCH the WATER (there’s a few more recent Tweets directly linked to WTW Q drops).
DS tweet time stamp = 7:48 AM = W 748
= Sept 7, 1776 = 1st use of submarine in Naval Warfare (sub-marine = under WATER).
Interesting side note:
Hammurabi posted: Watch the Water,
Sept 7, 1776 (Q758) at 5:04 AM on 5/14/21.
Dan Scavino posted link to same Q drop
exactly 2 hours later at 7:58 AM on 5/14/21.
What are the chances both our posts (with the same message) would lead back to the same minute of the same day (1440 minutes in a day)?

Something BIG is going on.
DS changed his Twitter header
& now following 838 people = Q838 = BOOM.
He also added “Senior advisor,
President Donald J Trump” (PRESENT TENSE).
He’s telling us that DJT is the legitimate POTUS & will hopefully be officially recognized as so soon.
Operation GERONIMO 10 year anniversary TODAY.
Who stole Geronimo’s skull (WHY)?
BIG things are about to Occur/Shift.
Change of narrative will be required. [+4][+5]
Who’s in charge? Who’s really in charge?

Samuel Eckert offers $1M for proof of COVID 19 - so far, no one has been able to claim reward
Samuel Eckert Offers $1 Million For Proof of COVID 19! Now It's On - Health -
German journalist Samuel Eckert is offering a reward of 1 million dollars for those who provide irrefutable proof of the existence of Covid-19. By proof, he means the isolation of the virus according to Koch’s postulates…
PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
US Strategic Command Posture Statement Preview: “The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.”
Sounds like a possible SCARE EVENT is right around the corner. Reminds me of drop 936 and Bidan is a hostage. Sum Of All Fears. Stage SET. FREEDOM. Patriots are in control. 🙏 🇺🇸🦅
timestamp = 11:09 9/11
Q Drop 936
The Nazi order.
NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
The Sum of All Fears.
Stage SET.


HAMMURABI posts 3 DOG NIGHT on 4/10/21
DAN SCAVINO posts 3 DOGS on 4/22/21
3 Dogs = CERBERUS = 3 Headed Greek Mythological Dog that protects UnderWorld = Cerberus Cap Man = Company heading PROJECT FAIRVIEW = GOV SPY OP using cell phone camera + mic to spy on citizens via email, text, voice, etc. Capability to start listening to anything in vicinity of cell phone whether it’s being used or not.
3 dogs = 3 Letter Initialed Acronym Intel Agencies
= BHO (B OBMA’s initials + BDN HRRS OBMA TRIO)
3 = +++ (+++ ++ +)
9:50 TS = QD 950 = Trust Kansas = Mike Pompeo
HMCBMI = How Many Coincidences Before Mathematically Impossible = 3
HMCBMI = H8+M4+C3+B2+M4+I9 = 30 = 3+0 = 3
Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
“As above, so below...”

New Mr Pool c/o @PRX113 on Twitter...

Mr. Pool 🇺🇸🦅
Please Stand By . 📺
Praying for EBS to come soon . 🎬
Let’s get this party started . 🍿🍿🍿
#MAGA#wwg1wga#EnjoyTheShow .

Vladimir Putin Speech to the World 4/11/21
Confirms all suspicions about the Cabal:
“I know your satanic plans to reduce the population of the planet. If the USA and Europe don’t stop your plans immediately, you will not only face God’s wrath, but mine too.” - Vladimir Putin
Amazing times when the Imperial ruler of Mother Russia is more of a freedom fighter than the “leader of the free world” FALSE POTUS - JBDN.
Welcome to the resistance, welcome to the movement, welcome to THE GREAT AWAKENING!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Queen to Rook 4 (threatening Knight
+ initiating check if Knight moves).
Castling your King (putting DJT back
Pineal Gland - Pinecone - Pineapple Does dried pineapple represent Cabal Andrenocrome supply is dried up (Evergreen)?
Interesting timing for ROYAL imagery with Prince Phillip Royal Regent’s recent RIP.
Where is DJT sitting in the Masterpiece
by John McNaughton (Westminster Abbey
Prodigal Church of British Royals & location
of Prince Phillip’s Funeral)?
The Masterpiece – John McNaughton.
The Great Reveal - What’s the next PLAY??

Lethal viruses don’t need AD campaigns...
...celebrity spokespeople, multi million dollar social media marketing budgets, executive level PR firm mega branding, Madison avenue advertising agency representation, corrupt bureaucratic fear mongers, endless commercials simultaneously broadcasting carefully chosen repetitive phrases that use Pavlovian classical conditioning & mind control techniques to unconsciously hypnotize society into blind and total obedience, or to pay actors exorbitant kickbacks to tout the seriousness of its life threatening spread. Real viruses don’t need bought off high level internet influencers and titans of industry peddling experimental vaccines that manipulate human DNA and that no one is sure what the long term effects of are.
Real viruses do not have a 99.7% survival rate.
They leave dead bodies piled up on the street and the primal human fear of infection and death alone are the only publicity they need.