Lethal viruses don’t need AD campaigns...
...celebrity spokespeople, multi million dollar social media marketing budgets, executive level PR firm mega branding, Madison avenue advertising agency representation, corrupt bureaucratic fear mongers, endless commercials simultaneously broadcasting carefully chosen repetitive phrases that use Pavlovian classical conditioning & mind control techniques to unconsciously hypnotize society into blind and total obedience, or to pay actors exorbitant kickbacks to tout the seriousness of its life threatening spread. Real viruses don’t need bought off high level internet influencers and titans of industry peddling experimental vaccines that manipulate human DNA and that no one is sure what the long term effects of are.
Real viruses do not have a 99.7% survival rate.
They leave dead bodies piled up on the street and the primal human fear of infection and death alone are the only publicity they need.
Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠
Mom 4 boys, 2 Army Vets. MI Grandma to 9 Wife 40 yrs GOD Family Country... I Truly miss the Good Old Days when life was Simple. less HATE
Very Nicely Said!
I watch a number of shows on the Food Network and Travel Channel and every other commercial is on "if the vaccine doesn't get everywhere, the pandemic will never end" or "if we don't get everyone the vaccine the pandemic will never end"......100% brainwashing as too many sheeple out there are believing the rhetoric.......
Half way to Heaven, spouse of a military veteran. GODSPEED #wwg1wga #allkidsmatter
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