Not1 Worry
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I adore him. He cares about kids and is against bad adoption practices. He wants to make sure food supply is unadulterated. He appears against evil practices perpetuated against the public. Many other reasons. Through the years I have been impressed by his leadership. I feel he is for Russia like Trump is for us. Of course, my opinion is based on the information I have.

aka Bitcoin

You have no idea how clownish you are right now. You actually just outed yourself. I am not here for fans. I am here for truth, inspiration et. Grow the f up and quit acting like a shill.

So basically what you are saying is you have no idea what that is, what it means or where to find it.

He should resign while he still can.

Ottawa Police need to side with the people against mandates.

It is. I saw it on a show about A.I.

It is a robot.

Same to everyone, in every position that took that oath. You're FIREd.

How did I not notice these things in the past? I would have seen a creative wave. Now I see it.


street hockey!


We saw the coin change hands.

Are we going to pretend China had nothing to do with this? Are we to believe the. CCP is inept and stupid and was not working with Fauci and the Wuhan Lab. Are we to believe the CCP did not ultimately control the lab?
All involved knowingly need to answer.

Yes. Do a quick search it should pop

I had read where he had tested positive for covid weeks before this happened.


Prayers for CJ

And it was because of a shipwreck


I have seen people on meth do this.

I would prefer it to flow freely but here we are. :)

Useful Idiot is a term that might apply. They include just enough truth to get attention then when they are fed misinformation or decide to use their platform to make money they loose all credibility. I watch many accounts that I believe to be fake. The reason is not because I believe everything they say, but because I want as much information as possible about everything. That is how you collect intel. You watch everything. You take everything with a grain of salt. You use your discernment. What I also know is the truth is not ffor everyone. Even patriots get angry when you ask an honest question and attack people that ask it, call them 'out' when it is uncalled for and try, unitentionally or not to shut them down. We do not get to choose the truth. United we win, divided we fall. I have blocked people, not because I know they are good or bad but because I do not have time for bullshit. I literally want all information. Even misinformation is a tell. I do not want to miss

Sadly, some actually believe that.

His ignorance is showing.


There is no reason anybody should go without anything in this country.

Time to shop elsewhere.