Not1 Worry
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If there were no sinners, who could be saved?

Switch words like 'most educated' to 'most indoctrinated' and see how it changes the perspective and adds to overall empathy. Keep in mind that a lot of educated people never drank the koolaid.

I had the most amazing dreams last night.
President Trump and Melania were both in my dreams. They were both incredibly nice and down to earth.
Melania and I were working on something together. The dream went sideways at one point and we were playing a game with a Lion. We were basically playing tag with the Lion. President Trump promised us something if we won. If we tagged the Lion before he saw us we won. So I tagged the Lion by throwing food on him and was very proud of winning. (odd, I will ponder that one for awhile)
Then it went normal again. Discussed and worked on more things and would continue to do so.
I have no idea what it means but it was awesome. It is on the list of best dreams ever.

Imagine if the emoloyees were the shareholders. What would happen?

Delta + Omnicron =
Media Control

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

With so much disinformation out there it is a good idea to question everything. Do your own research and make up your own mind like always.

Look Here
Not There
Enjoy the Show
Not Everything is ABOUT YOU ANONS
This IS War
If you can't handle the heat
get out of the kitchen until it cools off but don't loose your cahonies now.
Go back and reread everything.
Disinformation, misinformation is sometimes needed.
Look here, not there
If you are confused, so are they frens.

make no mistake
we are ALL children of g-d

I have resorted to using a bit of reverse psychology in order to get those asleep to awaken. Next step is shoving the red pill down or up- either way.

The truth shall set us free

A woman was murdered today.
Murdered by a hospital that refused her medicine and nutrition prescribed by her doctor.
I am not sure if her backing the blue played a part in it.
I am not sure if her hanging signs supporting 45 played a part in it- by I highly suspect that it did.
Questions will be asked.
Questions will need to be answered.
We must stick together, help each other to understand the evil in this world so we may defeat it.

I do not care if you like a person or not. We stand up for those who can not help themselves. WWG1WGA

International Bad Ass... mom .. muse and married to @Redwhitebluesk1 ... 80s scream queen... will take you down to China town ....
I just received this message for the individual who holds Veronica’s medical power of attorney.
“September 12th 7:00CST
URGENT EMERGENCY! Veronica was stable yesterday and was going to receive a feeding tube over 24 hours ago. She has not received enough nutrients and has taken an extreme turn for the worse. We have a team in place including a private ambulance to transport her. They are DELAYING hospice or releasing her from the hospital. We don’t have that kind of time! She is declining due to lack of medical treatment and nutrients. We are left with other NO option than to alert the public and request your assistance as we are trying to SAVE VERONICAS LIFE. Her advocate just had to call the police department from the hosptial. Make calls, be loud and be heard!!!
Please help get as much attention FOR VERONICA as possible. Time of the essence.

Please everyone answer:
What are your thoughts, knowledge of, or concerns in regards to Regeneron?
AND Please: Do not shut down those that ask questions because most likely they are just trying to understand something. Asking questions is how people learn things and wake up. Unless you are too fragile or they are too fragile keep the dialog open.

Can someone tell me why Shiva is trashing RFK jr?