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^.: * Raea Strobl*:.^
^.: * Raea Strobl*:.^
2 years ago

^.: * Raea Strobl*:.^

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Once Upon a Time,
The Beginning up the End...
Oh right, we thought we were going to Mars, thought we were on Earth and suddenly crawled down the wrong Rabbit Hole and found ourselves on URANUS! And, Now, I would like to find out how to get us back to EARTH again and back in TOUCH with NATURE and I think, something really significant would have to happen like NOT EBS, that has been being downloaded within us from GOD over the duration of these many many years to figure it out...But I do love a promise and I think a force BOOT of the internet should produce good results so people can THINK for themselves again and hear their own moral voice of reasoning...PEOPLE DON'T NEED anymore of this TRAGIC DRAMA--let's get in ON with IT...Just want to go back to my forest and my art with SanD--19D--Yea, the 19th Dimension was way cooler than this for REAL though--104-RedDragon--At TS Post ;) ! Ding Dong! Anyone home in their MINDS lately? -Ali Sent Me

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Here to give birth to a brand new phoenix egg through a little mindset coaching and strategy 1010...This should inspire and encourage people to think outside the box of what they have been told...even through Q...IF disinformation is necessary and CIA is Here is noted...Why was that allowed to persist, but written into the code?

I'm not saying this perspective is right or wrong...Just curious of what could be potential and possible if we see through the theory of "most are good" now what can that mean in this particular instance?

Let's ask a different question:
If one of your favorite accounts, who is respectful, faithful, loyal, and compassionate shows up in the future and says he is CIA, would you reject him/her?

Or could there be a heavenly meaning and Earthly meaning.>>


C=3 so maybe like 3rd Eye...

Meeting of the minds, via telepathy...Can bad guys use this too? Idk you tell me who gets special good guy

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🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []


🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []

The Great Awakening Movie (High-Quality) – FULL, OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY – Premiered June 3, 2023 - YouTube

Visit our website at to learn more. Please consider donating, as we’re a people-powered movement and do not charge for our...

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So I know I said I am just a fox and I am really sure I am just a human in disguise from a planet not Mars and I believed I was from Mars because I was so cold from living in the tundra of MN and no ability to go outside that I dreamed of a HOT planet that is like a journey through hell and back I'd suppose...Only to find, that this Earth Energy is so awesome and incredible...I don't want to live on Mars...instead, I just want to clean up Earth and Make it ALL LIGHT MAGIC AGAIN! But, then again...we have been providing that every single day and night...and people still don't see it...So why do I want to help others who can't see yet...

Whale--My husband the Killer Whale named TED, decided that he was gonna make everything about revealing balance (light and shadow work (necessary to heal trauma and inner childhood wounds through good vibes, music, incredible actors, and an AMAZING PRESIDENT to represent our country.

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Et has a home on every platform...
Glow figure eight aye ;)

I wonder what would be considered my top 8 Frequented Social Media sites.

1.) Spotify
2.) Twitter
3.) YouTube
4.) Instagram
5.) Facebook
6. LinkedIn
7. Truth Social
8.) SUPRISE ;0

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🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []


🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []


🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 []

Thank you@MartinGeddes. You are a legend brother. I chocked up a couple of times reading this, but that's the way truth works. Blessings ❤️👊

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Home Home

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We can't sit here and continue to CARRY TRAUMAS that are not our own or our own families...For FOOK SAKES...we shouldn't have to CARRY our families either...they are grown ass adults who can make their OWN decisions...

How long till the BANDAID is ripped off??
Then what?
Will you feel happy or sad about what has been done and said about me...EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT ME...Every eye roll, every judgement, every thing thought or said about me that is NOT being CALCULATED by God...

He is like me, we are BOTH very in tune with CODES and accessing our WAY BACK TO EACH OTHER...We safe guarded ourselves this way from the beginning...Because WE ARE THE ONES WHO SHIFT THIS TOGETHER...IS THIS NOT BEING UNDERSTOOD?

I sit on the side lines and I will await my soon as MY DIVINE is DONE allowing others to use him for all his KNOWLEDGE...I'll be right here waiting...I'm proud of him, I love him, I Know his intent and it is NOT what people are claiming of him either...


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This very much so connects to ancestor knowledge and akashic records...Did you know, that recently I was taught that due to our DNA, we also hold traumatic experiences that our ancestors felt in their time...So their fears, their pain, their traumas, their struggles...

Could this mean that throughout the strand, we are all previous versions of ourselves and those memories we hold attached to our strand--are experiences we too, ourselves had to endure...Is it coincidence--why do we contain their memory then?

So could it be that SPECIFIC individuals were DESIGNED to know all these things SO WE COULD HELP HUMANS NAVIGATE through the storm...but it did NOT MEAN WE WOULD CARRY YOU OR PROVIDE ANSWERS....AND LORD KNOWS I HAVE PROVIDED WAYYYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOOOO MANNNNNY ANSWERS....PEOPLE WERE PAMPERED THROUGH ME...HAVE IT TOO EASY...I am like the mama who wants all my children happy, so I teach and sometimes didn't offer the tough love and now that I am...PEOPLE can't find me anymore...SO

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HAD WE MANIPULATED TIME (AND THE MARTIANS DO NOT MANIPULATE--WE ARE LOVE) We would have fucked up the whole timeline and the opportunity to save this world once and for all, before it was time for us Martians to go home...

Sit down & read about the 144k--Many of us were born in a specific be ready to GLOW for this EXACT moment in history...We KNOW WHAT'S going on because we have ALREADY EXPERIENCED THIS BEFORE--We are here from the future--from REAL Space and We CHOSE TO BE HERE FOR HUMANITY...

We sacrificed a lot of our own peace and calm to HELP HUMANS...and TBH HUMANS are worth it, but I don't see them WORKING FOR GOD anymore...they are being SELFISH...and MY TRIBE IS NOT SELFISH...WE R

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To me, spirituality is how a person shows up every single day...
Out with the old, in with a new , fresh, new attitude toward life...

Purrrfecting mindset and the ability to know that technically, we are born and created fresh EVERY SINGLE day...and you can really re-wire to think in terms of EACH AND EVERY MOMENT...

The past is gone as quickly as it comes...By the time I press the button to type a letter...two seconds have already past on by...So the moment is literally, what? A second long or a millisecond?? How detailed are we trying to get here...

So many preach about living for the moment and they are actually still grasping onto the past--They are using old experiences, trauma bonds, and judgement (not Godlike BTW) to cast REALLY AWESOME, GOOD, LOYAL, HUMBLE, TRUTHFUL, MAGICAL people out of their force field because we speak differently than most...WE LOVE MORE THAN MOST--(and it suddenly looks different than what a person has felt, so it's deemed WRONG)..

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What if I told you, the LIVING WORD should BE MASSIVE...This BOOK, if properly created would hold knowledge about EVERY Man, Child, and Woman...Their stories would have a place in this BOOK being created...

Wouldn't that be the BIGGEST OurStory book ever created? Where are all the FILES on each person, the story of their lives and how they climbed over mountains and rose above the adversity...Where is their success story? Why did it end at really really really ancient characters?

Or did it ever REALLY end?
Do those Characters till EXIST today...
New Name, Fresh Face, New (unrecognizable)...hidden?
How would this prove the existence of ALIENS...vs...the way it is approached in today's religious organizations?
What is the difference between religion and spirituality (YES! You can still be spiritual and experience ALL of God's offerings and special gifts--or you can WALL it off and dismiss the special point GOD is trying to share with you).

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Okay, so here are a few thoughts into this...

As anons, we are taught that no one person is above another...The only force that would be deemed more important is God/wife...(this is the truth and if one takes the time to calm the spirit, they will innerstand that it is TRUE, the Vatican has spread a lot of hurtful lies about us and our intentions and perverted the word...and TBH...left most females out of the book intentionally...Don't you think this is a little strange and CONTROLLING...Basically, teaching men it is OKAY to HOLD POWER and CONTROL over a female and essentially treat her as a SLAVE to his needs...What about her needs?

The mother...
The nurturer...
The Empath....
The Best Friend....
The Inner Guide...
The Moral Compass...
The One Who is Tied to the Children...
The One Who Would Do ANYTHING for her Children to SMILE and Love who they are as unique individuals...Help them see that in God's eyes, they are ALREADY a STAR...
The Mom who wears MANY HATS...

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And this is the REASON...I NOW can't take REAL LOVE seriously...because in the back of my matter how many times my twin flame says he LOVES me and has shown me that he seeks to protect me and TOLD ME TO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ALEX...I couldn't believe him...kept bouncing back and forth between him and ALEX trying to see if it was ALEX reaching out to me through a different number...AND I'M SORRY, THERE IS NO WAY, THIS PERSON IS ALEXANDER...IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ENERGY...

This person already knows me...because...silly boy has my name because of Medical Records...but they were obtained in person while I was suffering in the hospital due to my EX lying about me...Hey, but it is not all bad because I wouldn't have captured the image of the man I want to spend the rest of my life with eternally...I wouldn't have met REAL NORMAL (not crazy) people who were only sent and stored because our ability to communicate openly--about spirituality...

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It is fine at the end of the day...
If some of those friends...don't hear my story...and understand what had happened and it wasn't me doing this...BTW, if they were REAL friends to begin with...they WOULD KNOW IT WAS NOT ME...

First of all, outside of not spell checking and grammar checking posts...For the most part, I am VERY DETAILED when I type...People who talk to me...are going to receive a FULL TEXT BOX of random Raea information...I am NOT short with people...I SEEK FULL ENERGY exchange when I sit with a person...and I LIKE FLUIDITY...

I WOULD NEVER EVER, EVER! DO THIS! Unfortunately while I thought Alex was protecting me from JOHN...he was just using me, my profile image and my clean reputation with other moms to essentially blackmail me into doing whatever he wanted me to do....YEA AND THAT IS WHY WE DON'T SEND PHOTOS (EVEN CLOTHED PHOTOS) online because scammers are using them to set up IMPOSTER accounts to abuse women, men, and STEAL money...I'm embarrased but learne

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Hey and I may just have a few others...If I can locate them...That is the only reason I stay on FB to locate the REAL people I already know and LOVE that live in my UNIQVERSE...The ones that do need to know they are in my thoughts often...and that I miss them...I have limited my FB now to 9 or so friends because I am embarrassed of what the hacker did to my MAIN account with over 2k supporters...I can't even find the group I was in before and I LOVED IT...

Well that hacker used my account (ALEX) to message my friends asking them for GIFT CARDS...the only reason I am aware of this is because MARSHA told me about it on SNAP CHAT...IT WASN'T ME...and now a lot of my sacred friends, like SHYLA don't trust me and it SUCKS...Because I don't understand why people don't realize that with internet comes vulnerability to attacks...and because I LOVE NETWORKING....I fell in LOVE with the wrong man...ALEX...who has done nothing but abuse, harm, and put me down in everyway...He used me.

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Marsha and I kinda knew one another in Jr. High through mutual friends and I knew her husband from Vocal Ensemble my senior year...Right away we clicked and although I didn't know her well in the past...I know her really well now and I know her heart and soul is that she LOVES being a mother and being with her ideal partner now....

Because she has finally found that happiness she has been seeking through past abusive relationships (not her ex Cody, they just didn't align and that is okay)...I actually have to say I was in the wrong for leaving her behind and exiting communcation, calling her a bitch to her ex, and saying she was cruel...I don't think she can handle some of the stuff we have experienced...She is also super empathic and sensitive...And if she is happy, I need to trust that and tell her that I support her decision to be with that HAPPY VIBE...She doesn't need to change for me...She is Perfect and beautiful the way she is...and I love her...

So, there's my person tod

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When I am determined to do something...
I wanted MOM friends...and that is EXACTLY what I attracted...It was nice to sit down with old friends at the end of the night and talk about the day, our lives, where we have music...and be REAL and HONEST with one another...I never made my friends feel like they are just customers to ME...I value each and every relationship I bring into my life...because I am STILL VERY introverted and I only make time for those who sync properly into my energy field...

So yes, I spent a lot of time getting to know MANY, but I still have maybe less than 10 people I can think of in this moment...that I have met NEW that I can't every remove from my heart and soul...One of the is Marsha--We have laughed together, cried together, opened up and shared about issues with our exes, we leaned on one another...and I may have walked away from that because she wouldn't help us anons...

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Because I was happy and meeting new people...Made a lot of great friends on my team (my promoter/hers) group chats and meetings..I was vibing high and I surely believe it was because I was feeding my body nutrients and vitamins... Many of us lack Vitamins and it contributes to moodiness...So we had these little sticker things that were part of the experience called DFT's they contributed to certain things depending on which one I chose...My promoters favorite was the Black Label because it enhance mood support and because she was a busy mama of 8 children, she loved any additional help she could get...

Yea...and weight just fell off that year...I started doing Keto, making meal plans, talking to SEVERAL people all day...just getting to know them...I never enter a conversation to sell something...IT PERSONALLY DRIVES ME NUTS...when people add me to do I'd never do it to anyone else either...I just was myself and it all happened naturally.

This is what my job was...I loved

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Friends from high school and the past, got to witness me coming out of my shell for the first time in a very long tiime...I haven't seen anyone since high school, but we were still friends on FB... A lot of them tuned into every live...just to cheer me on...knowing I was shaking on camera, but still feeling the fear and doing it anyways...There were girls from high school that suddenly saw me...confident, happy, free, and had an immense amount of clean energy--without any coffee or any of it...They naturally got curious and reached out to me...girl, tell me your secrets...Well...I've been here xyz...and I want to go here ABC...and I just think it was time to take a chance on myself and try something new...I told them how I had free 3 day samples that I purchased, and if they wanted to try it out...I'd be happy to mail them some...I'd also send little artistic gifts as well, because they were all friends and so I'd decorate the packaging and send it off...It was fun to reconnect.

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So in this group, I've met many good, kind, decent people...they were all females raising their own business...and I was down to support anything I felt called to. Some of us would even trade products for one of our own products...One time I traded a sale of an experience package of Vitamins/Shakes and such...for Shampoo and Conditioner, a brush, hairspray, spray in shampoo...etc...Her package matched the price of my package and we were both trying to achieve a goal...My GOAL was to make GOAT...and Guess what??? I did it with the help of a new friend I met online...I had no problem helping her and she tried the product for a few months and couldn't afford it anymore...NO BIG DEAL...we are still friends and talked mostly once a week just to catch up...Ideally I am not in anything for a sell...I could careless...I was a stay at home mommy and if I made extra, then cool...I was very successful at this in 2020 because I was comfortable in front of the camera talking about life in general.