Hey and I may just have a few others...If I can locate them...That is the only reason I stay on FB to locate the REAL people I already know and LOVE that live in my UNIQVERSE...The ones that do need to know they are in my thoughts often...and that I miss them...I have limited my FB now to 9 or so friends because I am embarrassed of what the hacker did to my MAIN account with over 2k supporters...I can't even find the group I was in before and I LOVED IT...
Well that hacker used my account (ALEX) to message my friends asking them for GIFT CARDS...the only reason I am aware of this is because MARSHA told me about it on SNAP CHAT...IT WASN'T ME...and now a lot of my sacred friends, like SHYLA don't trust me and it SUCKS...Because I don't understand why people don't realize that with internet comes vulnerability to attacks...and because I LOVE NETWORKING....I fell in LOVE with the wrong man...ALEX...who has done nothing but abuse, harm, and put me down in everyway...He used me.