Sue Briggs
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Patriot | Daughter of the great I AM | Nonconformist | Self-Sovereignty is my jam

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

So, how much of everything mass media-wise in the last 20 years was AI-generated?

What we do as anons must affect the morale of those behind the scenes. Psychological influence goes both ways! Do the military information warfare folk have the funniest memes plastered around their office walls?

The exact timing of EBS is obviously classified, but it would be handy to get a timely “buy more cream for your coffee now” tip! 🥳

It’s a kind of relief knowing 100% that I am an ordinary human mess with generic problems, and not controlled opposition or a paid shill. My f*ck*ps are mine to own, and nobody else’s business, but it has taught me a lot about grace and compassion. When I look at some notional peers in the movement I do wonder what lies behind their image. I bite my tongue and avoid all bitchy personal gossip. They carry their own karma. If you spend your energy raising the vibe, you can’t go wrong, as the credit all goes to the divine rather than you — so your faults don’t really matter.

I am completely ready for a fake alien invasion. Have decent blinds in my bedroom to block any light so I can still sleep well. 😎

If the internet goes down, does that mean we will be forced into desperate acts, like reading books?

Crypto is feeling like another anticipatory psychological torture to add to all the other ones. My head sees all the benevolent potential, but my heart is repulsed by yet more tech. Tokens don’t do much for your mental health.

The damage the enemy has done to me is puny compared to the damage I have done to myself. It’s definitely no conventional war. We are being asked to maintain our physical and mental health throughout a genocide that is denied by its victims. It’s a lot to ask, especially when there are so many unhealthy distractions available to ease the pain on your soul of watching the horror unfold. The fight with your own shadow need equal standing with the fight against evil outside.

There is a fine line to tread between accurately reflecting the pain and suffering of anons, versus whinging and moaning. The struggle to deal with the social strife, economic hardship, and genocidal jabs is very real. Everyone wants certainty, safety, sanctuary. The spiritual war requires you to constantly remember the highest good, even when you are dragged back into the 3D quagmire. Reading the mood accurately requires empathy, and that puts you into a place of emotional burnout over time. The multiple realities are fundamentally psychotic; staying whole-y is an endless effort and challenge.

2:33 PM EST · Aug 1, 2023
Joey DarktoLight 🙏❤️
2 pics ⤵️

I notice how I am drawn to AU when I have something more considered to say; feels like wasted effort on X.

DJT seems to like loyalty tests, and The Bidan Show gives the weak, weary, and woeful plenty of opportunity to defect.

PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
Once again appreciate all the AU family over on X! We’re comfy as fook over here! 😎🙏

If the barbaric attacks on people’s psyches could be visualised as physical war wounds, what would we see? How mutilated would people look? Psychological war is extremely violent, yet leaves no obvious trace, so its seriousness is easily dismissed.

Every time I fall in this war, there is that choice: wallow in the muck and wish it was a war with bullets so someone might take you out, or to stagger forward with whatever is left on you after the spiritual attack. It is the thought that the enemy wants me to exit the stage is the most powerful motivator… that’s the stubborn Taurean in me. The weakest times are when I feel disconnected from purpose, my family, and connection. Actual attacks by the other side, like deplatforming, suck energy yet invoke a fight back response. The harder battle is with your own inner demons and self-destructive leanings. Maybe I get to tell the whole story someday. There is plenty to regret and be humbled by. I can confirm that very imperfect people are called into this battle in perfect ways.

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.

I wonder which social media sites those in witness protection quietly hang out on… 🤔

My life is not particularly conventional, and I have spent plenty of time with the outcasts and misfits — junkies, hookers, trannies, squatters, homeless, queers, immigrants, mentally ill, kinksters, etc. Have had a lot of struggles and gotten quite a few bruises along the way, and I have lost my way often. But a wayward life also gives a more rounded view of our society, and has taken me to places and situations my "straight and normal" friends would never know about.
You learn not to judge so quickly, as you've not walked in other people's shoes, and to have compassion — yet not be an enabler for dysfunction, either. In a way, the real artists in society are those who manage to scratch a decent existence outside of the neat boxes are are offered. I really miss my "posh squat" in London, although it wasn't spiritually healthy for me.
This hanging around respectably and responsibly waiting for events to move life along is hard work. Maybe mass awakening brings me a new role?

Can’t quite decide if Twitter is the public square, or whether the closure of public asylums has been reversed.

GOD BLESS 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼