RedArt Warrior
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RedArt Warrior

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Above All Else, Righteousness!

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

Ever wonder china being over populated was real.
Maybe they a lot were robots.
Gymnast being so perfect in performance.
Sprinters breaking records.
Why are they refusing to put latex skin on these?
I guess it's too easy of a tell for the masses.
For me, my mind already accept latex skin on these.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

The awakening brings a huge mirror for all to look into.
What is being shown is how ease it is to deceive the people.
Truth for some has morphed into opposites-meaning the system knows whatever they focus on the people will choose the other.
Sensor anything now and people will gravitate to it as, "this must be true then"

Those who hide the birth of Jesus gave us a new day. These same people attack the day that they themselves created-calling it happy holiday.

By attacking the fake day most now cling to this even more. The deed is done, because the fake day has become even truer than it was.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

When we think of the term badass, What qualifies as such.
What is the most challenging thing we face and most time fail.
Our selves, our feelings our ego or our perceived identity.
We want to be accepted by our groups whether friends family or for work.
We find it hard to say NO when we think a wrong is being done due to acceptance of some kind.
Standing in the truth as it is will be the most difficult thing we can ever do.
Jesus mastered that to perfection.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

This outrage at the ruling of the supreme court is dumb. "These people are stupid"
They can already declare groups to be terrorists.
As long as they follow the legal definition of terrorists.
The president can cancel election if there is an actual national emergency
"An official act' has to be within his presidential powers granted by the constitution.
Therefore if biden wants to follow the constitution we are all for

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Carol Roberts to her Publication

How dumb are these people

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Valerie Gilbert to her Publication

Is this the supersize me guy? I am with you and if we believe in the rule of law, jury needs more than symbols.
This journey made me realize how truly tangled everything is in society-nothing has meaning.
Look at all the arrest of pedos so far, how did they accomplish this.
If i was asked as a cop to go uncover to bring down a drug cartel. I would have to assume i'd have to infiltrate id have to lie a lot.
I would have to be familiar with drugs i might have to sniff it-gain their trust

the same goes for the illuminati and their pedo ring, and id say no thanks. I would have to look at things i don't want to see.
Do people know how many went into hell in order to get the info necessary to free the sex slave kids?

I heard a story of Lebrun James performing gay stuff in a casket. Imagine if it's just for the fame, now imagine if that's the only way to get info on the head of the snake-yikes

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

My thoughts exactly, No patriots who are awake should want a 2024 election.
Remember, the system must collapse and build anew. Trump cannot be president and the system collapses he will get blamed. Therefore it cannot collapse while Trump is president "according to the plan". NO collapse means a lot of our family won't wake up because they won't see.. Which means politics as ususal and orange man bad. Can't wait to vote Trump out in 4 years etc.
Also If Trump start to go after the criminals they will see it as revenge.
We won't ever be free.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

If you have daughters/sons or love ones just play safely with them. Defence tech should not be seen but be felt.. I find little things like this is the easiest to use for people without training.

The Best Tactical Pen Technique for Self Defense | Atomic Bear Stealth Pen - YouTube

Go check out The Stealth Pen Pro from Atomic Bear: get more info about the Dragon Combat Club go tohttps://www.inst...

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

This is good advice at prevention, but they also need to have a mindset of extreme violence.
Carry a steal pen, which is also a glass breaker.

When your life is in danger men or women aim for the eyes or face.
Grab a steal pen on Amazon and carry it in your hands while walking.

THIS IS YOUR LIFE and if the defence of your life is negotiable then don't worry. But if it's none negotiable then you will never be a victim.

Heavy Duty Tactical Pen with Emergency Glass Breaker - YouTube

Get Yours Here: Tactical Pen is a heavy duty tool for anyone looking to improve their writ...

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

You mean his hands actually work all this time and we was faking it? If not then someone had to assault the kids and he watched. Either way it's disgusting to be apart of such things

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

I hope no one actually believes that what's going on in public is authentic actions of people.
Remember infiltration is both blackhats and whitehats long ago. Therefore we cannot bet on what we saw as symbols in public. Their deception was meant for trickery of opposing team. The only way to know who is good is by their acts in the end. Now fast forward to now "whitehats in control" everyone is acting so we still don't know until tribunals.
Guys if you are a drug dealer and you know the police is currently hunting you or people with white powder on their hands(sounds nuts). Who would proudly and openly wake around with white powder on their hands?
These guys are well connected so they know who is in charge and what is going on. Yet they chose to blatantly do these symbols knowing we are all watching too. Remember they have kept this secret for thousands of years.
No one is that dumb to this is all an act to show the people the difference between the two.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

Also the reason why we think we need Government to "protect" borders etc. We are assuming that other countries have a system (government) to which they can organize like a hive to invade. Which just prove your point further only a system can do this. Individuals cannot invade a country.
Remember these cabal have been around since the start-blood line of satan. Remember who they were and their intellect. Example Abortion is bad and God doesn't like it. Good people wants it to stop but never look where it started. You have to know how satan started this mindset. But satan only started this to eventually control you. So he convince you to ban it not knowing system is his. We voted and he got the numbers to ban it-great. Eight years later he fudged the number and the data to get people to rally for rights.-Then overturns it to make it legal with a full system intact for his purpose. Now he has more control.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I couldn't agree more. They made anarchy to look like people just savagely killing each.
Anarchy is mostly a threat to systems and those that control system.
We the people have always create the things-food etc.
without a system, free people trading with each other helping each other freely.
Your value is based on your contribution.
LGBT and isms won't even be a thing not because the people will become bullies. But simply there will be no system forcing through violence to support or deny.
All that remains is good people doing good things. I don't believe there will be significant amount of bad people to stomp out. The reason why the past was so bad was because these Assholes cabal types created so much disturbances that we accepted a system. These cabal types act out anarchy pillaging etc pretending to be human.
The system is what created chaos if no system the cabal create chaos so we ask back for a system.
Anarchy cannot cause ww1 ww2 and ww3 only a system can do this

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I Understand the mission however the good guys wants us to be responsible. I think for the most part people are still just following to follow(still in the my team mindset).
We are saving the children and all children are precious.
We know many kids took the jab for obvious reasons.
We know it's only a matter of time before we start to see more side effects and deaths.
Millions of kids will die as a result of what's going on and these kids are not in tunnels or traffic.
Do their lives not matter as much as those trafficked and in tunnels.
Death is death suffering is suffering.
If we are going to delay at least save the kids not in tunnels or trafficked.
This is my benchmark of determining who is good.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

This is why the delay
Still dumbs left.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

Remember Jesus met the devil on the earth and agreed the the devil ran the whole thing.
He has done so for a long time reset after reset .
He has put many safe guards in place so we never figure it out.
The devil is not fighting with us his aim is with God. we are just the means to get God to notice him.
Reading is not enough it takes a lot more to just catch a glimpse of the deception.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

Words have meaning, you must accept or reject what you see or hear.
If the whitehats are in control and the main players are removed then who is faking revelation?
Then all those 17 in the news media is done by who then?
If the whitehats are not in control then Trump is not CIC and this is still anyones game.
Or how about this, The devil knows the story and is prepared for it.
He put safe guards in place and one of them is to convince YOU's that his seed are the Jews of the bible. Once you are convinced (and you are) you will do anything to defend it. Because the bible said in the end nations will rise up against Gods people and God will step in to save them. How do you counter this, you do so by allowing the people to see the true enemy by saving them for last. By the way Israel was already taken down during the lockdown. A lot of us saw the Iron dome getting lit up. They just didn't tell you and now they are acting it out like the do everything else.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response JesusIsThe SonOfGod to his Publication

Do you know what's sad- I'll give an analogy.
Imagine you learn karate for defence and to protect.
It takes hard work to get your black belt etc.
however you are forced to use your skills because people who can't fight are the instigator of violence.
Imagine the karate guy is forced to fight because his purpose is to defend and eventually he got stabbed and died.
Those who instigate never risk their own lives and never learn but they show up to the funeral.
in history most people allowed themselves to be conned into supporting wars. The soldiers know what's going on but they are at the mercy of society that never learns. In other words the elites lie and dumb people fall for it giving government a license to send soldiers to die. This time its different the right ones are dying so now maybe we can have peace.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

For the things they have done to humanity no punishment is enough. Notice how Trump said what if they get it wrong. Imagine if the death penalty was a big thing before TRump came to power. Do you really think they killed all those who was on death row now. I am very much afraid of giving humans that kind of power over life and death. They will get it wrong too many lives ruin as it is because people lie. Trump is proving it right in front of them. The only reason why the death penalty was not a thing is because the prison is just another business. Killing is bad for profits.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Nothing matters until everyone can see the same things we see. I am done talking about things that ruins my credibility in my real life. When they call you names such as conspiracy theorist it affects other things at work. All of a sudden things that they used see you as competent at is now in question. I have seen my circle of friends go through this thinking they were doing a good thing. We are done with this especially when the defunct system still has teeth. If the FBI IRS etc are done then their actions should have no effect on peoples lives. So as long the map says DC on it it is still the same old DC. As long as the FBI IRS are chasing people down their system is very much still alive. We need to treat everything as it was until they can't touch you. Listen folks no one is coming to help you if you guessed wrong. They will left you to suffer and die.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

I agree this is about who is truly awake and is ready for the new world-Sadly many failed.
How are we going to live as sovereign if these events are complicated-and it's actually very simple.
People need to be firm in what the believe this is a must. If they truly believe in Q and the military operation then their deduction must come from that. If the whitehats are in control then we need to try and get what narrative they want to play out in the media. For the people that don't understand the operation they are looking at this from the narrative of the media.
They will see through their pre programmed bias.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication


I have rethought this and think this is just another form of brainwashing. The pen represents words the sword is physical.
Pen=Laws, Lawyers,Governments, systems etc
Sword= Muscle, strength, police, military etc.

Laws works because the police will come for you=sword
Lawyers are feared because somehow the police gets involved=sword
Governments are feared because police and military comes for you-using force=sword

Now remove the sword from the equation and what do we have-just words. Words cannot hurt you unless you let it.
So all the talking and writing of laws by governments is useless if it's not backup with the sword=police military etc.
The pen is only might because of the sword.
The sword is always mighty though.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

I love this response. The cabal placed traps everywhere and they know our ways and how to trap us. These trials we face right now is to teach us lesson so we don't allow them back in power.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

Remember Israel is last for a reason. The fail safe by the cabal to use Christianity as a Protection for themselves and anyone who speaks anything against Israel the Christians would run to their defence.
So in order to keep all people together as a unit Alliance must tiptoe around this.
However people cannot see this and wanted The Alliance leader to do things that guarantee that we loose.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

Interesting what he is trying to do without getting flag

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Condolences to you.
The law was asleep when this thing was released and forced.
All institution Turn their backs on the contracts we share.
The only thing i will go them for is to point them out for Nuremburg and Tribunals.
Record names of any and all who create and enforced this evil.
Make a list and when the military is done make sure that every last one of them hang.
Not one must be spared who forced this shit with consequences.
I might ask for prison time for those who truly believe this thing helps up to a point as long as they didn't force it with threats of consequences.
Most of US believe in the ops but make no mistake if HRC won and no justice was coming. Most of us would not be typing here we would have died in the process of making them earn their win.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Lori Mckeon to her Publication

They never share a date. By doing that the baddies can calculate. Guessing from the mood of patriots putting a far out date and then doing it earlier is the most logical.
I hope.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response RedArt Warrior to his Publication

😭Is it wrong to laugh so much . I can't stop laughing. 😂

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

When we think of gangsters we think bad.
when you think playing by the rules makes you good and the rules changes when you start to win-Now what
Because they never wanted you to win just keep playing, well gangsters are the ones who say screw it im no longer playing. Bad people are the ones who don't play by their own rules and bad people are also they ones who choose to follow broken rules.
We can see in our personal lives if you stand for something no matter what it is and live by it. it will be respected until what you stand for is now inconvenient to others . If you were respected for speaking truth wait until they want to you lie- you will be the bad guy.

Trump stand for something and because he won't budge he is seen as the bad guy and is now treated like anybody else who stands for something.

Anyone no matter what you are doing to survive currently. if you are given a just set of rules to which you can follow will gravitate to Trump. People want to do good

Above All Else, Righteousness!

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

It's about time.
Like many have stated before, The individuals putting words on paper and stamping it will never come to you with demands.

They are in fact was never relevant to our freedom. It was always us against each other. Only Us that was enslaving us. It was always us enforcing things against each other.
The police are also just people like us that think they need to listen to the few that write things on paper. When in fact they out number them as we out number the Police.

We are free when we stop enslaving each other but freedom comes at a price.
Words are empty without action and one knows when a word cannot be backed up it dies.
If our words are true it must be back up and the only thing that backs up words is violence.
violence is just friction because they oppose each other.
They will use violence to kick you out of stores and starve you.
Are you willing to use violence to stop it?
This is a question everyone must ask themselves.
We must have conviction.