Jesus The Christ
The devil was already fully in charge when Jesus was tempted.
He stood and said NO to all the systems the devil placed in his way, knewing the consequence.
We have difficulty just telling a friend that we don't agree.Whether you believe in this truth or see his teaching as just A story.
Living up to the example he set, is something Everyone should emulate.
You can place Jesus in any environment he will do what pleases his father.
Jesus can be in medicine for the right reason he will say NO if asked to do something he knows to be wrong.
Jesus can be a soldier and he would have put down his weapon because that was not his oath.
Jesus can be a policeman and he will truly serve a protect what is true.
Words that Jesus would never use
just following orders
I have bills to pay sorry for you loss
Evil happens because we don't say NO when we know it's wrong.

When we think of the term badass, What qualifies as such.
What is the most challenging thing we face and most time fail.
Our selves, our feelings our ego or our perceived identity.
We want to be accepted by our groups whether friends family or for work.
We find it hard to say NO when we think a wrong is being done due to acceptance of some kind.
Standing in the truth as it is will be the most difficult thing we can ever do.
Jesus mastered that to perfection.