RedArt Warrior
4 hours ago

RedArt Warrior

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Above All Else, Righteousness!

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Why does this give the feeling of a scene from the past.
2 People at a basketball game

Above All Else, Righteousness!

How do you say such thing in public.
Can you carry my wife mister stranger.Really

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Oh OH the liberal controllers of the blacks have lost them. Now what?

Above All Else, Righteousness!


I can't believe people are living in a cartoon world.
this world was ruled by Satanist for thousands of years.
Remember How was American taken over-Infiltration.
How will you free American and the world-Infiltration.

Do you think it would be possible to gain any traction in their world without infiltrating them?
Yet somehow the people putting this video together thinks good guys and bad guys are clearly defined.

Trump was on a mission and it was successful because he was able to infiltrate them. If it was up to these people making this video we would forever be slaves.
Lets see how this plays out

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Above All Else, Righteousness!

LIke i said we all have blood on our hands yet some try to pretend like some are good and bad.


France handy work like all other nations with innocents people on all sides suffering

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Who is dumb enough to put this on twitter so we can be laughed at?
Let MSM reveal it as this is for the sleepers and only they believe MSM.
If this is true, perfect time for Kamala to destroy the world.
Killing the none sense of "If we had a women president then no war"

Above All Else, Righteousness!

You cannot hold a mindset that is stagnant.
Just imagine the white hats running around like predator collecting people.
Imagine an already badass SpecOps now with the latest gear and technology.
How much do you really need on a missions.
Imagine some bad guys living next door. They can wait inside your home in a corner or on your porch cloaked.

Put you to sleep and throw a cloaked zipped bag over you and not even your wife will noticed.

Meaning our military never needed to die in numbers if they were allowed to use such technology because the black hats had it.

People committing suicide hmm.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Why are people still not getting it. There is no difference between the the people they see on the screen (media Gov Celeb etc etc.) than those directly/indirectly involved in their lives. People will lie for any reason what's so ever. from the simplest of things to the more complex of things.
There is not a women on this earth (mother included) that will use words to make me go do harm to someone without my proper due diligence. If i was to do harm it will be correct and personal and a fact from this moment to the next forever.
The system(people) are corrupt and vile who believes these days for the sake of feelings.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

I don't think this is a migrant. Home grown liberalized created weapon by the deep state to fool those who can be fooled into isms.
This is an insane person that must be put down in the process of a crime.
when cannot be helped.
Only crazy people attacks people who they don't have beef with.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Those with the guns have the last word. Things like this will get people killed- so we know this so what?

If people are confused on what a women is. this is too complex. Military is the only way as we are past the point of no return.
People will only get themselves killed and become a martyr for the sheep.
Which won't last for more than 50 years.
Once those with guns take on those with guns we can get a fresh start. And we can never let this this happen ever again.
No more voting we are sovereign.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Another Liberal misguided Agenda.
Men and Women are different built different therefore different things affects them differently.
We are not supposed to compared them 1 to 1. Men are built to handle certain things and women are built to handle certain things.
We do not trade our crosses

Above All Else, Righteousness!

I hate criminals, now they are going to rob someone else.
Too bad he could safely light a match a throw it in their van.
I have no problem with the intended victim using maximum force.
But I do have a problem with hearsay and witnesses in a court.

No innocent should ever be punished for crimes no matter what.
Above all else Innocence is priceless.

Above All Else, Righteousness!


The Liberals should be outraged but I bet not one of them is seeing this.
Again who are these retarded narrative is supposed to wake? How can you wake people up if they don't see? Nonsenses.
Do you know what they should have done, have these two talk like this to push the jab.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

It's been more than 48 Hours already. Why are most things now so silly even this we can't get.
So now what 48 hours is going to be 3 years plus, later like everything else.

Like i said only patriots are struggling the rest are just living their best lives.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

They are having the best life. NO STRESS Other than Orange Man Bad

Talking to a family member this morning and Of course Trump still bad.
Poor innocent Ukraine didn't do anything.
This is what i see everywhere not a clue nor are they looking at anything.

The last data in their mind was Trump Bad Covid is real and Russia must be stopped.
So I am asking again who is the current narrative for (Trump Arrest etc).
Why are "WE" patriots force to endure the same narrative over and over again. It is only US the current narrative seems to bother.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Not surprised, What do we really know about life. All we have are perspective based on our self measurements. A vegan once told me it's a crime to eat meat because they feel pain. I asked if plants can die and she said it doesn't matter because plants don't feel pain.
I asked if the plants told her that and that every life wants to live.

I said the next time you break a plant that snapping noise is the plant saying "OUCH" LOL. You don't need someone to tell you that plants are sentient because God made it and it's apart of God.
However the science and the details is always interesting to know.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Has to be joke.
Why don't we treat them the way they want. Give her some silver tell her that this is going to hurt and let's see.
For trans let them go see an OBGYN and use the same equipment on them.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Covid 2.0
Remember when Hospitals were short staffed during the height of the plandemic.
Yet Nurses at other hospitals was told to stay home.
Nurses doing tic tok videos while suffocating people on ventilator.
All these help yet no help-well lets see who falls for this again.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Context Context.
HE Got attack because He is criticizing black folks (women) calling out their bullshit.
Of course they blame the whites for where they are (whites in general ) but of course this is not so simple.
So he question them about what blacks have built so far- hence the song.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

If what you did is so bad then a just society would do something.
Only an unjust society would do nothing because they stand for nothing.
Saying "Unstable" people would do something is their brainwashing method of preventing action using shame.

It is always good and just to kick evils Ass no matter who they are and the consequences.

Just don't be wrong about who evil is

Above All Else, Righteousness!

It is important to go read the comments to see how people think.
Let's do this properly-we are in the great awakening and isms of all kinds is not welcomed.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

This sucks. However i do understand but we can't accept anymore delays for EBS. Just do it.
If the Republicans didn't sign it and it collapsed (which it will regardless)
It will allow for the sleepers to have a way out other than just knowing the system should not be designed the way it is.
Corrupting a future so this can be repeated again like before. The collapse will be blamed on one group saying " only if this group just signed the bill we would loose our savings". They will get nothing more of the lessons being taught, so it had to signed and collapse in different way.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

We need this to be True. The Only thing we care about is this Scare Event to wake up the sleepers and end this.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

I starting to become hesitant of posting racial stuff because stupid people get trap in it. I want to see people like this hang at Nuremberg not because of his colour but because of what they did.
If a relative sees this and issues their own justice and i am on the jury they will be seen as a hero-free.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Here is an idea for you white hats. How about you focus on these people and use the med beds on them. Enough with the normies already. Are you going to let these patriots die waiting on pink hair MF to wake up. Oh yes i forgot they are more important than patriots who still support this continued none sense narrative. We don't care about biden and silly narratives for kids. Arrest them all and the EBS willl show the rest.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Well those that needs to see is not watching.
The only voice they know is when the bank is empty.
Money is their refuge

Above All Else, Righteousness!

Again I know he is cryptic. some people knows how to read him and some just thinks he talks in circles.
He says a lot without saying.
And no he cannot tell us anything specifically.

Above All Else, Righteousness!

juan is Cryptic what's up with the stairs.
4 is black strips
4 strips has the nuclear colours
4 0r 3 steps has northing strips

Above All Else, Righteousness!

We live in a world that even after seeing something like this people still can't decide.

You don't need laws to defend yourself and the fact that it's questioned is already too late.
I would really like to look into a person’s eyes after they watch a clip like this if they side against the defender. They cannot be real in a human sense.