Chuck Armstrong
@PatrioticDutyNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Awesome to see you pushing forward and doing good.

That's so Awesome to hear, Joey.. Continued prayers yoht way.

Here with you Brother. Sending lots of Prayers and Positivity your way.
Things that helped me.
Every day, tell yourself 10 things you are Grateful for.
Meditate, it helps Calm You Nerves and control your breathing.

You Hang Tough Joey.. I followed you, so if you would like to personally message me, feel free.
I'm here, others are to.
God Loves You, I Love you, We Love you.
The Enemy is Not Welcome.
Just a quick background on me.
Army 97-00, Heavy Drinker, ETS'd.. I'm a Only Child, My Mom passed away May 01 of Cancer.
heavy drinking turned into a Raging Alcoholic, that evolved into Alcohol and Drug use ( Heavily ). Constantly Fighting, PTSD, Suicidal. Mentally i was in the Pits of Hell.
When i say Heavily Drinking, (3) 30 packs of beer a day, or a Half Gallon of Whiskey a Day.
I quit drinking within 3 Days.
I quit drug use, at the same time. You Name, I probably done it.
I'm still here, kicking like a Thunder Chicken.
So, when I mentioned i been there, Brother I been there.
I didnt have much help.. but I had someone who believed in me.. and thats all it took. he was my Dad. He was a Marine Vietnam Veteran and had walked the path I took, long before I did.
Believe in Yourself

You Hang Tough Joey.. I followed you, so if you would like to personally message me, feel free.
I'm here, others are to.
God Loves You, I Love you, We Love you.
The Enemy is Not Welcome.
Just a quick background on me.
Army 97-00, Heavy Drinker, ETS'd.. I'm a Only Child, My Mom passed away May 01 of Cancer.
heavy drinking turned into a Raging Alcoholic, that evolved into Alcohol and Drug use ( Heavily ). Constantly Fighting, PTSD, Suicidal. Mentally i was in the Pits of Hell.
When i say Heavily Drinking, (3) 30 packs of beer a day, or a Half Gallon of Whiskey a Day.
I quit drinking within 3 Days.
I quit drug use, at the same time. You Name, I probably done it.
I'm still here, kicking like a Thunder Chicken.
So, when I mentioned i been there, Brother I been there.
I didnt have much help.. but I had someone who believed in me.. and thats all it took. he was my Dad. He was a Marine Vietnam Veteran and had walked the path I took, long before I did.
Believe in Yourself

Joey, just checking in with you... How are you doing?
Remember this, God has already Won.

So Awesome to Hear Joey!! Love you to Brother. Stand Up, Be Proud, Remember and Honor Everythijg you were able to Accomplish..
Your Wife was your Guiding Light, Now she is your Guiding Angel. She showed you How to Overcome PTSD, Now its time to Follow Through and Let's Finish this Battle Together!
You Got this, I have Faith in YOU... I Believe in You.
I'm in Oklahoma.. Oregon is a Beautiful Place.
So what you say man... You Ready to see this to the end? The End of the Cabal/Deep State/Child Traffickers?
Focus your PTSD, Anger, Depression on someone hurting a child... It's ok to be Angry, Focus that Anger on them.
in the end, We'll meet half way... I'll Hug You and We'll have a Steak Dinner on me, somewhere..

Joey, You don't know me, but you're NOT ALONE!!! I've been there Brother! I have been in those trenches our minds produce..
You CAN Get through this difficult time!
You Are Loved and People Do Care!
Don't seclude/isolate yourself off, even if that may seem to be the easiest thing right now, its Harder to come out of... Ask me how I Know!
You Got This... We Got this Together.
WWG1WGA means just that!
If you want to Talk, Message me. i'll give you my number, we can talk until pigs fly... if we are close to one another, I'll come Visit you or vice versa.
Don't Give Up, Push Back with everything you have.. Fight it.. Satan is not Welcome in your Mind.. Keep Repeating that.. Get Angry, Scream that to Satan..
Never Leave a Brother Behind... Got It?
I'm Here.. We All Are Here.. Reach Out... We Got You!! never Leave a Brother Behind!

Much Love, You're a Beautiful Patriotic Soul!
God Bless You!

when the Military are Depolyed, the Flag is facing forward.. Signifying Never Retreat, Never Back Down.. te same way it is on the Tail Section of AF1

Juan is a Encyclopedia of Information!
One of my Favorites, as well.

I have and Wayne Willot, isn't Juan O'Savin.
Plenty of Videos of Wayne Willot and the Voice is no where near the same.

Lying to people for Profit?
Someone get this dude a Damn Clue!

Solid as Mt. Rushmore!

ROFLMAO!!! I needed that Laugh!
This might have won the Comment of the Day!

Night Shift on the Hunt! Glad to see you back my Patriotic Brother!

I dont mind throwing this out there. I'm in Oklahoma as well. I'll Gladly meet up with you, Shake your hand and even hug you and we could talk.

Love you to Brother!

Yes.. I carried out his Last Wishes and was the one who handed the Flag over to his Family.
Not a Day goes by that i dont think about him.

Yeah, I was working Last night. It was Blistering Cold.
Governor Stitt, stepped in and told All the Major Power Companies, You're Killing People with the Rolling Power Outages.
He and Others asked if any Companies would shut down to conserve energy.. Casino's Closed and other large plants.
The Company i work for shut down today/tonight.

The Raspy Voice is more profound depending which Microphone being used.. His knowledge and how he talks, doesnt go unnoticed.
it also makes sense being Joints Chiefs of Staff to be in Washington and David Steele having Dinner with him.
It's a Real Good Possibility

Admiral Michael Rogers.. Listen!

with all the technology used. i'm not a 100%...
but i like the way you're thinking!

Watch some Michael S. Rogers interviews or press briefings. Admiral Michael S. Rogers.
listen to him closely.