Miss *QT* Anon
@MissQTAnonNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Below was the 1st video published - this is the 2nd one.... and thats if we can trust that Kim Goguen and whether her information is accurate or not - in the age of DISINFORMATION I just listen... and make up my own mind... and what resonates with other information by other insiders as well. BREAD CRUMBS ............. as usual. Its our job to figure out whos telling the truth and whos not. https://odysee.com/@SavetheWorld:3/Sunny-Gault-March-23-2022:7
Sunny Gault March 23 2022
It's impossible to not like sunny Sunny Gault. The news today is packed with what many might call... NEWS. My main problem with Kim's efforts is the fact she also lies about the shape of the Earth wit...
*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Sunny Gault Elon Musk and an Illuminati babysitter
This is quite a fascinating testimony of Elon's baby sitter...
*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Personally, I have often wondered, why he dates Grimes who clearly is quite DARK - between her weird Alien tatoo on her back to her dressing GOTH.. The man could virtually have any woman he wanted, with his wealth and he dates someone who appears to be leaning toward the other Hollywood dark side moguls. The fact that he promotes transhumanism should be alarming, insiders have said he's a shill. That he didn't invent ANYTHING that hes just a face just like M. Zuckerberg. Darpa/Black Rock/ Vanguard behind all of it. Kim Goguen news network put out a very disturbing video of his childhood past - indicated that he's related to black sun. I've heard hes had a talking to, or been replaced - either way, he participated in mass genocide associated w/ WEF. Anyone who is a billionaire is blackmailed/ controlled. I'm sure hes no exception. Never understood why Trump would promote or support him,...but then again, Trump endorsed Dr. Oz. Another controlled opposition. Fauci, Birks ect ect.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
I'm O neg RH. NEG... and with all my research, it appears as though were more psychic, and have more copper in our blood, making us more super conductive? The Basque region - not only, was supposedly where Jesus escaped to.. but lived out his final yrs, with Mary, and daughter Sarah. However, its that region that has the most negative blooded people as well, as far as population goes. I'm German/Sweedish, moms side of family is from Sweeden/Normandy, (Scandanavian) everything I read so far, points to CROMAGNON. Which I would think would be closest to viking descent... all I know is I read that, we can't be mind controlled or brain washed... other than that, I feel like a normal person, other than I can pick up on how people feel, and or sense whether or not they can be trusted or have pure intent? Other than that, I can't wear watches and have issues with some type of frequency interference, I'm supposed to eat hunter gatherer diet.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
I have close family members who are in the National Guard.. Who actually spent 6 months in DC... during the DC LOCKDOWN/Fake inauguration. Over 200 NG members were sworn in as U.S. MARSHALLS... Why? Only U.S. Marshalls/Military can make government employee ARRESTS. Richard Citizen journalist has his own youtube channel with daily updates proving that DC is empty. If you have not seen those videos I suggest that you watch them. I don't even need the 1st website to prove that there is something a little "off" there is a ton of proof including fake movie sets, that were used for Bidens appearance - staged to make it look as though hes occupying the white house. As well as many other photos that have been leaked of the white house GROUNDS being excavated. I don't have all the answers, no one will until they feel its time to be revealed - there is a war between good and evil occurring, and from the looks of it, humanity is winning. Stay positive.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
https://rumble.com/vo0iwr-former-fbi-investigator-john-de-souza-confirms-real-raw-news-is-legit.html Start at 15.30 Real Raw News is not satire.🙂
Former FBI Investigator : John DeSouza Confirms Real Raw News Is Legit
This video isn't related to Kim Goguen in any way, but I think it's important for people to know Real Raw News is legit. Yes, I know most people will not want to believe it, but I'm just putting this
*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Real Raw News (Military Journalists) release the newest updates in regards to both military tribunals as well as soon to be trials. The latest that have been reported is Marc -Chelsea Clintons husband, after she had her tribunal and was found guilty, NEWSOM was just tried, Bushe Jr, was just apprehended, after a shoot out took place on his ranch, and other whistle blowers outside of Real Raw News just last week reported that the Queen has been tried, however, for royal families, they're tribunals are not held at a regular location. Those are held before HIGH COUNSEL (Universal Alliances) Dracos are delt with differently, and not by U.S. MARSHALLS.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
No wonder they pushed the flu shot so hard - for yrs leading up to 2020 So anyone that had flu shots previous to Covid - are being tested positive, as well, as the PCR test being inaccurate. It's no wonder we have a real mess on our hands, the test was designed to detect pretty much ANYTHING that is past, present, or future - bacterium, virus.. ect ect... chicken pox, measles, previous vaccinations, probably ANYTHING including stds, and auto immune which pretty much the entire population probably has some form of all of the above. Including recent existing or previously contracted cold OR flu.... my personal opinion, is China had something entirely different, that was meant for the United States... Until Trump intervened... I also think, each country was given a different strain and or a mutation of it. According to insiders China received CV-17. Which I can neither confirm or deny obviously.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
She cried over a false flag staged event. With MK ULTRA MIND CONTROLLED LARPS/crises actors. playing a role- to achieve exactly what the sinister evil cabal wanted, which is division. CONQUER & DIVIDE order out of chaos is the agenda! Intelligent people can see the attempts of indoctrination. When we fight w/ each other constantly it serves a purpose to DISTRACT us from what we really should be fighting against, which is the corrupt oligarchs running our shadow puppet government who serve a much more evil master plan, using civil unrest so they can create communism! Ebolshing our FREEDOM. We have ALL been enslaved throughout history in one fashion or another & if people think we have been free regardless of skin color they can think again. It might have been worse in 3rd world countries but those same countries right now are dependent on THE "UNITED STATES" who are one of the last to bear arms if we lose whats left of our freedom now that's it there is nowhere else to run.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
The fact that government officials aren't all over this guy - who threatens a sitting president, should tell everyone, everything they need to know. However people like Madonna and other celebrities have threatened to blow up the white house or even display acts of violence such as holding the presidents head as though they decapitated him...ect ect and nothing is done about it, or at least not advertised on the tell lie vision.... nor would it ever be, because the news is actually IN on IT. This story - because thats what it is, IT'S A STORY - has false flag with crises actors wrote all over it. Too many inconsistencies that prove otherwise that just doesn't add up, like the dummy with half his missing legs and they don't even try to hide that, in photos of him, IN his casket. If people think this is the first staged false flag event to create division, fear, panic, hostility and civil unrest they can think again. The majority of every single shooting reported by msm has been STAGED.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Last time I checked, HUMANS who focus, and or "pay attention" still blink!

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
I live in a small town in Michigan as well! Right on lake Huron!😊

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
OMG That's horrible. These freaks of nature - indoctrinated sheep probably would, paranoia at an all time high.... idiots. God bless I feel the same way when I'm in a store without a mask on.... and then all of a sudden I want to clear my throat, or cough and I'm like oh hell no, people are already snaking eyeing me for not having the mask on. It's ridiculous so sick of this sh*t.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
More photos of him, he looks as if he's real. However after stumbling upon this video, towards the end swear he's standing next to a guy that looks just like GEORGE FLOYD. Wth....? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FKrCLWY3M

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
😍Oh, geez. THANKS!😍

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Waves v.s. Particles. What we "think" becomes our reality. UNISON has always been their fear - because collective consiousness can change the Quantum Field.... (manifestation) that old saying - the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE, has so much more meaning to it, on an energetic field of existence and the hidden hand has always known this. Lowering the vibration of humanity with, anxiety, fear and panic - through so many different ways.... religion, war, famine, whatever they had to do to keep creating division because they are stuck in lower density they never wanted humans to wake up from their slumber - if we no longer feared them, found out all their LIES then, really what happens is the lightbody surpasses the physical. DENSITY - they needed to keep us operating in a lower density quantum field just like they are. So they could feed off our energy. reminds me of the movie with Will Smith and his son (after earth) mastering your fear - they put the truth right in front of us imagine that.

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
Ya, it makes you wonder, how in the world they work in the field of HEALTH and are advocates as so called "medical professionals" yet can't take care of their own teeth? Thats a for sure sign - that indicates they are NOT HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS and are just shape shifting evil demons with 1 agenda only. Mass genocide. Simply put, otherwise you would think she would have some pride - and care about her appearance in front of a camera. Every single one of them have bad teeth, or covering it up with veeners, crowns, ect ect with all that $$$ they should have plenty of free time to invest in some dental care 80% of them have these oral issues. Something isn't right.