Tom Grant
4 months ago

Tom Grant

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The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Cowboy Up1 to her Publication

Prayers, love and positive vibes on their way to your Mum and Mother-in-law.
There is a revolution happening right in front of our very eyes. A revolution of people’s minds, hearts and souls. More people are finding Jesus each day.
We are living in Biblical times and it is a joy to behold.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Diane Miller to her Publication

So glad you are enjoying it. I think it's brilliant. I love how Jesus comes across as so relatable (one of the boys as well as the Messiah).
I've been in tears during some of the episodes and i'm not afraid to admit it.
It renews my FAITH.
What season are you up to? I'm up to date so have to wait a few weeks for the next one. I actually think there's 2 out tommorow. Happy days.
Take care and God bless

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication


The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response The Qonspiracist to his Publication

Agree 100% what you said friend. We are blessed to be living through the most exciting time in human history with open eyes and open hearts.
You've had 22 years to try to come to terms with the corruption and evil that rules this world. I only began my awakening 3 years ago and have gradually realised that satan truly rules this world (but his time is coming to an end). I feel sorry for our sleeping friends and family who are going to get abruptly awakened to this fact.
The only thing they have got in their favour is that there are millions of us freedom fighters/truthers/anons here to help them through their awakening. That was the hardest part for me and probably more so for you. Being awake back then must have been very lonely and discouraging.
Keep holding the line Patriot, we got this.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

To be blunt it is a mind fook. It can be totally overwhelming at times. This is when FAITH comes in.
FAITH in God
FAITH in humanity
FAITH in yourself.
FAITH that The Best Is Yet To Come

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Gigi 1217 to her Publication

Prayers. Love and positive vibes on their way to your brother in law.
Also prayers for you having to deal with the family who are still blind to the true nature of our world. It is very frustrating but just remember they know what they do.
God bless you Patriot

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Diane Miller to her Publication

I believe life is meant to be a challenge/difficult as it helps us to become stronger and more resilient.
If you do figure out any of his clues be sure to let me know and I’ll do likewise.
Also let me know what you think of The Chosen.
Much love friend

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Cathy dupler to her Publication

Prayers,Love and positive vibes for both your Father and brother.
God bless you and your family.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Diane Miller to her Publication

I’m of the opinion that if Jesus came to us originally as a carpenter who’s to say he can’t come back now as a skateboarder.
He is very cryptic and most, if not all of it goes straight over my head. I too am not a great digger.
He references the WWE alot (i’m convinced that Vince McMahon is involved in the Q operation in some way). He also mentions time travel alot as does VK and Q.
The song references i don’t get(alot of heavy metal and 🤘signs). Him giving the bird in alot of the photos (hard to imagine Jesus doing that). The fact that he told you off is not a good sign either.
I’m still drawn to his page even though I don’t understand it. His main message though is about unconditional Love and forgiveness. This I can understand, and it has inspired me to seek out anyone who has done me wrong in my life and to forgive them. This is a good thing. Though it could have. ome from watching The Chosen as well, or a combination of both.
I honestly don’t know.
God bless

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Diane Miller to her Publication

How’s it going Diane? Alot of us have the same struggle. Have just started watching The Chosen. It is brilliant and i have found peace watching it. Highly recommend watching it if you haven’t already.
Also was wondering what is your take on Shane Browning?

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Bri e.. to her Publication

He’s a champion. Well deserved RT from the boss.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response M3thods to his Publication

Damn you Methods with all your abbreviations.
Have to look them all up and it makes me feel old.
But hey this old dog can learn new tricks.
GTSY too

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response TxGirl4Trump -UM to her Publication

I'm with you friend. I believe they're time travellers.
The whole Q operation is so vast and complicated that there is no way it could have been done without time travel.
At the start of my awakening 3 years ago i thought that it would be cool if time travel was possible but ultimately dismissed it.
I thought time travel is not possible now, but who's to say it is not possible in 50 years, 100 years, 500 years from now. And if it is possible in 500 years then it is possible now.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response LeLe John to her Publication

Prayers, love and positive vibes on their way to you now fiend.
Remember you are never alone, God is with you always.
Have FAITH that he has got your back.
Have FAITH in humanity. All these beautiful souls here on AU have your back.
If your really at your wits end reach out with your location and i'm sure an anon close by would be happy to help you out (even if it's only a hug).
Much love friend and may God bless you.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Cindy _MAGA to her Publication

I do believe this is being done to wake the normies, but i also don't believe that they (the white hats) would let people die just to waken others up.
Which leads me to believe that the 'died suddenly' narrative is a psyop done by the good guys. I think VK mentioned this in regard to the Smith-Mundt Act (it goes both ways).
Q also said disinformation was necessary. I'm alright with that as long as it's for the greater good. But we would need to know the truth at the final credits.
You probably know someone personally who has died or gotten sick after having the shot, but to borrow a saying from the left 'correlation does not imply causation'.
I have had one cousin die from a sudden stroke, my best mate's wife and another cousin got diagnosed with stage 4 cancers, and numerous other neighbours and acquaintances have died or gotten sick since having the shot. This fits the truther narrative that the shots are the bio-weapon.
To be honest, i don't know what to believe anymore!!

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Arbia Steinour to his Publication

Trump is always 17 moves ahead of the deep state.

This could be another case of him gladly taking slings and arrows.

I would think that the majority of the people that haven't awoken yet are in some way anti Trump (from those with severe TDS to those who just think he's a bit of a clown who can't spell).

These people also probably don't acknowledge the amount of adverse reactions to the shot. But with Elon coming out and telling his 126M followers that adverse reactions are real, maybe these people will start researching it, if only to have another reason to hate/dislike Trump.

That would help swing public opinion to stopping the clot shots, but it would make it harder for them for to accept Trump when he resumes his Presidency (he never lost it, he just gave the impression that it was stolen from him to show people how bad it would be).

Whatever the case maybe, it is all pure theatre.

The world is a stage, and we are getting close to the end of this movie

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Keri Alexander to her Publication

Praise Jesus.
His time is near.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Yvonne McNeil to her Publication

Prayers, love and positive vibes on their way to you Yvonne.
God bless

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Yvonne McNeil to her Publication

Prayers, love and positive vibes on their way to you Yvonne.
God bless

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Doing our best. Thats all anyone of us can do.
I believe life is supposed to be hard, as it makes us stronger.
The timing is God’s timing. It helps me practice my patience (having 3 young kids i sure do need the practice 😁).
Your lucky Doc you and everyone here can see the ending and know TBIYTC, wereas alot can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s very reassuring that in the end

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

We are all special, it's just some don't realise it yet.
I feel truly blessed to be living through the most exciting time in human history with open eyes and more importantly an open heart.
Much love to you friend and i hope you have/had a blessed day.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Meeka Stella to her Publication

Prayers,love and positive vibes on their way to you. There are alot of parasite protocols out there if you choose to go that route.
God bless you

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Stacey Stands Up to her Publication

That’s a lovely prayer.
God bless you.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Fookin great show Doc. Thanks for the tip.
Would love to have lived back then. Times were simpler (not easier, just simpler). I’m a simple man who enjoys the small things in life and am not afraid of hard work. If you ever get your hands on a time machine Doc make sure to look me up, and we could go back and visit your ancestors.
Yeeeee haawww

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Fook all these abbreviations make me feel old. Have to look them all up. I'll get there eventually. This old doG can learn tricks.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Diane Harris to her Publication

Agree 100%. Seeing pure joy is infectious, even over a screen on the internet.
Never heard of a hypoallergenic doG though. Ever day is a school day.
Hope you have a fantastic day.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

VK and Elon both like spicy things. I wonder what else they have in common 🧐😉

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Red Edge to her Publication

Seen some over Sydney in Mar-April 2021. Thought the first one was a shooting star, then seen another and another and another (about 20 all up). All in a perfect straight line. Did look pretty cool. Puzzled me all day until i found out about the starlink launch that evening.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Looks like a launch in rewind. If not, it's some pretty impressive landing skills.

The TRUTH shall set US free. We are all children of God Almighty (even those who are still asleep). Where We Go One We Go All

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

That's gold. Thanks VK