The Qonspiracist
39 minutes ago

The Qonspiracist

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North Jersey last night

♥️God, Family & Love for Animals, Trump, Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏......WWG1WGA

You Admitted that Work for Who....??? You Do What...??? 😂

I personally do not think anything will happen with the eclipse but I am damn sure ready if something does!! In the event shit goes way south, it’s been an amazing ride with all of you!! See you on the other side#wwg1wga

Just had an earthquake here in north jersey, felt up in to Connecticut

I do not believe we will have an election, I truly feel they are going to do something to suspend it. War powers act maybe? They do not have a pandemic for mass mail in ballots, the courts are not working. The way I see it, they have 2 options. Either they kill him or suspend the election. They need a very serious event to suspend the election, so be prepared for whatever that may be. It is going to get very bumpy the next couple months. Hold the line, we’ve made it this far. It all comes out this year!!

How come ISIS never attacks Israel? Especially now, with the Gaza war? Interesting

My local election today 3/12/2024, no ID required!!! Just asked my name and address

Looks like they are trying to shut Trump up during the state of the union

2 weeks ago it was the phone companies, now social media. I’m not a smart man but seems to me like USSF has infiltrated all these companies, taken them over and opened them back up once they had control. So now they can not shut down if need be, USSF will be keeping them up for the info dump. Hey, a guy can dream right!

Servant of God, persuer of the truth, Patriot, dog breeder. WWG1WGA (Please don't follow me if you are looking for a romantic hookup)

#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨



"The ships were not only owned by Jews but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the co.mand of Jewish captains"

From Serendipity


I stand with Texas!!

If illegal aliens were a state, they would be the 7th largest in the USA!!!! Let that sink in!!!! By the time this scumbag leaves office we will have had 10 million illegals enter our country!! That is an invasion, and if they are coming to make our country so great why didn’t they stay and make their country great?? The push to get them drivers licenses and I.D’s is for voting purposes only!! You beat believe that. We CAN NOT have an election in November. It is already tainted

First Big Mike rally, $100 to the first person to yell “show us your cock!!”

Notice the repeating pattern whereby the surreptitious use of sex is used to ensnare high-ranking Govt officials, military officers, etc. to later blackmail, extort, or steal information used to control and/or exploit the target by sinister interests.

This is how the deep state cabal operates - just like we've all seen in the movies time & again. Turns out, it's quite real.

Honeypot: (espionage) A spy (typically attractive and female) who uses sex to trap and blackmail a target.

Happy new year my battle hardened family!!!! Here is to our year!!! May 2024 bring full disclosure and justice once and for all!!! God bless and Godspeed patriots!

Happy New Year to all you far eastern anons!!!! This is our year!!

“Watch the water” US has a bunch of ships in the Mediterranean, let us not forget the USS Liberty. Israel can not take on Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen, Syria and Iran with out the backing of the US. The US is about to pull the fleet out because Israel refuses to play ball with talks to end the war. I hope nothing happens but I have my suspicion's

Is suicide weekend just around the corner?? Flight logs due out 1/2/2024 👀

Rep. Goes ROGUE: Exposes Epstein LIST, Blackmail Op To Protect Epstein by FEDS! 'You Can Go To HELL' - YouTube

Congressman Tim Burchett dropped BOMBSHELLS about the Epstein List. Members are being BLACKMAILED?!SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST



♥️God, Family & Love for Animals, Trump, Q & Anon Fan, Hoping & Praying for a Better World🙏......WWG1WGA

I have seen three EV fires in the last 4 days 2 on the same day within 7 miles of each other

Who ever is still on Twitter, can you get this going for me over there#DirtyDickDurbin