Enlightened Momma
3 years ago

Enlightened Momma

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Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response CGPATRIOT / 17 to his Publication

Yes! This was so good!

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Trumpsara45 WWG1WGA to her Publication

I took this a few months ago.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨


Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

People don’t understand that we helped them to create this sick society we live in by going along with this nonsense. It’s because they don’t know their own power. They use this evil crap, convince you that it’s good, so you will gladly participate in it. THEY know how powerful humans are so they use that knowledge against us and we merrily co create for them. WE have helped them with our own dimise. And now instead of owning it we want to justify why it’s “ok” to carry on.
Again, all you have to do is look at who benefits most from these holiday “traditions”. It’s only ever been about distruction of everything that is good and money for these people. They laugh all the way to the bank!!

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

For those of you that say it violates informed consent to replace the vax with HCQ, I have just one question, would you rather people be tricked by somethiing good or tricked by something bad? If it's not a good vax then it's bad right? Do you think they are infoming people it's bad? They aren't informing them of anything. They never do. I know, I know, it's extremely hard to think anything good could possibly happen in this shitty situation, but try. For all of Humanity.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

That's the first thing I thought of as well after reading his statement!

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Optical Awakenings to her Publication

Vaccines have been killing people off for years. None of them are good. I have a vaccine injured child. I know what these things are capable of doing. Like I said, all you have ti do is take a look around at all the sickness in this World. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take no matter who says so.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

OMG!! Thank you so much for saying this. Both of my elderly patents took this shot. My mom has many chronic health issues and my dad has a heart issue. They are both just fine. My sister works in Healthcare and she knows many people that have taken it and they are all just fine.
People die from vaccines daily. Not just this one.
Did I vaccinate my childeen? Yes.
Would i do it again? HELL NO
I told them not to take this one.
I will not be taking it. I have never once even worn a mask.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Christy Milliken to her Publication

Nobody seemed to notice they were missing in the first place so I'm going to have to go with no. Not necessarily. There's a whole lot of apathy in this World and not near enough Empathy.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Dennis 1776 to his Publication

You can find a lot of Alan Watts videos on YouTube.🙂

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Dennis 1776 to his Publication

I love Kryon! Alan Watts too.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

In my experience anxiety came from not being true to myself. Letting my life and the people in it control me instead of the other way around. Because I’m a Empath. Put simply, one day I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I just slowly pulled myself back. And I thank that part of the Creator in me for the remembrance of who and what I really am every single day. We are going to have a beautiful, abundant in all ways, rest of our lives.🙏❤️
And Love. Lots and lots of Love.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

Do you have a link to your video? I would love to check it out.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

And you absolutley CAN heal yourself from a seeious dis-ease. I’m proof of that. As are many others. We are unstoppable beings once we realize our power is within us. 🙏❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Dwayne ThePain1111 to his Publication

That’s a epic last name!! 🙂

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

Beautiful! And SO true! 🙏❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Flicka Boo to her Publication

I tell my sister we live in a realm all the time. She thinks I’m a nut. 😂

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response John Q.. to his Publication


Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

And we get to bare witness to it all. We get to watch Humanity wake up and rise. We get to tell the story to the young. It’s such a Blessing!!❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

When I tell people this is the moment in time i have been waiting for my whole life, I always get the same queation, “How do you know?” to which I respond, “The same way i knew when it wasn’t.” I just KNOW and I can’t explain how. I don’t even try anymore. I just point my internal compass towards greatness for all and never look back. 🙏❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

😂😂Please tell your Mama I love her!

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

I have four children, my youngest just turned 21. To this day if I’m sitting still or standing still, I’m rocking or swaying myself. Lol
Thank goodness for GrandBabies!!

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

The sad part is women have been conditioned to believe that it’s perfectly ok to pay someone else to raise your children so that you can go to work all day. And then constantly talk about having more children. Try as I might I cannot get my daughter to see the stupity of it all. It is the children who pay the highest price. I know so many moms who take their children to daycare even when they are going to be home all day. Why? Because they pay for it anyway so why not. That’s what they say. Like it’s normal. Because it’s become normal and it’s extremely hard to witness. I pray for all the momma’s and children daily. I look forward to the future with more awe and wonder than I can ever remember having about anything. 🙏❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

He’s not wrong! 🙏❤️

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

Hahahaha! I'm just trying for fun. I don't need this to know that wearing a mask isn't good for your health. The fact that we need oxygen to survive tells me that. I have not one time worn one. And have not been sick. I would normally be considered a walking miracle but in this day and age I'm just a anti-masker.😂

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Texas Cowgal to her Publication

You can always try it on someone. That’s what I plan to do as soon as my daughter gets here.

Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Tom Carr to his Publication


Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Charissma _15 to her Publication


Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication


Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I thank God everyday for the people who know the power of tapping into the Wisdom of their ancestors. The ones who know the ending. The ones who stay strong in their faith and don't let others fears drag them into a place of doubt. Men should listen to the women around them trying to guide them. Stop letting their ego take over. There is great power in Wisdom. Wisdom doesn't come from reading, it comes from believing. It's a knowing that all is well that connot be explained. It's putting trust in that which you cannot see but you can feel. War is never the answer. We've been waring for years yet here we are. You will never get to peace through war.
Talk to the God Inside. That's where the answers are.
Stop seeking outside yourselves in books and phrophets.
Write your own book.
Be your own Spiritual Guide.
Our children are watching.

This is a never ending Love story and we wrote the ending at the beginning.❤️
Much Love and Peace to you all.
The best is yet to come!
