Don't vax ever. God gave us bodies with immune systems for a reason.
However, wouldn't it be hilarious if everyone getting the vax was getting the "Trump HCQ Vax"?

Right. Enjoy polio and smallpox. German Measles or Rubella can affect an unborn baby and cause birth defects, both physical and mental. Scarlet Fever can cause your heart to enlarge. Regular vaccines, not RNA vaccines, help the immune system to build up a defense against the disease. A partially or totally dead virus is injected into your system, and your immune system builds antibodies. That is how it's supposed to work. About 30 years ago, the standards got lax. And that is why we have the problems we have now. Big Pharma needs to be held accountable for their lack of high standards.

Seeing is a gift. Make use of it. @Nancy_IRL on X
That would be great but I think the mNRA shots are really being distributed as there are so many adverse reactions being reported. I take HCQ and do not believe adverse reactions are a concern with it. IMO, some are getting the mRNA and our military is getting the HCQ. T or F. IDK. Just and opinion.

Just a guy with passion for making things. On an eternal journey to share truth. Very thankful for our friends in high places. +++
I’m not sure how well known it is, but HCQ decalcifies the body among many other things. If you get people to volintarily decalcify their own pineal glands from all that buildup, they’ll be waking up all on their own and not even realize it. It’s quite genius. No surprise coming from 45.

Southern girl, loves animals, children, Elderly, disabled, & our Vets🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Firm believer in The Plan & permanently blocked by Twitter
Would also exain why they were so against it other than the vaccine being their plan

Patriot trusting the Plan of President Donald J. Trump! I don't want a Revolution, I want a a Reckoning! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #Godwins
Yeah, and come July 4th,
When Biden thinks everyone will be under his FUNVAX spell
with an altered GodGene
in reality everyone is healed and resists!
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I’m a Wife, Mom, Mimzi. God, Family, Country. President Trump is the BEST President ever! God Bless the USA 🇺🇸 In it TOGETHER!
We know of 2 people that went into anaphylactic shock. One survived, the other one didnt. We also know a lady who got Bells Palsy a few days after receiving the vaccine. Once you get BP it stays in your body and surfaces over and over.

I won´t say hilarious but probably !! I said few weeks ago : what if the vax is just a placebo or better ; HCQ : we know that HCQ is the treatment and the vax for coronavirus . And HCQ cures cancer, diabetes..... what if ????

since EUA is exclusively available for a product when an alternate pharmacological treatment is not available, and the efficacy of HCQ/ZPac is known, your theory may not be too far off...

From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, Trump 19th POTUS.
That or a placebo are the only things that make sence coming from POTUS with WHats already having control of big Pharma as their deal for crimes against humanity.
Gates et al showed their plandemic hand years ago. If they have it all they know it all including Hqc zinc ivermectin etc. efficacy.
Just cant see them sitting back and watching first responders, military, police, -our most patriotic and best trained citizens become so immune compromised from the VAX that the next round of any flu type fully comprises or kills them. talk about aiding and abetting the enemy...right?

But what about all of the negative reactions that are happening?

I have thought about that.
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Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
well that is a nice thought - but people are dying (over 3000 in the states alone) - and more are getting injured. a friend of the family got sick on the 2nd jab - her arm swelled up, she was throwing up, fever - for a good week. a family member was fine w/the first jab -#2 he was sick for 2 days. my dear friend has 3 people she knows who got sick including one who has continued neurological damage. she also has 2 friends who had "out of body" like experiences after receiving the vax. this is the one issue causing me the most pause and confusion. normally i am able to put things together w/this plan - but not this one.

dear Lord!
im so sorry! and “out of body” like experiences?? thats so bizarre!! makes me think of gates Funvaxx...
how dreadful
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Don't argue with stupid, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ~Mark Twain 💫IAM a Old Soul 💫 #GodWins✨
For those of you that say it violates informed consent to replace the vax with HCQ, I have just one question, would you rather people be tricked by somethiing good or tricked by something bad? If it's not a good vax then it's bad right? Do you think they are infoming people it's bad? They aren't informing them of anything. They never do. I know, I know, it's extremely hard to think anything good could possibly happen in this shitty situation, but try. For all of Humanity.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
It would be like everything else he has done. Nana isnt taking it either but I wouldnt doubt it or a second,
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One of the older guys in my neighborhood said he felt like he was coming down with the flu but he got better. Can’t remember if it was his first or second shot
However, my near 19-year-old dog (near 133) took some medicine with ivermectin in it upon my insistence and she’s doing quite well!✅🌷🕊💯💯💯🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰🥰

Retired attorney. Conservative. Totally avid Trump supporter.
Ivermectin is typically one of the medications used in heart worm pills for dogs. Got to be careful about dosage, and VERY careful with cats.
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the animals all had a good immune reaction to covid and died when exposed to the common cold. based on what happened to the animals if the vax is mRNA we have a problem.

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌
S LAKE is a Drive down a Brazilian Down Under type Tattoo :)
Send COD Bonzii Tree

Just litto o me tryin to make a difference. I love all God’s amazing critters. Nature is my playground.
do you know that if you are 65+ you get a booster flu shot. WTF

Recently purged from Twitter, was banned from Fb for 2 yrs. #SaveTheChildren #GodWins #TrumpIsMyPresident WWG1WGA
Unfortunately one of my elderly aunts became very ill after the second shot. She had a high fever, chills and other severe flu like symptoms. She is normally healthy and walks a lot to get exercise and even took tai chi classes. She is 82. She is recovering slowly at this point.

my father has dementia and near alzheimer’s..., now over 1 month after 2nd moderna shot and i haven’t seen him this good in over a year.,, for a second i thought it was the cure.., now well....,,

Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
i would read the book "Hemp Oil A - Z" for dementia & ALZHEIMERS. It "REGENERATES NERVE CELLS." GOD HEAL your Dad in Jesus' Name. Amen.

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Maybe its Trumps good vaccine.
Makes sense, trump infiltrated all the vax companies with a dose of hydroxychloroquine.

God fearing wife and mother of five grandmother of one princess. I love my country and Trump. #GODWINS #SAVETHECHILDREN
That's my hope because I have family and friends that took it. I'm actually shocked at all the people taking it.

Throw Us to the Wolves if you will, We'll Come Back Leading the Pack!
im gonna have to say i know alot of people in my town that have gotten the vax and no reports of deaths or side effects...However im still not getting the vax! Population 10 thousandish this southern part of Georgia. I have friends that are RN,PA and they have taken them... but Im like to each their own!

Wife, MOM, patriot... Nurse! #wwg1wga RIP-Sgt. CST USMC (operation Iraqi Freedom) ❤️
im a nurse in way in hell am I getting the vax!

Just litto o me tryin to make a difference. I love all God’s amazing critters. Nature is my playground.
i alwsys hoped that the bad shit was swaped out for good stuff. but i know 2 people that got sick after the first shot. one violent reaction. both ypung healthy peeps. I am strongly opposed to any vax. I had a viloent reaction to my first vax in the 50s and never had another vax until a flu shot a couple years ago. had a bad case of the flu that year snd wont ever do it agsin. I profess natural aids and clean living to ward off disease
so confused on all the mixed messages. not sure why from Trump

Throw Us to the Wolves if you will, We'll Come Back Leading the Pack!
some of them said they got sick like they had the flu...but it got better. I dont know Ive never had a flu shot or the Flu either.

That would violate the principle of informed consent. Well intended or not, beneficial or not, it would not be right. I don't find humor in tricking people. People need to be given accurate, truthful information in order to make wise decisions.

The vaccine is still in experimental stage until sometime in 2023. You either get the vaccine or a placebo, it's not your choice.

Ive though about that or just a flu vaccine

Where's this line forming? BTW it's OTC in .MX.....go figure...