Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Plenty of women get offended when you tell them they should think twice about promoting white rabbits and easter egg hunts together with the ressurection of Jesus Christ.
The depth of the brainwashing is pretty deep.
It's hard to truly wake up.
People don’t understand that we helped them to create this sick society we live in by going along with this nonsense. It’s because they don’t know their own power. They use this evil crap, convince you that it’s good, so you will gladly participate in it. THEY know how powerful humans are so they use that knowledge against us and we merrily co create for them. WE have helped them with our own dimise. And now instead of owning it we want to justify why it’s “ok” to carry on.
Again, all you have to do is look at who benefits most from these holiday “traditions”. It’s only ever been about distruction of everything that is good and money for these people. They laugh all the way to the bank!!