D. R. Lane
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Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Everyone I know (except for 3 people and one doesn't think) believe Fauci and Birx are Gil Bates' puppets. I don't believe a word either one says and will never understand why they were allowed access to my POTUS or allowed to set the tone. I'm sure POTUS had and has his reasons, just can't fathom what they are, have been nor why he's pro "his" vaccine now. And then there's the children, Ever Given and Evergreen...good golly, miss molly!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Me too, ,but first, think maybe I'd better find some of that "ever clear" to help lessen the weird. Won't be easy because it was supposedly banned in CA, years ago - the ever clear not the weird 😁

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Already there :*) Thx

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Trust what God has told us it is

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Ya know, even your driver's license makes you stipulate if you wear glasses. to correct your vision You birth gender is also stipulated; hence, if you CHOOSE to change your gender, that should be stipulated. Problem solved.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Thanks for sharing! This MUST get to all!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
🙏❣️Agree and best not to argue with those who will not see. All who are thinking realize even their thoughts make ripples. Stay strong and stand firm. God always wins.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Oh! Well! If snopes claims it's fake....I'd stake my reputation on it being true. Best verification one could need.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
IMO, it was a classic FF and she is no more dead than you or I. My final takeaway on this came from listening to her husband who was being interviewed and asked what happened. He responded that she left for Washington DC, alone, to support POTUS and 'she just had to go" and she was shot and she died. My gut at the time said, Wow, was he glad to be rid of her or what? He was just so matter-of-fact, unemotional about his wife having been killed, seemingly 'so what' with it, that it stuck in my mind as ODD. Later, after seeing the video playbacks, my initial take was validated. The other thing I couldn't put together was how a Trump supporter would allow his wife to go to DC without him - didn't make sense. But now, learing she was ex-military and because we've all learned the whole thing was pre-planned by Piglosi.....WTH & pthpthpthpth...(that's a Bronx cheer in print). 🤪 Pretty arned SOTS!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
'god of chaos' Might that be referring to Shiva, the god of Destruction and Chaos? They have this huge sculpture representing Shiva out in front of the newish CERN Halon Colider in Europe, which I find odd and disturbing.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
😄Back in 95, I had my first flu shot and was sicker than a dog from early December thru late January. I vowed never to get one again. Anyway, IMO, what should NOT be done is treat for something you don't have, wearing masks outdoors, in car or at home, staying indoors or living in fear. I know if I eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest, fresh air and sunshine, all will be fine. For everything else, there's Hydroxy + Zinc and a great report on that by Simone Gold, M.D., Frontline American Doctors. Blessings and good health to all☺️

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
That's my take on it too with all her minions doing their utmost to make it seem real, and GS paying the crisis actors based on their acting skills.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
What's so darned maddening is that Patriots know this - no mistake after watching the full videos and connecting the dots - but we never hear it mentioned in the MSM or even in the faux trial, net even by POTUS' defense.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
When I try to access the article, McAfee says site is unsafe...

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Even our votes are irrelevant

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
In CALI, we worry about CPS, Amber Alert, all so-called children's charities and foundations, ... as well as the citizen criminalities that are everywhere preying on our kids.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
OMGod in Heaven! This guy, if convicted, needs the DP!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
That's exactly why it's all so disturbing. We do know there is No Way he didn't anticipate, and yet, it seems so overwhelmingly impossible to contain. But, I'm hanging in there, getting so danged angry at these POSs!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
🙏What a GLORIOUS DAY that will be!

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
😇🙏Even when undeniably proven and I-Told-You-So worthy, some of my family & friends will still STH at my obvious and see-this-just-confirms-it insanity...please pray that God will open their eyes and the hearts of all who are lost. Thank you.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
It certainly appears she's had some of that chrome...much younger looking and not as haggard.....BUT, she does have Pedowood at her beck and call, so we all know the magic can be worked.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Can't remember, but Ialways think what's the mask hiding...it doesn't look like her.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
THAT would be Biblical - I'd watch for that

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
I pray daily & hold faith that God hears and answers prayers, mine included.

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
That can't b fauci (lower right) he's way too tall

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Good one

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
How positively Christian of them

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
Always thought Billybob acted afraid of her...I believe she is capable of ANYTHING

Those who know me, know me. Here to support POTUS + stay informed. Love God, USA, family, dogs. IFQ + FB all patriots. MAGA
😁OMG! LMAO! You made my day! Thank you!