Clueless Joe
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American/Georgian... Fight

No Coincidences. "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." - John F. Kennedy #TheGreatAwakening

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Still call my folks about every other weekend, but always just small talk. They don't want me going off again about all of this, which is fine. I believe what I believe, they believe what they believe. Saddens me to see them that way, but they are very old and don't want to think objectively, they want to just believe what they see on TV, it is comfortable for them that way. One day, they will see that I was right, hopefully.
Even if we don't agree with our family members on the red/blue, we are still family, and everyone would do well to remember that. I get the temptation to write them off, but unless they have done it to you first, I wouldn't recommend crossing that bridge first. That's the beauty of free will, you don't all have to think alike.

If you're concerned about your reputation being right with family and friends at this point, the blue pill might be a better choice for you.

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

anyone else feeling more at peace lately? maybe when we're all at peace will be the time we're ready

(C)alm (D)own and breath

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
I have a 'story' that you should know about...
A young man, messaged me about my caps, telling me he was on a 'college allowance' and could not direct his funds from the things he needed, but wanted to thank me for my efforts to move our Country forward.
My response?
"Brother, I do not need your money, I need your mouth"
Going on to explain that Patriots from around the globe send 'extra' at times, and this makes me a 'free person' to send out caps as a 'gift of Patriots'.
We chatted, me giving him some insights as to how to start conversations with people that do not know what we have been blessed to learn, and how to educate our 'sleepy' brothers and sisters.
I mailed him a cap and lots of Q gear, and now....
We have one more Soldier in our Army.
THIS is what you do, you may not know it always....
But I wanted to make sure, on this day... you did.
Bravo everyone, Bravo

There’s no quantifying the bravery of our Military
They go into D.U.M.B.s 6+ miles deep
with courageous Multi-Purpose canines
—the strongest & gutsiest of dogs
They burn out the Kuru disease
that could kill them
(Kuru comes from cannibalism)
They avoid lasers
that could evaporate them
They become disorientated
at that depth
They get into firefights with whatever demons
are in the tunnels
They confront evil, filth, depravity & horror
They rescue the children
trafficked women
seize the gold, documents, Art, etc.
Then blow up the tunnels
all are healed with Med Beds
a Godsend tech
for these angelic souls
God bless every Soldier X ∞ 🐾🐾

So Trump knew all about the pedophiles and Hollywood elites and did nothing. Lol. He knew all about the voter fraud and dominion years in advance but didn't catch them? Laughable. He knew about the corrupt FED, Vatican, and Royal Family and did nothing? Funny. You obviously don't know Trump very well. You may want to start with Saudi sword dance.

Anyone have Robert Kennedys statement on the vaccine? My uncle is making his daughter take the vaccine

Does anyone have a running list of resignations/ deaths of ceos and important ppl? I'm trying to red pill my dad

for anyone that's struggling to reach the finish line like myself. remember this isnt about you or me. this is about saving children and the world from evil. so get your head out of your ass and keep pushing ahead

I love every one of you, and all of you have a God-given purpose. Do not bend, do not break, and do not bend the knee. Fight Back!
Brady just happened to win with the number 12 on his jersey 21. His team name is the Buccaneers. The Buccaneers were freedom sailors (think White Squall), and their logo with a skull (think punisher.) The Weeknd's performance was not Satanic, but it was shining truth. Everyone was wearing Red Coats, think Coats before DECLAS. We are watching a movie! Do not think everything dark or obscure like the reaper is "Satanic," as we need darkness to see the light. BOOM.

gamestop knocked over the first domino. Now the whole temple will collapse on itself with each passing day

hello frens