Clearly Patriotic
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Canadian Patriot

Sorry for my slow response back to you. i actually didnt see it until niw, as i went from using cellular signal on my phone (which was garbage ofc) to now having starlink.
It wasnt long after being fully jabbed and boosted, that she acquired the turbo cancer and was gone. Exact time frame (although hard to tell for sure), would have been maybe a year at best.

Since writing my above response, I happened to have come across some very interesting information with regards to Betelgeuse, which sits up in the sky in Orion. Search Betelgeuse in telegram as there definitely something huge (regarding demons) thats being kept from us.

Hey Im here as an ear, if you need to sorry you’re going through a difficult time. 💝

Just wish people would wske up to this! Its global and dont kid yourself, its right in your own backyard.

😳😨😱😱😱😱 Wow!!! Strangely enough, my old neighbour back in Ontario recently had shingles and she is vax’ed and boosted also. The same with my family and my husband’s..all vaxed and boosted and it doesnt matter what you tell them..they just think you’re a craxy conspiracy nut 🤦🏻♀️

The younger ones here are generally only here specifically to attend collage or university and are indoctrinated liberals.

I believe it’s the same as across the country. Cities and towns are full of liberals and those who are awake tend to live outside of them. Problem with Nova Scotia is the population is only just surpassing 1 million ppl, with the majority of those being seniors who still watch their tv’s for news and believe the government is there to help them..

This is my province and they can go fook themselves as far as I’m concerned but there are many seniors here still asleep unfortunately 😭

She went to the ER with a sore back and was dead within 10 days!

Thank you. We suspected it was from the vax bevore they coined it “turbo cancer”. She was healthy as can be before the shots, iin fact, she loved to run long distance throughout downtown Toronto, and would often map it out for family to follow her route online.

We lost a niece to turbo cancer. She worked in the medical field and was fully vax’ed and boosted as it was required for her job 😭

Of course! Anything and everything to help kill us all off. All part if the plan.

Thank you Julie all the have been most helpful. 💝

I've read the Book of Enoch, and know that the stars are affixed in the firmament. From reading Martin Geddes telegram understanding is there’s a star port called Betelgeuse and i do know from the books I’ve read, us humans (Adam & Eve) are definitely not from there but were created by the most High,simply to tend to his garden of eden…that is until they sinned and were placed down here on earth as per the books of Adam & Eve,The book of Enoch and the Bible. So what I’m understanding its the fallen ones who are communicating through Betelgeuse.(?)

Here’s another tweet from the Canadian Crime Minister that has the same thing as VK’s tweet; saying it was sent “from Earth”. Is this just a new psyop of the bird..or is there something else going on? Have white hats or patriots been communicating with AI up in Betelgeuse? From my understanding its all evil entities or energy up there that the bloodlines communicate with..🤔 As you can tell, I’m still so confused 🙈😅

i just spent the day on telegram reading up on It and all i can say is..😱😱😱😱
so…basically..VK is ai? am i reading things right?

Betelgeuse is a star…he can’t possibly be on it…so where else could he be then? 🤔 I’m so confused 🙈😅

what is Betelgeuse? hmmm …🤔 i think i now have some homework to do today 🤓

Trudeau was selected, not elected. Electionshave been rigged for him all along. Trudeau wasn’t even experienced enough to run a Tim Hortons coffeeshop, let alone leader of a major political party or leader of a country.

I wonder who the soldier is in that iconic photo, and if he’s still alive today? Was he truly a soldier or just another Fed boi or CIA shill? 🤔

lol I’d never earn my pepe badge then, cause i cant load the newer version. I live rural and only have use of my cell phone unless i want to pay astronomical amounts of monthly moola for starlink. 😞☹️