Christian Patriot News
@ChristianPatriotNewsNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Consider watching the video. It will likely contain the answer to your question.

At the beginning of the year, the world was shocked to learn that Saudi Arabia was willing to engage in discussions regarding trade conducted in currencies beyond the confines of the U.S. dollar.
Buy the ticket, and take the ride.

@jimbo0566 Thanks for sharing my work. An average Show is a 30-hour time investment. I have difficulty with hot links too, especially here on Anon Up for some reason. I appreciate your effort.

Here's today's Show, repackaged on Before It's News, where I can stack five shows on the same page. Check it out!
Q: The Greatest Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All-Time! The Plan From A to Z! The Basics: 101 Made Simple & Easy to Understand

Consider Q drop 1170.
A 4-year delta today, the 17th.
Check out this U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division tweet 🤔
17 dots.
Followed by 4 BOOMS.
I broke this down in my latest Update:
Let's see what happens...

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Is there any chance you might help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Is there any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Any chance you could help me share my latest video Update?
In my opinion, it's my best so far.
Brand New Q Drops! The Next 21 Days Will Be Historic! BIG BIG Happenings! Time To Wake Up The Masses!

Please check out my latest. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Epic Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

Ha! Understood, good Sir. God Bless you! ~Christian

I work very hard creating video updates on a regular basis.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Gab. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Epic Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I continue to work very hard creating video updates on a regular basis.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Gab. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Epic Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I continue to work very hard creating video updates on a regular basis.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Gab. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Epic Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I work very hard creating video updates as a Digital Soldier in this information war.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
EPIC Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I work very hard creating video updates as a Digital Soldier in this information war.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
EPIC Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I work very hard creating video updates as a Digital Soldier in this information war.
Please check out my latest. You will see my quality of work in the first few minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
EPIC Q Deltas! Prepare For The Storm! Durham Update: Clinton/Obama/Biden Racketeering/RICO Charges! Judgement Day Coming! Got Popcorn?

I work very hard every day making videos like this. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Indictments Arrests & Prosecutions Happening Worldwide! No Escape. No Deals! Are You Ready?

I work very hard every day making videos like this. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Indictments Arrests & Prosecutions Happening Worldwide! No Escape. No Deals! Are You Ready?

Mr. Deeds,
I work very hard every day making videos like this. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Indictments Arrests & Prosecutions Happening Worldwide! No Escape. No Deals! Are You Ready?

I work very hard every day making videos like this. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Indictments Arrests & Prosecutions Happening Worldwide! No Escape. No Deals! Are You Ready?

Please check out my latest video. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
To Be Blunt... GAME OVER! Nobody Walks Away From This! Something Big Is Coming! Buckle Up!

Mr. Deeds,
Please check out my latest video. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
To Be Blunt... GAME OVER! Nobody Walks Away From This! Something Big Is Coming! Buckle Up!

Please check out my latest video. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
To Be Blunt... GAME OVER! Nobody Walks Away From This! Something Big Is Coming! Buckle Up!

I work very hard every day making videos. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
To Be Blunt... GAME OVER! Nobody Walks Away From This! Something Big Is Coming! Buckle Up!

I work very hard every day making content like this. Please check me out. You will see my quality of work in the first several minutes. Unlike you, tho, I'm still growing here on Anon Up. Please consider watching, and if you like my work, please consider sharing.
God bless you!
Here's my weekend Show...
Indictments Unsealed Worldwide On National TV! The Justice Phase! No Mercy. No Deals!