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Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

If this was purely concerning only the world we can see… you’d be right. Gluttons for punishment with no higher purpose.

But as we know the main battle is spiritual and the furnace we are in is a refining fire.

It wouldn’t be working if it wasn’t making us sweat, figuratively speaking.

I have no idea how I’ll function when this is over. May have to get all my AU frens to come up with some way to turn off my F/ F response. Think I’m stuck in vigilance mode.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Joey, I have posted about how too many people are suffering, dying, and the white hats are taking too long - you made fun of me and gave me a hard time :(

I think everyone will reache this point, where we realize we've been lied to - I don't think things are 'over' like we're being told, or that the white hats are in charge, or that what top players on AU and other platforms tell us is true. I think most of what we're told is distractions. To what reason I don't know - to prevent us from rising up and fighting back, so we play along and are captured in the end because what we've been told is all lies? Whether they want us to keep quiet while they try to run things - but we never see real progress. The little bits we do see could just happen on their own, without any white hat involvement - but 'they' lay claim to it and boost it up and keep people distracted constantly. They guilt us too.

I don't know. But I think you've reached a point like me that it isn't making sense now...

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

I think the whole white hat thing is psyop created by the cabal to keep we the people pacified from actually doing anything but wait for someone to save us, and yea thats not gonna happen. If we rise up armed to teeth [they] know we could mop up this mess in no time. And Trump keeps pushing 2024 election crap, well in another 1.5 years America will be a dustbowl of no return. Everyday that goes by as we sit we lose and the cabal gains ground. People have only switched one matrix for another.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication


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Prayer Warrior, Grammy, Q & the Word of God! 🇺🇸Donald J Trump is STILL the President!!🇺🇸 #MAGA #MIGA #JerusalemUndivided

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Yes! And my husband now has some kind of blood cancer, he's unvaxxed, done everything right. WE are collateral damage, lose the 'few' for the good of the many. But every single one of those lost have people who loved them, and who will grieve for the rest of their lives, knowing that there are MedBeds which are not being released....😓

#WWG1WGA #digitalsoldier #GodWins #KAG #Qarmy #TheBestisYettoCome #1776 #Theearthisa HORIZONTALplane,ishallNOTbeMOVED No DM replies!

In response Spirit & Truth to her Publication

Yes... 😢 It is sad... AND evil... for there to be cures unreleased. Man playing GOD. Sending prayers..... 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Just trying to be ready so that I can be the rock for my husband that he has been for me. Sending prayers & high vibes to all🙏🙌. WWG1WGA

In response Spirit & Truth to her Publication


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QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

I’m with ya Joey. I am always on the verge of breakdown these days. So close to losing my home and my basic needs due to not being able to afford these things. My daughter went from working two jobs and healthy to constant pain, depression and hopelessness. She is not jabbed but something changed with her in January of 2021. It’s like she quit trying. I hear good things happening behind the scenes but nothing good before our eyes.. I’m tired of trying wake people as nothing I do seems to be the spark. How much longer must this go on..? The optimistic waiting.. Many of us are at a loss and it seems our voices are not heard. Actions speak louder than words.. I hear a lot of things but see very little useful action. I pray non stop all day every day.. Maybe I am not a chosen one.. therefore I suffer. I can’t go on like this anymore either.. they need to shit or get off the pot as my grandma would say.

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In response Weinerdog - WWG1WGA to her Publication

I'm sorry to hear your monetary situation is dire. Do you need financial aid?

Seeing it here from the North:
* US three letter agencies have lost credibility
* US gov organizations have lost credibility
* US media is reporting massive viewership losses
* Banking sector is in the process of collapsing
* Two Israeli MPs proposing jail sentences for spreading Christianity is (I guess) related to "saving Israel for the last".

I don't think we are supposed to try to wake everybody, but to drop crumbs and information when we can. The Show will take care of waking up the majority.

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Patriot 🇺🇸 President Trump ❤️ God saved my life and Jesus is the way 🙏 I stand up for truth, justice and freedom #wwg1wga

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

GOD is the only way through
I understand because I get those moments and then I look at my cross in the kitchen and say “Eyes on You JESUS”

I started doing this little trick to pull me out of “it” I stop and close my eyes right hand over my heart left hand on belly
Breathe in
Start by saying something you feel around you that you are grateful for

Example”I am grateful for this floor and legs to hold me up and being healthy enough to stand. I am grateful for the roof over my head when so many have had theirs destroyed last night. I am grateful for ears to hear the sound of birds telling me it’s Spring and to hear the sound of people who love their country cheering for hope while listening to President Trump” etc.

I do that until I feel gratitude and warmth in my heart chakra open up
Sending you love, Light and GOD’s peace 🙏❤️

Trump, Q, Deplorable, WWG1WGA, God wins, Save the CHILDREN!

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

[THEY] want us to give up. D O N " T

Trump, Q, Deplorable, WWG1WGA, God wins, Save the CHILDREN!

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Joey, we break this by vining high. Do not F ing quit now, you got this. I do not know when but keep on keeping. I am alone with one woke friend. GOD CHOOSE US!!!! DO NOT TAKE THAT LIGHTLY!

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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Joey all I can say is, me too... Been alone (really alone) for nearly 3 years now.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

I have recently often wondered if this complete reversal is even possible on this earthly plane. Even if money is switched are only those that bought xrp going to be rich? What about those of us who lost everything? Will people who lost their family homes regain them? Will children suddenly forget their woke indoctrination? I am not a black piller but why wreck the front lines of the movement? Some days I feel I don't belong here anymore

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🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.

In response Time Travel to his Publication

No one gets left behind.

The last will be first and the first will be last.

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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

😄🔥💥💗💗🙏🙏love each and everyone of you great souls...hang in there...God's timing...God is with us and will guide us...have a great saturday

FJB .......Trump is my President

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

I think God picked the strongest ones to be awake at this time , things are going to change hopefully soon . We can’t let God down he is fighting for us . 🙏🙏🙏

❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. 😘 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Keep sharing. Thank you and Bless you - it helps keep us all connected

I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

You are not alone Joey. My immediate family is struggling so much to keep it all together but my family of origin seems so far away emotionally. It even hurts to be around them because they truly feel like they are on a different planet and I struggle to reconnect. I think my line will always be what I heard my dying father say to someone unseen. He kept saying that he didn't understand. That is me, I will never understand the whole purpose of why we were given people to love & care for & then the loss of them no matter whether we lose them to death or a situation like the one we are living. Why do we need to experience the pain of loss to celebrate the feeling of connection and unity in spirit? It seems so cruel to have even a dog that fills us with the unconditional love of GOD & then have to suffer that pain of loss. I pray for an end to this struggle. To say that the BEST is yet to Come & then wait for 6 years while everyone else is enjoying the last 6 years is difficult at best.

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In response Hope Always888 to her Publication


I don't have any cheery canned answers. Just reaching out to you that you might know that you aren't alone in your pain and confusion.

2024 is too far away and it would probably only be another stolen election. Something has to give sooner, while we still have mobility and food.

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I got a man. Not here to date. No DM’s. Sad that I even need to write this.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication


Strange sync. I also had my “lost” child come to me in a dream last night.

It was odd in that, it had to do with something that I left with him opening portals.

It was brief and had me wanting to go back to sleep to recapture his presence.

Just interesting to hear that someone else was in that space as well.

Now I wonder if there are others.

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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

They have waited much too long and neglected the morale of their troops.

We matter too, and this seems to have been forgotten.

This is a lot to bare.

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MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.

In response FightingIrishman to his Publication

# endthemovienow!

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The Best is yet to come. God Wins! Save Our Children. Matthew 7:12

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication


In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication


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The Best is yet to come. God Wins! Save Our Children. Matthew 7:12

In response Sandrine --- to her Publication


God is everything, literally. Blessed, married, mom x2, ❤️USA, Trump, military, patriots ,MAGA. 🤬 pedos commies & traitors of ALL stripes

In response Sandrine --- to her Publication

Praying for all who share your plight.
I thank God I didn’t know how long and arduous this journey would be but I know I’ll never stop believing that the best is yet to come. God doesn’t make empty promises and neither does Trump. In the meantime I ask that God pour out His blessings on those who suffer in silence. 🙏❤️🙏

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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication


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In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to her Publication


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In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

sending you love Joey.⚡❤️
you ground me.
i pray you have a peaceful day today with no stress❤️

i pray we get to live in the same community together and eat meals together in 2023. i look forward to those days...❤️🙏

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